Death Stranding=MGS?


If you have a different opinion post it.
If the winning opinion still turns out to be wrong, you are never allowed to post on Sup Forums ever again.

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fuck off

anyone that chooses "Its not connected to MGS in any way at all." is setting themselves up for failure, the fucking quantum equations and concept art already allude to a slight connection. Im not saying its an MGS, but there are already cannon connections, you people are drinking the Sup Forums haterade too much.


I think you autists need to get a life and move on. I'm being serious. It's not funny anymore.

Results not going the way you want huh? Sad!

they are actually
you are still a faggot

Shit options. The closest one to my view is the spiritual successor one. It's a new series with similar themes by virtue of it being a Kojima game.

Caring excessively about what others think or do is a clear sign of autism.

All its going to do is make you and your shitty kind be exiled from Sup Forums so win/win I guess.

>gets assblasted in previous thread about lack of evidence for retarded theory
>makes a new thread to further cement the fact that he is an emotional manchild
Like pottery.

do you really think anyone is going to leave?
its an anonymous image board you retarded faggot

>falling for his ruse

You're an insufferable little bitch, I bet you've lost every fight you've ever been in.


The term is like poetry.
I know very well you self hating faggotshits will just hop on board whatever is the popular opinion.

I have a feeling it's just an iteration of PT. PT was the pilot/demo. The ProtoType, have you. Watch this game be incredibly similar.

the game is just what silent hills was going to be
that was abundantly clear from the beginning

>not getting the joke

I literally just heard about this game so I was giving my rough opinion from what I've found and what I already know.

And with that, OP is p. autistic.

Eyes on Kazuhira.

This game is going to be an action game similar to Uncharted, PT was a minimalist horror game. They couldn't be further separated, you idiots are the autists.

how do you know its gonna be an action game?
plus PT wasnt actually going to be what silent hills was gonna be

Because Kojima himself already said it would be.

Also are you implying that Silent Hills was planned to be anything other than a horror game similar to the previous ones?

I'm not saying your wrong but can you give me a citations
and no
I just said that silent hills =/= PT
it says that at the end of PT

It already reuses concept art, ideas, themes, actors. Seriously you shitters are setting yourselves up for failure, I don't really care though, this place will improve immensely without you idiots ignoring obvious shit for the sake of shitposting.

Those Low Roar music videos are nice and all but when are we going to get some actual gameplay?

Come on man the game has tactical shit and guns and special ops units. Its not going to be some hallway walking horror game.

so did kojima say it or is this baseless assumption?

He made an explicit statement that it would be a quasi action game about connections between people. Its not baseless assumption, I have no reason to lie to you here.

then show it to me

Is this the next pathetic attempt by Chapter 3 shitters? The dream is dead, fuck off.

You better not be the same faggot or part of the group of faggots who insist on asking for sources on every single fucking thing are you?

no you tranny go back to Sup Forums

Not even the faggot you're referencing but fuck you and make me.

I wasn't any of the guys you replied to, but thanks

I have a feeling you are, your prissy "then show me" response reeks of the Sup Forums self hating smugness.

if you dont show a source no one is going to believe you

The only thing this thread has proven to me is that those who believe its connected to MGS are not the smallest minority and a bunch of shitposters might be forced to never post ever again.

Awesome, best timeline.

no one is going to abide by your rules op
on top of that a majority doesnt believe its connected to MGS
>Kojima's Death Stranding is an open-world action game that will connect players
Kojima's Death Stranding is an open-world action game that will connect players
>Kojima's Death Stranding is an open-world action game that will connect players
Kojima's Death Stranding is an open-world action game that will connect players
>Kojima's Death Stranding is an open-world action game that will connect players

Read faggot, also try researching shit yourself.

you guys are so desperate

I already read it
I was calling you a faggot for complaining that you have to put in work and show proof

All Death Stranding is is finally a reason to buy a PS4.

Only half of those people are actually serious, a small portion are resetting their IP because their asshurt Sup Forumsirgins and another significant portion are just going along with whatever is being screamed the loudest. You have the current greatest pull, cool. Doesn't change the fact that all of you might be no worse than FIB after all of this is over. You all scream how autistic he is(he really is, no denying that), but christ you idiots are just as bad in your own shitty "everything sucks and no one can have fun" piss and vinegar pity parties.

no one is going to leave

I love how you can't directly attack my opinion so you attack my confidence. Does it scare you to be wrong? I've thought long and hard I could be wrong, it doesn't really bother me. People are wrong all the time, the only difference is I don't treat it like some personal loss like you self projecting fags.

This might be the saddest post I've read all day.

>he thinks Death Stranding isn't going to get delayed to the PS5

I know, but deep inside you tools will know you are wrong, and thats enough for me.

I don't think I'm wrong. I haven't seen anything to prove I'm wrong.

Im highly inclined to believe you're being grossly over exaggerative. There were posts by people thinking the new v game is a fucking suckerpunch game, you Sup Forumstards are all missing a few chromosomes.

So you're just a shitter and are too lazy to do any research yourself? Yeah I agree, 100%.

you are in such denial that people believe its not tied to metal gear that you think people are spamming the poll

I've seen more than enough, and I personally don't care what you think.

well burden of proof lies on you. If you can't show me then I'm just assuming that you are just making shit up.

You're so autistic you can't even think for a second that Konami sees huge potential in licensing the series on a project by project basis to Sony and make shitloads of cash

People spam polls all the time, this is fucking Sup Forums, the worst board on Sup Forums where every neckbeard autist is completely uncomfortable with other people liking or believing things they dont.

I already did faggot, its your turn.

Kojima would describe all of his previous MG games as action games because that is what they are. He only said that players familiar with UC will be familiar with this game. That could honestly mean anything since Kojima himself will just say shit. The best example being how people would feel guilty about quiet

thats an insane amount of denial there

Fuck off newfag. We used to never tolerate spoonfeeding

you actually havent but i mean if you really want me to believe its not metal gear you are doing a pretty fine job there

Tell me, what do I actually have to gain by lying to you? Do you think I get off on this? Do you think this is some fantasy Im trying to project onto others? I don't give even a single shit if you don't believe what Im saying, I just think its dumb you faggots keep your heads stuck in the sand and are unwilling to think outside the box even a little.

I don't know how anyone could honestly believe it's not tied to mgs. It's so obvious that madds character is Chico grown up

what other reason is there to force your terrible theories?
you just want people to praise you for this amazing idea that might (but probably wont) be right
the moment anyone brings up a flaw with your arguements you start crying like a baby about how much of a terrible place this is and start throwing any random insult like "bandwagon" and shit

>he thinks Kojima parted ways with Konami in good spirits

I fucking showed you a quote from the man himself debate internally if you wish to interpet his words differently I don't fucking care.

Its really not, but again I don't really give a shit what a little faggotbitch like you thinks. Go get fucked by your father.

Wooden Cog Hollow

this is just depressing
really it is
its amazing how you constantly spout how terrible this site is even though you are everything wrong with it

I have actually, I posted a link. Thats already more than anything you have done.
Because its more interesting conversation than your gay circlejerks you shit up about kojima being a hack or konami being in the right or DS being a colossal failure. I don't care if you don't like Kojima, DS or every MGS game ever made, all Im doing is pointing out real connections here, whether you follow them or not is your own prerogative. You're literally getting angry about being forced to think things that make you uncomfortable. So far I haven't seen any definitive proof its one thing or the other, just denial and shitposting.

They didn't, but its retarded for them to not discuss the future of joint IPs. Its all retarded to think Kojima, a man who refers to MGS as his baby, to not try even a little to get some deal set up.

I love kojima and the metal gear serious actually
I just think you are retarded to believe that this is another metal gear game
on top of that you havent provided any evidence saying its metal gear out side of a link that doesnt even so much as imply it

mother fucker he's been wanting to not work on metal gears since 2
if there is any silver lining here its that kojima can finally do what he wants to do

Shitheads like you that actively discourage conversation are why Sup Forums is terrible.

because they say things you dont want to hear right?
because even though you keep using bandwagon as an insult what you actually want is for everyone to jump in your bandwagon right?

And he says that it will seem familiar to UC when first viewed but once played will make you realize how special it is

I hate how everyone failed to understand this.
He's talking to the parasites, and they're telling him they're acting as Kazuhira's "eyes" because he's blind as fuck
It's probably not that noticeable, and probably not even Kaz knows and he thinks it's just normal, but that's the only way he would've noticed how Quiet was next to the heli.
it flew over everyone's head and it's sad, but then again Kojima is cryptic as fuck so it's not surprising

If im retarded, and you're arguing with a retard, that puts you on equal footing does it not?

You could just let people believe what they want.

>You could just let people believe what they want.
thats pretty funny coming from the guy whose constantly spouting "anyone who doesnt think like me is a faggot who needs to leave this site"

No one forced him to make MGS3, he wanted to
No one forced him to make MGS4, he wanted to
No one forced him to make MGSR, he wanted to
No one forced him to make MGSPO, his choice
No one forced him to make MGSGZ, his choice
No one forced him to make MGSV, his choice

he sure loves to keep putting out MGS games for someone who apparently hates the series he has enjoyed developing since the 80s.

You should read up

What have you said that I'm uncomfortable with hearing as you claim? All i've seen is the same parroting spouted by people who can't seem to actually pay attention or notice subtlety. I don't even give a shit if the games end up not being connected at all, but to pretend there isn't at least thematic and aesthetic connections is retarded. Im just trying to generate discussion and explore potential leads, something you seem extremely aggressive in stopping. Why? What harm comes to you if we're wrong? And admit it, some part of you has already considered everything i've said.

>"ts not connected to MGS in any way at all."
I guess it could have a reference or something. Kojima has made several games outside the MG universe. It's not inconceivable, (or even unlikely), that this game will have little to do with it.

>82 replies

> Im just trying to generate discussion
by telling people that if they don't' agree with you then they need to leave?
by telling people that they are only allowed to express their opinion if its the same as yours or else they are just bandwagoners?

you arent generating a discussion you are looking for a circlejerk here

I can't force you to leave, but if you end up being wrong after being this obstinate, you really should consider it. Thats all im saying, Sup Forums is shit, every thread eventually contains a comment saying this.

I really hope it's not Metal Gear related. I want the series to end.

But that's just me.

When does this game come out

If you honestly think he doesn't enjoy making metal gear games to some degree you're naive.
The only way you seem to disagree with me is by spouting "let it go" or "Kojima is a hack". Real great conversation REALLY rattles the noggin there.

Would it fucking kill you to admit the game objectively does share many stylistic and thematic elements at the very least? You can't even deny that part because its objective truth.

maybe e3 will tell you

Even if its not Metal Gear at all, none of you can deny the fact the marketing, visual aesthetic, promotional campaign are all METAL GEAR AS FUCK. Seriously the way this game was revealed is Phantom Pain all over again. On a sheer promotional level its very MGS reminiscent.

Decide for yourselves though.

>connected mgs
Maybe an Easter egg or something like that, but it's definitely not connected to MGS in any real way, people are ridiculous.

>SNATCHER literally reuses an entire character
>Exists in the same universe

But other than that shares nothing with the MGS series, I don't see why this couldn't just be another situation like that.

>but there are already cannon connections

speculation isn't canon. kill your fucking self, kojimatard.

Pretty sure that could get them in legal trouble, not sure though, they'd have to be really careful just how obvious they made any connection, there will be nothing directly tying the games together.

They're already reusing MGS4 concept art so that doesn't seem to matter.

Read up

>kill your fucking self

I dont know if you're trying to sound more dramatic or don't know how to actually phrase things correctly. Here i'll correct you insipid little faggotfuck. Fucking kill yourself.

How can I kill my fucking self? Am I actively fucking? See how annoying and retarded it is to attack semantic bullshit? stop.

Read up on what? I can guarantee I am way more informed about this situation than some little shit like you who just parrots whatever Sup Forums meme is popular. You faggots are never right, this board is never correct. I'm not saying i'm a fucking psychic like that insane tranny, I just know how to pay attention.


You all are setting yourselves up for failure, hahahaha its MGSV all over again.