Newfags don't remember Benezia
Yes, Mass Effect falls flat on its face and becomes terrible before the first act even finishes. This was a meme franchise based on nothing but "potential" that was never even really there.
>Bullshit buggy gameplay
Except noone is saying that. The gameplay is pretty much the only part of andromeda receiving praise
>never there
bullshit you faggot, me1 was at that time legit pushing the boundaries of new, GOOD flavor and had all the hype necessary for people to buy in bulk the next release to pay for whatever they needed to do to make me2 a great successor
Even then you see people uploading .gifs of players intentionally clipping through the ground and whatnot
Most of the complaints seem like nitpicks presented as huge problems
Andromeda really perfected on most aspects of the last games, I don't understand why it gets so much hate
The issue is Bioware was never at any point going to be able to deliver on the concept. Even at their peak they were never an especially technically competent studio.
I wouldn't say that, just feels like people hating on it have never heard or played Mass Effect
These kind of "issues" have always been here
Benezia was good though because you finally got to ice one of these insufferable holier-than-thou blueberry cunts. Not being able to kill Liara was regrettable, but at least you get to rub her mother's death in her smug scaly face.
Satisfying is...a word for it.
It took me two and a half hours to beat Benezia on Insanity, with a defensive Soldier build, and I'm pretty sure it was a fluke. One time I died because I happened to be in the spot where four Geth Snipers spawned.
When it was over, it just...felt like I was regaining my breath after getting a punch in the gut.
At least Andromeda's combat actually feels rewarding
Fuck off faggot
Man what an argument
Really fires up my neurons
You know why. EA, Bioware and faggots like Curry Thunder make great SJW bogeymen. When Andromeda falls Sup Forums thinks it's a victory for the right when really it's a crushing defeat for video games when another great franchise is knocked off its perch.
>Except noone is saying that
By no one you mean everyone? people are saying it's the best gameplay to date but because of the engine being horribly unoptomized (I have no idea how they managed it as frostbite "just werks" and battlefront ran on toasters yet here we are) you get freezes and stutter if the action becomes to hectic.
I don't even remember the Benezia fight. Wasn't it just waves of Asari biotic commandos?
>ME:A actually let a human into the Asari's elite, literally blueberry-only military unit because UHM RACISM HELLO WHY ARE THERE ONLY BLUE PPL IN THIS COMMANDO UNIT??!?
with Geth Snipers which are probably worse, at least for me, on Insanity
I did a tactic that carried me through insanity on all three games
hide in the corner and take pot shots
>humans and turians got together in a joint venture to bolster relations by building The Normandy
>this is OK
>humans and asari got together in a joint venture to bolster relations by letting a biotic roll with commandos
>this is not OK
The combat in the ME series was never anything particularly special; it was popping out of cover and shooting. What everyone liked about ME was the story that tied it together. It was an RPG first and foremost. What did we get with Andromeda? Shit story, shit dialogue, shit voice acting, shit characters, and shit facial animations. All the things that are needed to have actual fucking characters you can like and enjoy following their story. But oh, at least the combat was made a bit better.
man so this ... Is the power ... of a redditor ...
really activated my ..........
Most of what you said is subjective though.
The story is almost identical to the first Mass Effect
>Eke out an existence for humanity
>Big bad that hates humans appears
>Discover ancient evil capable of wiping out all life
>Big bad is revealed to be a pawn of something greater
I'm not saying Andromeda was perfect, though. Just stop putting the old games on a god damn pedestal.
I enjoyed Andromeda's cast, like Liam, Kallo, Gil, Vetra, and Drack.
The combat was biggest and better in ME2 and ME3 and actually felt strategic and more than just a cover shooter, so don't try to downplay Andromeda's improvements
works on my machine :^)
I'm not trying to meme or anything and I know that this is probably the worse time to want to discuss this but does anyone... not totally hate ME1s combat?
Like, I can look at the sequels and understand how they improved so much but with each game I felt like they somehow less close to what I originally liked. I don't really understand why people thought that ME3 had the best combat. It just felt soulless to me.
Maybe I just have nostalgia goggles.
Yes, with the occasional squad of Geth Snipers. That can oneshot you.
The Commandoes were like Krogan on crack. They'd charge you and try to break you down with their superior sustain and accuracy. I'd usually try to make Wrex wall them while I laid on DPS, but he can only last so long.
Not to mention the invincible NPC in the center of the room that's invincible and can SHOOT YOU AND STUN YOU, and holy fuck, such strong area denial in a cramped room is just awful.
One time I got permanently frozen by Benezia because she trapped me when a cutscene started playing, so I could only watch as I was shot to death.
Biotics were so fucking broken in ME1
I'm not downplaying the improvements in combat.
I'm criticizing that they seemingly sacrificed the most important parts of the previous games to improve the make way for improving what is essentially the filler of the games.
Also, you do see how the story being almost identical to the first game ISN'T a good thing, right?
Mass Effect was never that great. And video games can honestly only improve if Bioware stops being held up as a gold standard for RPGs
The first time I played through ME, I didn't realize you even leveled up and got to spend skill points of whatever. I spent hours trying to beat benezia, then realized it was so hard because I was still level 1.
As someone with no history with the series who just picked up ME1, the combat is a real chore. It does what it has to but still feels like a half measure even compared to other, buggier games like Fallout 3 in that respect.
You wont look so smug with a hole in your head
ok but the issue is that the quality of the graphics in the game just takes you right out of it. you have to admit the previous games were MUCH more polished. it's fucking killer to do a romance option and see sara's dead fucking eyes and unmoving face while she talks about her dead father
Just happened to me last night, I'd get ragdolled into a corner and forced to watch the next cutscene play. By the time I got control again I was stuck in the wall. Happened like three times
>mfw reading this
Yes I prefer the combat in 1 to 2 and 3. Having to manage your overheats with your brain instead of "heatsinks" aka magazines was much more satisfying. Each missed snipe was a potential disaster. Made you really stop and take your time instead of simply spray and pray.
Not to mention the unlimited ammo that so many people rag on is canon in the ME universe. 2 and 3 threw that away to appeal to gears fan boys.
I can't even get far into the campaign. Why does everyone have a fucking accent? Even the Asaris have accents, and salarians. Just been playing the multiplayer.
I'm not trying to defend that. It's true that the graphics were ugly in places, and my God did the female Krogan look so awful.
I just don't want Andromeda to go down in flames when it got so many things right.
I'm not saying it's great, but don't say Andromeda's storytelling was shitty when it was almost the same, of not better, than the first.
it got so many things right, but the issue is despite that the game still doesn't come together as a whole. its a jarring experience.
What was the issue with her? I just did her last night and no issue. Just blasted the fuck out of her commandos and geth.
Did they later patch her or something?
I'm amazed you spent all that time without thinking to click on the flashing 'squad' button.
>A joint construction project is comparable to inducting an inexperienced soldier into unit where members are required have centuries of experience.
Makes u think
good story =/= good story telling
You can't tell a story well no matter how good it is without characters that can be taken seriously.
because blueberries are uberscmesh of biotics with literal centuries of experience and special biotic training and implants unattainable by a human
I just felt like things mattered more, you know?
Like I remember, in that colony level in the first act and there was this enemy geth commando placed so that when you got on this bridge, he would be behind you. And then you would have to figure out how to deal with him while also fighting the geth coming up from the front.
Enemy biotics were cheap, but they actually felt like biotics who could fuck your shit up.
On Insanity, the gameplay is such a drag.
Literally the only reason I beat the game is because of how absolutely brain dead the AI was. This usually meant standing behind a doorway they couldn't get through, or slowly and steadily picking their health off from a distance while they just sat there. So often times I'd just sit there, for minutes on end, shooting at an enemy that doesn't move or shoot.
And those fucking Geth frogs that can one shot you and/or sabotage your guns.
And once you've finally got your characters figured out, good weapons and armor, your talent trees maxed out and you've finally warmed up to your playstyle and how the game works, the game just...ends. Kill Saren and that's it. Kind of like ME3
Your insolence is a poor mask for your fear.
The turians with their centuries of military experience had to deal with new upstarts messing around with their ship designs because of relations and that's perfectly fine, but when it's an asari joint venture that could further human understanding of biotics and tactics, well that's just one step too far.
I get you want to hate every last aspect of ME:A but you're looking like idiots right now.
Why the fuck did you guys play on Insanity?
>Andromeda's storytelling was shitty when it was almost the same, of not better, than the first.
The prologue features the introduction of a tool that fixes broken helmet visors and immediately forgets it exists when it is broken a second time so a contrived "emotional" scene can occur. If you can't even follow Chekhov's gun you are not qualified for any form of professional storytelling. That's just one example in the prologue, yet shit like this continues through the game.
I get that laymen like you are amused by Joss Whedon witticisms between characters, but that does not make it competent storytelling.
I platinum'd ME2 and 3
For 1 I was just missing
>use X 200 times
for powers but had all em for guns
Her Stasis ability is broken as hell and can cause you to clip through the railings around you, make you trapped forever, or just lock you out of the fight long enough for her allies to finish you off.
Basically any moment Biotic enemies are involved, the gameplay becomes so spastic and desperate
>hes not using the sniper with explosive ammo to ragdoll the geth/asari across the room
are then any Strayan girls? Their accents make my willy waggle
>tfw no option to fuck benezia
honestly she was ten times hotter than liara
Anyone ITT got that 'I'm still mad' pasta about Mass effect 3 ?
The small crack you get at first is a hell of a lot smaller than having your whole fucking helmet busted open later. Far too big for a welding tool to fix.
>yfw some plebeian dares to disagree with you online
Like there weren't a lot of "wit" and wisecracking in the other ME games.
Did you not play ME3?
Quipping was fucking nonstop
>"One to put in our memoirs!"
>"This redefined insanity!"
>"They don't like to sit still!"
>"Cerberus never did play fair!"
What was really so bad about it? I never would've thought bad graphics would matter so much, otherwise how would so many people get past Fallout: New Vegas
>The small crack you get at first is a hell of a lot smaller than having your whole fucking helmet busted open later. Far too big for a welding tool to fix.
Then why introduce it? For a cheap little "Oooh, look at this Sci-Fi shit!" moment? That's the type of shit Neil Blomkamp shits out on his way to his next box office bomb, not what you would expect from a narrative focus game. Your little damage control would be acceptable if there was even a passing mention of the Omni-tool's inability to fix a completely broken visor. Either don't make a point to show a visor fixing tool, or don't have a broken visor be the crux of the tragic scene; they wrote themselves into their own corner.
>Did you not play ME3? Quipping was fucking nonstop
In ME3, the quipping was relegated to the smug cunts who you would expect to partake in it, not the entirety of the cast. Even then it was tired and only tolerable because it was in the context of far more intelligent characterization in the non-Mac Walters story missions.
You continue to prove my point of nitpicks being presented as major problems. Obviously they would have technology to prevent a hiccup like a visor crack from being instant death. It was more like a shock moment than a "show offy" one.
>Quipping was relegated to the smug cunts
Wrong. Unless Liara, EDI, and Tali are suddenly "smug cunts"
I died so many times to that boss.
EDI was a bit of a smug cunt in 2
Literally never had an issue.
>had a tough time as soldier
>didn't go shock trooper and have 80% immunity to damage ability that has a 20 second duration with a 22 second cooldown making you essentially unkillable.
Lmaoing at ur life family.
I've never really found a game that melds RPG mechanics and gunplay in a satisfying fashion. One one end of the spectrum, you have ME1, and on the other, you have something like Borderlands.
Smug cuntiness was part of her irrational and pointless characterization change in ME2
Has always been a smug cunt since introduction
Quirky fanservice character, also young and non-military. Cuntlike behavior of the smug variety completely is expected.
Seriously, subjective?
Take any good story and tell me it would still be good with shit acting and dialouge.
It was pretty early on when I challenged her, I did NOT want to fight the Thorian with a low level character. Or that part in Feros where you get rushed by a big pack of Varren
Like I said, I tried to make my characters as tanks as possible, but it was slapping two sponges together with the Commandoes. Their Barrier is so strong.
Weren't you trying to point out why the story telling in Andromeda is worse than the original Mass Effect's?
If the storytelling and character development was bad then, what's the problem now?
Also, saying "cuntlike behavior is expected" of a "shy" character like Tali is oxymoronic
I meant that the characters being unlikable is subjective.
Just because you don't like them, doesn't mean no one else can.
I found her super easy on Insanity, then again I played Infiltrator and I heard it's one of the better classes
Manveer, Can we talk about that dude?
>Keep having my shit pushed in by Benezia
>Pause before the fight fully loads and counts it as a 'battle'
>Shift around my settings
If the game is gonna cheat then so will I.
We can talk about the actual video game. This is Sup Forums, not Sup Forums. You can go rant about dumb foreigners there.
Not that I can tell. One of the salarians sounds like a Mexican doing a German accent. The AI is this croaky Brit voice, actually a lot of them are just croaky Brits. I don't how the krogans have fucking British accents.
The Asari enemies were harder to bowl over than Humans, Turians, and Geth.
I had a Shotgun with rounds that increased its pushback, I tried shoving, but I could never break their "poise". Which is bullshit considering their smaller stature.
>Also, saying "cuntlike behavior is expected" of a "shy" character like Tali is oxymoronic
Tali stopped being shy after ME1, a game where she did not quip. From ME2 onwards she is very honest with her opinions in conversation with other characters and is abrasive towards people she dislikes. The only shyness displayed is in the romance path as a cutesy characterization to demonstrate her inexperience with intimacy.
Not that user but not all opinions are equal. Some people have shit taste and you can't justify a shitty product because "muh subjectivity".
What do people like about MEA outside of the combat?
All the retorts towards critiques of the game are vague on the positives.
>Mass Effect Andromeda isn't that bad, it has similarities with the third game!
I don't know what you were trying prove here.
Not what I'm trying to say at all.
I'm saying it's bullshit to say Andromeda "ruined" Mass Effect when many of the "problems" people bring up are synonymous with the whole series. Andromeda improved aspects of the game veterans are familiar with, so if you're a Mass Effect fan you should most likely love Andromeda. Exploration is improved and easier, with the Nomad being far better than the Mako and the Tempest's scanning system is easier to use than the Normandy's the removal of Paragon/Renegade allows you to be more of your own character, and doesn't punish you for being morally gray, the talent tree system is better because it allows for multiclassing, you can change your ability loadout on a whim, the Jump Jet (and finally the ability to fucking jump at all) lets you scale and move around the map better than you ever could
True, look at how many people are fanboying Nier because of anime butt cheeks
But why don't you like some of the characters?
I thought Liam was chill, Vetra was nice to have around, Kallo was a cool guy and Drack was a better grandpa than Wrex