How is a Mario game so fucking hard? I thought children were supposed to play this, some levels take me 50+ lives

How is a Mario game so fucking hard? I thought children were supposed to play this, some levels take me 50+ lives.

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Top Secret Area. Bring a cape to the first ghost house.

SMB3 and SMB Lost Levels are harder

I think the problem you are having is due to your lack of good. Perhaps you should get some. Super Mario World is lemon squeezy, m8.

I think you're just shit, Unless all of these some levels are in the final world

Can someone bait a thread competently for me? This teenage shit isn't doing it for me anymore

Unless you're playing Tubular you have a serious case of git gud.

I feel your pain, this game has trash physics. Mario 3 was slippery and floaty too but somehow not as annoying

I'm not even to Chocolate Town or whatever its called

What's the level that you're losing so much then?

Mario 3 was way harder

Really nigga? Just bring a cape and fly over the level if it's so hard
Besides, everyone knows that the hardest mainline 2D Mario is New Super Mario Bros Wii U

Not even close. It's SMB3 if we're not counting 2J.

True, but it's one of my all time favorite games.

Roy's Castle, almost every level of Forest of Illusion, One of the Vanilla Dome's took me for fucking ever, there's just a bunch of difficult levels. I admit I suck.

that's like the easiest mario game

If this isn't actually an epic haha comedy thread, what levels specifically are you having trouble on?

That kind of difficulty used to be the norm.

You can spinjump on lots of stuff
Also don't bother doing Tubular legit, cheese it with cape and blue yoshi

You should play Kirby's Epic Yarn, I'd say it's just a tiny bit easier than this.

SMB3 aint easy but the levels are so short that I maintain NSMBWiiU is more difficult because it requires you to play well for much longer periods of time




Spin jump is your friend, get used to use that instead of the normal jump.
You can't die on Epic Yarn but trying to get the 100% is certainly more difficult than Mario World

NSMBU is fucking easy as shit, though. Maybe Luigi U, but NSMBU is pretty damn effortless.

Play more patient my man, try to take obstacles one at a time and think about the safest way to get passed them.

Also the game probably only mentions it like once in an info box but enemies that you die from jumping on can usually be bounced off safely with a spin jump, and that shit is infinitely useful.

underrated post

>fucking up the easiest 2D Mario

>Spin jump is your friend
I'll try that, I rarely use it.
Thanks for the tips. I'll keep them in mind.

Agreed. NSMBU caught me off guard with how difficult some parts were.

People like OP make me realize why gaming is dead and why Nu-Mario and Neotendo exist

>forgetting lost levels

I really don't agree, especially if you go for all the star coins. Unless of course you cheese every level with flying powerups from other courses, then the game is easy

>Luigi U
I regret buying this so much. The fucking sliding all over the place at all times is so annoying.

Oh shit I did forget about lost levels, that actually is probably the hardest 2d mario (and if you count that, #2 is probably VS Super Mario Bros)

>b-but he can jump higher!
Mario will always be superior to Luigi because of this reason

Everything looked so comfy back then. Where did it all go so wrong?

>traveling 1000 miles to get a copy of Super Mario Bros 2
Man, I hope he liked it

git gud user. it's the easiest of the old school 2D marios. if this game is giving you shit I'd hate to see you try dkc.

For clarity, enemies you can spin jump off of safely include some very non-enemy seeming obstacles, like grinders (the buzzsaws in some castles) and fireballs that jump from lava. Pretty much anything with an animated sprite that deals damage to Mario can be spin jumped on safely.

Exception is pic related, which is technically a foreground object and not a sprite

1. get to the first level in the forest and get to the halfway marker
2. get the star out of the block and run through all the enemies
4. end up getting 20-24ups every time
5. start select, reenter at halfway and repeat

you're welcome

Yoshi can walk across those fuckers, because Yoshi has diamond shoes: strongest metal known to man

Nice, just did this and ended up getting 7 on my first try. I normally don't like 'cheating' but this will be a big time saver. Thanks

Actually they're made of Dragonfource.

you have a few seconds to spare after the music stops and you quit blinking. try to get to the yellow catipillars they give you 2up each. infact I would just keep running until one hits you and kills you cause you always make it with 20 lives or so if you do it right. don't double back and try to get the guys flying under the log just go forward. I don't really think it's cheating either. you are definitely going to want 99stock the first time you get to star road and even bowser world.

I dunno.

I don't know what kind of mentality you posters have, coming on to Sup Forums to bitch about how difficult some easy kid's game is.

just hit the block when you see it turn to feather.

also go to the first ghost house with the cape and fly up to the left if you haven't left. this area will be super helpful for powerups.

Serious question. Is this your first time ever playing a video game?

Thanks, glad I made this thread, these will definitely ease the annoyance of having to go back ~2 levels every Game Over
No, I'm not saying it's the hardest thing ever, it's just my first time playing this game and I didn't expect it to be as difficult as it is.

>it's just my first time playing this game and I didn't expect it to be as difficult as it is.
What platform are you playing on? You've probably got some input lag making the game artificially harder. Unless you're playing on real hardware with a CRT TV you're essentially handicapped.