What went wrong


It's another "needs to be rein's bitch to work" tank

we wuz robots n shiet nigga

>We're long out of unique ideas
>Have a really weird hybrid of other characters' abilities

a nigger

>all new "bastion shield" class

Havent played since her release, playerunknowns battlegrounds too much fun.
Whats the issue?

>playerunknowns battlegrounds too much fun
why should i play this?

it looks like yet another "survival" pvp game

its another zombie survival open world episode

ill pass

>another shield
>small graviton surge
>boring ass damage absorption
>mercy damage buff
Like holy fuck how boring of a character

A robot with 0 character and 0 originality in it's kit

>releasing this unfun garbage instead of Doomfist
why is blizzard retarded?

no originality.
Ana brought in sleep dart and super long range heals. Sombra brought in invisibility and getting behind them as an attack hero without taking some long ass route.
Orisia just mashed up some stuff and was presented as new. Sad part is the likelyhood of her getting revamped and becoming an actually unique hero is low cause on the surface everyone is eating her up and not complaining while people that actually want her changed are in the "minority"

Her design is godawful.

Barring that, she needs to be more distinguished to be fun.

I think my favorite change to her would be to keep everything the same and give her high mobility. Make her a speedy (unstoppable during fortify) train and all of a sudden she seems fun as fuck.

She needs a gameplay boost not a stat-one with that awful design. I'll never care about her numbers, but if I can run around moqing people from behind a barrier her design will become more endearing

Was really excited to play her...
After 3 games I dropped her.
Had a 1000 saved for a cool skin. Said fuck it and bought Plague Doctor for my boy Reaper instead.

Oh and only highlights in the 3 games was when I grav balled 3 people off the map. Had a small boner for about 2 min. Felt good.

Her gun is the only thing about her that I really like, but the sad thing is she's still my favorite tank just because the rest are all so boring.
I don't get her ult though, I get that it works with her barrier but it doesn't really seem like a tank ability.

The worst thing about the new character is they didn't model the loli inventor for sfm artists to use.

>the rest are all so boring
>he never played HOW EMBARRASING, and made life hell for every support and sniper

I think they were probably aware of what could've happened if they modeled her

>have you fellow gamers heard about Playerunknown's™ Battlegrounds© available on Steam® right now?
This is how you sound

Basically achieves nothing. Is not a bad character, but does little to justify using over the top tier tanks. Also actually really squishy.

are you retarded?

im saying the game looks generic as fuck, how many more of these fucking "search houses on a big empty landmass and kill each other" games are we going to get?

My man. Monkey business is always good for a laugh when I get bored playing.

>Getting killed right when you super jump so that your ragdoll launches into space.

My apologies, meant for

>it doesn't really seem like a tank ability.
That's because it's unlike any other ultimate tanks have access to.
Looking at all of the other tanks, they've all got some form of CC or Area Denial as their ultimate. Even D.Va's Self Destruct is used for the purposes of making everyone on the enemy team fuck off for a bit and give your team some room.
Orisa just gives everyone a damage steroid and answers to teamfights with 'shoot them harder now.' I expect they want you to use it to chew through enemy barriers or something, but it's such an odd choice.

>tfw you literally spawncamp the enemy Widow, and he gets so mad that he swaps to Reaper

Kit is just a bunch of random stuff, almost none of which is useful on her in particular.

>gatling gun is too weak to be useful, so all it does is fuel healer ults. It just tickles other tanks
>graviton bomb is cool, but doesn't synergize with the rest of the kit at all meaning it is heavily team dependent
>shield removing CC is amazing for getting out of things like Mei's ult, but doesn't achieve anything because the character has no real disruption or damage to try to punish
>ult is just a win harder ult

I think the main problem is that they really wanted her to be a tank instead of DPS.

I feel like once people start to figure out how to build a team around her she will be pretty good. But she is still a boring and unoriginal character.

Playerunknowns is fucking fantastic
the best multiplayer game ive played since BC wow, and I play a multitude of games
Its early access so little glitchy, but id say its more crisp already than most AAA releases.
It is extremely well thought out, taking what already worked for people that like that style already, but making everyonr able to enjoy it
Its the meat and potatoes of its style, and god damn is it seasoned well

A character's gun is 75% of what makes them fun to play as, and Winston's lightning gun doesn't even feel like a weapon. You don't get into shootouts with Winston, you just jetpack over to people, hold m1, and jump around like an asshole while their health slowly declines.
This is the same reason I hate playing DVA and Lucio. Their abilities are really good, but most of the time you're stuck using their shitty weapons. DVa's shitty little peashooter handgun shouldn't feel like it has more power and weight than the dual 12-guage miniguns on her mech.

>tfw you destroy the other team and even them going Reaper doesn't stop you

I would fucking main the everloving shit out of her if they just gave her a HITSCAN minigun instead of this gay mercy pistol shit.

>and jump around like an asshole while their health slowly declines.

hence why he is so fun

there is nothing more irritating than dying slowly to the tickle gun

I personally love playing Winston. Seeing people trying to run away once they see they're going to losing the 1v1 fight is so satisfying. And seeing a Genji get the hot monkey dick he deserves is even more satisfying.

No new abilites, nothing that she's particularly good at, other heroes' damage output and her fuckhuge critbox just ensure that she'l be deleted upon entering anyones line of sight

dead game

She would just be a moving Bastion then.

I hate being stuck in one spot as bastion, that's the reasoning why I never liked Brass Beast. For Orisa, they could keep the damage the same and even give her fall off for all I care but I'm tired of not being able to shred sombras and pharahs like I ought to be able to.

They really should stop making any new characters. Maybe do Doomfist if you're already over 50% done, but frankly 24-25 is really all you need. They don't need to go try to release a new character every season and bloat the thing with 20 characters that are just shitty unoriginal hybrids.

I wish they would waited longer to release each character. Now everyone is going to get spoiled and expect a new character to be released every season.

She has nothing to survive/punish against flankers. Garbage tank.

Tracer melts her really quick

Everyone melts her really quick, she's ginormous and has only 400 health

>damage absorption
so her ability is damage absorption, not nullification?
that means she must have a limit.

Another Melee character would be nice before they wrap things up.

her damage block is the only unique thing about her, it allows her to plow through all this game's many many many stuns, though I'm not sure if it works against mei/zarya ults

I understood that reference

It works on Mei's primary fire, so most likely

Aside from being a bit too squishy and having a huge-ass headbox, nothing. She's fun as fuck, can set up devastating combos with Halt!, Fortify is a life-saver for a shitload of things, and "CEASE YOUR RESISTANCE" can turn the tide of a fight so nicely.

It works on EVERYTHING that affects movement. She can stroll right out of Blizzard and Graviton Surge.

Most of her abilities are that of other characters made slightly better and slightly worse

>Has a Rein style shield she can set down and free up her hands rather than be stuck holding it up
>a tad weaker than his and is tied to a cooldown rather than just passively recharging when not in use

>Gets a full auto cannon that has some reach instead of the shotgun style D.Va gets
>She only gets one instead of 2 and also suffers from the slow walk while firing

>The armor up ability is about her only original thing

>Has an on command graviton surge tied to a cooldown rather than Zarya's ult charge
>It's a tad slower to activate depending on travel time, and only lasts half a second

>Her ult is basically just Mercy's damage buff except an AoE and not tied to holding down right mouse on someone
>only lasts a short duration and range

>one hybrid character comes out and everyone starts screaming and crying like it's the only thing that's happened ever in the history of anything

Four months is too short a time for you?



>She only gets one instead of 2 and also suffers from the slow walk while firing
She still does way more damage than DVA

DVA kinda sucks right now

Giving her genji speed would be an interesting change, justify it by saying HORSE FEET LMAO.

>only lasts a short duration and range

15 seconds and 25m is far from short.


Will she replace Zarya in the meta?

tomorrow, user

She's a fucking robotic quadruped riot police force.

Of fucking course she should have speed.

>no ability where she runs forward and tramples everyone in her path
>no ability that lets another character ride her and fire from her back


what game is this

She's the only fun character in this shit game.
I've lost masters due to ranked decay because I can't stand playing the boring characters anymore and just wanna play orisa

I think this game could benefit from having more variation in speed, it'd make roadhog have an actual fucking trade off besides "hitbox size" which only applies to reaper, one of the worst heroes in the game currently.

>giving her rein's charge
dude she's already unoriginal enough as is

Hell no. But she'll be an excellent partner for Zarya.

Zarya has no direct counters and counters nobody.
She's a class of her own, which means she'll always be relevant unless they make a direct counter to her shield or her gun.

>giving her rein's charge

I didn't, she tramples all opponents in her path and leaves them prone for a couple of seconds.

>imagine her having the speed to see a charging rein and run to get in his way with fortify

Why is she so ugly?

I think its mostly the face, it just doesn't fit right.

>giving her rein's ult in ability form

>Haven't played her yet

I still know she's shit

Even if her abilities feel copied from other heroes, she's the only tank that a) Plays like an actual tank and b) Is not a fucking bore to play

The funny thing is that if Blizzard were making a more "realistic" game, she would've been the fastest hero, precisely because she is a quadruped

She's not made to be fucked, user, so she's not sexy.

This. They could still do it, too.

>Winston and Orisa move 15% faster than default running speed because they're quadrupeds

Would really help both with mobility, Winston to chase down fleeing enemies and Orisa with getting out of Dodge.

>Going Junkrat on Orisa

FUCK that. the games biggest problem is the staleness of the picks.

No real identity. Asides from all of her stuff being swiped from other classes, she doesn't even have much of a character- the other OW characters can't hold a candle to the TF2 cast, but even they still had some generic archetypes: the edgelord, the grumpy old guy, the granny, the weeb, etc. Orisa doesn't even have something like that going for her. Coulda made her a homicidal traffic cop or something, but nah.

About the only savings grace for her is she definitely has a presence in any chokepoint defense, but only being slightly better than completely irrelevant isn't exactly a bragging point either.

>+50 armor
>Fortify increases movespeed and knocks back enemies you run through
>Supercharger doesn't amplify damage, instead it increases Attack speed, Reload speed and decreases cooldowns

She fun hero now

>gatling gun is too weak to be useful, so all it does is fuel healer ults. It just tickles other tanks
Nigga what. It literaly deals 144 damage per second with little spread, and more importantly, with no fucking falloff

So fortify is like dva thrusters but horizontal only.


>Dva's gun

Someone has been trying to shoot people from further than 2 meters I see

Pretty much this. What Overwatch sorely needs and needs NOW is a fucking larger map pool. I am tired of constantly playing anubis and king's row

Absolutely boring

Doomfist needs an ability that does extra damage to shields, or punches through shields or something.

His passive will be any of his punches destroys barriers, shield and armor in 1 hit.

Doomfist needs a shield he can bash people with

Reinhardt BTFO

Shield? No way, a firm backhand is all he needs to keep bitches in check

It would shake things up and fuck up the fucking SHIELDS MANDATORY meta.
If he has a shield I think I'm just gonna quit this game.


Nah, all that thing about Efi witnessing Doomfist trashing the OR-15s and building Orisa reeks of making the perfect counter to him

Another shit tier hero further inflating the game with useless heros

I hate how distant her design is from her kit. They don't interact at all. Her being a four legged robot with horns is completely irrelevant. She doesn't impale you with horns, she doesn't have a mobility move where she gallops/runs quickly, etc... All her attacks she just pulls out like they are grenades stored in someone's belt.

Why is she a mech? I feel like they had her kit already done and just assigned it to a character at random.

Tell us about your idea for a useful hero, user.

>many many stuns
So outside of ultimates, like two? Flashbang and being frozen by Mei. Rein charge I guess

I don't think DVa's gun is weak, I just think it feels really boring and unsatisfying to use.

It would be cool if they made Doomfist punch with his left hand with M1 and punch with his right hand with M2, and to use some special move which uses both hands press both mouse buttons at the same time

>we wanted to make an anchor tank like Reinhardt
>But she has a giant head, 400hp less than half the barrier and giant cool downs on the abilities that make her not die

Agreed. Reinhardt, Winston, Orisa, Symmetra... not to mention Mei's wall (although it blocks enemy team, as well as same team) and Zarya bubbles.

I want that to be true, as well as the above. I want him to break through barriers, but I want Orisa to counter him so she can be at least somewhat viable.

>She only gets one instead of two
Nigger what are you even on

Everyone's calling halt a mini-grav but it's like not even close to the same thing. It's incredibly unique.