Other urls found in this thread:


I'm so glad I dodged this bullet.

They added a whole room full of Jontron?

So this was supposed to be a spiritual successor to Banjo Kazooie? Why do the maps look so lifeless and empty? Glad I didn't get suckered into this shit.

>mfw never fell for kickstarter

How come Shovel Knight was the only one to do well? Why do game developers lack discipline?


Well, you got your N64 game alright

$40 for this?

2 million dollars is a v. low budget for a game lol

was this made in garrys mod?

yakuza 0 had 6 millions budget dud
not an excuse

>Cherrypicking a single screenshot as your entire point and everyone just goes along with it
I'm not even excited for the game but this is awful, is every post in this thread OP or something

Now cut that shit down to 1/3 of it.

i dont see any nazis there

They've been shilling their game on Sup Forums for months so I'm happy to see it fail. Fuck kikestarter

I never understood the appeal of these types of games in the first place. Also this game isn't even really a homage, it's more of a blatant rip off of Banjo Kazooie

You will never ever be able to have a YL thread ever again on this board. Sup Forums cucks will always invade, or tortanic cucks will always invade. Don't even bother.

they replaced jon with a fucking diversity hire
fucking crist

I'm really hoping that they have difficulty modes and that on higher difficulties there's more to collect with more enemies and obstacles.

The game can't seriously be this blank.

I grew up on Crash and I prefer densely packed environments with lots of things to break and obstacles.

Crash Remastered for comparison:

Or hell, how about Super Mario Odyssey:

Look at this! Those huge colorful worlds packed with stuff.

Then compare the OP video:

There's this huge empty space and you use a sliver of it for anything. Verticality is over-utilized and the 2d planes are left barren. Enemy variety is pathetic, and there are noticeably fewer obstacles and things to collect.

I want to be optimistic.. but this looks like shit.

>Sup Forums cucks
is this false flagging at its most retarded level?

Divinity Original Sin turned out really well

Sup Forums are by definition cucks. They're SJWs that pretend they're not SJWs. I'm sorry that upsets you, cuck. Now go back to your shitty board.

The ones to do well are the people who are living in a basement living of $2 noodles while making the games, they have no choice but to make a good game

>everyone cockslurping the game as muh return to form rare is so good muh banjo
>pol is now dead set on shitting all over cause their fee-fees got hurt


I'm in the year 2004 again?

>Heh. I'm not from Sup Forums


>first mighty no.9
>now yooka laylee
>next bloodstained

I seriously hope you didn't fall for the kickstarter meme, user.

>stealthily creating a link so you can follow it yourself
That's pretty smooth.

Niggas are just like SJWs, but in reverse.

>tfw you didn't back yooka laylee

Has YL gone gold yet? Maybe they will hear the criticism and fill up the levels more

Whatever helps you sleep at night fatfuck.

>on higher difficulties there's more to collect with more enemies and obstacles
Name one collect-a-thon that does this.

You can't come here anymore for actual discussion of games in a positive way. That's impossible.

You can't come here anymore for any actual discussion. Every single fucking discussion board has been corrupted.

I used to shit on boards all the time but this is the worst I've ever seen it. You can't discuss shit here anymore. There is not even a bit of solid ground. It's all quicksand and memes here, mate.

The whole site has been ripped from stem to stern. Just let her go. Just let her go.

They buy you cars, and remove bullets from you?

Does anybody actually want to discuss the game or are we just going to circle jerk about our politics all day fucking long? It's really irritating that every single thread becomes either politics or porn. This site used to be capable of actually having conversations about shit, not even that long ago. It really has become a fucking awful place to be. Fuck you all. I'm going to go play Shogun 2 and sulk. Sup Forums is truly dead.


Crash got easier if you died more, enemies would slow down, there would be more Aku spawns, and checkpoints would appear quicker, effectively making no-death run throughs harder versions of the levels.

Mega Man remake for PSP apparently did this. Though I have no first hand confirmation

It could be worse, it could be Broken age which had 2 millions dollars budget a think

>more and more of these crowd-funded games that at one point seemed promising are turning out to be shit
>mfw dropped $40 on Indivisible last year and all they've shown has been concept art and music

wow, pretty sad huh, 2 million for this! and they JUST'd their shit up pretty bad.

I mean pol niggas.

>mfw dropped $40 on Indivisible
Did you play the demo? It wasn't that good.

I got my wii u version refumded since it was already cancelled. I still have hopes for Iga and i am sure he will deliver, but now I will buy the game once its released.

Banner Saga turned out okay.


Hopefully Indivisible turns out good.

But I liked this before the drama happens

>1 type of enemy
>horrible character designs I literally made a better looking chameleon character in less than a week, everyone else looks like ass too
>music is honestly sounding pretty bland
>stupid level themes like casino
>only 5 levels that "expand"
>uses Unity's default shading on shit like the casino level and it looks like ass graphically

Fucking hell...

>Hoping a chink can manage a project
Kickstarter was a mistake

>falling for the kickstarter meme

did you shitters not learn from literally every kickstarter before this one?

>Does anybody actually want to discuss the game or are we just going to circle jerk about our politics all day fucking long

What do you think? The whole site's gone to shit since the election. Every fucking board has to be Sup Forums's arm into something else. Making scenes where they don't need to be made.

Literally the fucking tumbler land whale of the opposite side but still just as annoying and sickening.

Like vomit vs. shit. Gee. They're so inviting.

is this botw?

>no one mentions politics or Sup Forums for 20 posts
>leddit faggot
starts crying about Sup Forums even though no one mentioned politics

banner saga 2 was aite

I enjoyed Republique, I backed it.
Ending was kinda LOLWAT though. Literally ends with Hope throwing herself into the ocean to commit suicide no matter who you suggest to side with at the end.

I liked the visuals and sound design, though. The cassettes and books and the reasons they were banned were also neat.

How's the game look on the Switch? Are there any comparisons out there?

Really? that "game" is nothing but click play and cutscenes...and shitty voice acting. bad management much?

>Sup Forums went from loving the game to hating it because of eceleb drama

I fell for it and got some good games from it, like Divinity: Original Sin and Grim Dawn. I suggest you just not back shit for the sake of nostalgia.

2-d games are easier to do well.

>literal nobodies put up a kickstarter
>have to prove to everyone their kickstarters are worth backing

>litrral coattail riding 'muh legacy' fucks
>nostalgia ridden idiots will back everything they shit out
>will defend it even if it's shit

How's Igarashi's not-castlevania going by the way?

Nobody was talking about politics before you.


where do people go now? There has to be some other site.

Yakuza Kiwami was made on the budget of a ham sandwich

>Early Access


Sure thing

>implying jontron is a nazi
Kill yourself you dead meme

FTL had a really good Kickstarter as well

I'm still getting it

Looks fun

I played it and enjoyed it a lot, hence why I spent the money.


Jeeze, that looks about as barren as Brianna wu.

>Leddit faggot
>Specifically also mention Tortanic posters

Hello newfag. You're doing a great job of fitting in your first day by calling everyone tired of your shitposting a redditor.

Playtonic snatched their game from the jaws of success by listening to SJWs from NeoGAF who get off by hurting hospital patients that they perceive as "le evil ReTHUGlican nazis".

There isn't though.

I come here but it's so maddening I just double down on memes. I hope that baneposting just becomes the entire fucking site.

Sup Forums can't really corrupt that. They can make edits. But I just give up now. Everyone can make bane edits. It gives me that smile at the end of the day.

It's what we need.

I disliked the endgame, but overall its a pretty solid game.

I still trust Iga since I met the guy when they were filming that video with the guys of mega64. Me and some other curious had the chance to talk to him [spoilers]actually another guy was translating what Iga was saying[/spoilers] and he said hes commited on finishing the game no matter what unlike other people (probably talking about Inafune). He said 'thank you for supporting me' in a weird broken english and left.

not a phlebotomist

>Trusting Igarashi
Say byebye to your money

Bane is Pure, It is all we shall know and hold fondly.

I think you've got some pretty thick nostalgia goggles on for Banjo.

extremely bad management and a tech company based in san fran-fucking-cisco. It's literally the most expensive place to live in the United States. They could've just moved 3 hours south to Irvine, Orange County, or even North out of the bay area and had immensely less overhead to deal with.

>there more people bitching about Sup Forumstards itt than there are actual Sup Forumstards

Why the fuck, this is so fucking low.

>they and their IDF will use jontroversy as an excuse for bad sales and mediocre reviews

only in the sense that have an obsession with identity politics. Otherwise they're the opposite extreme.

Real talk, I want to sexually assault the autistic muppet girl.

Has Igarashi tried to venture into other media with Bloodstained? I haven't really kept up, but I don't recall him doing anything but focus on the Bloodstained game. Compare that to Inafune, who had several other projects running at the same time as MN09 like ReCORE and also tried very early on to turn MN09 into a big multimedia franchise with an anime, a manga, a VN, merchandises.

Hollow Knight did great

I'mma screecap this. Playtonic seems like the type of pussies to pull that underhanded shit.

>faggot using based hamster jesus as avatar

they even make threads like this "put this maga hat in this character because i can't do it myself" in /wsr/

thats how things are now.

>They're the opposite extreme

That's the point. Same coin, different side. Look at .

Ironically the most forced meme on this whole site is the only thing that keeps it on point. Incorruptible.

The fucking stainless steel of the site.

Don't you know? Nothing is lower than a Republican.

This doesn't fit because nobody accused that user of being a cuck, cuck.

Bloodstained will be another scam just like Inafune and mn9. And you re faggots for trusting these chinks with no idea how to manage a big game project.

Screencap this