Why are support classes so shitty in other games. Alchemist, Bard, and Dancer were all sought after classes...

Why are support classes so shitty in other games. Alchemist, Bard, and Dancer were all sought after classes. A near 20 year old game has outclassed mmos for ages with its simple job system that still offered alot of choice with classes.

I don't hate ffxiv since I play it, buttt..
>call it a bard
>is actually a dps class and plays no instruments.
>almost every support class is expected to do dps
>20 DPS classes, 3 tank classes, 3 healer classes

Koreans shill alot of free shit on the MMO market but are they the superior MMO makers of the world?

>that navel
Goddammit, I just fapped.

Because every class in FF14 has to be blandly balanced so no one ever feels left out, despite the fact if one class was blatantly better at certain things you could just level up and play that one in certain scenarios.

Best supports were FlyFF Ringmasters before the game went to shit. Prove me wrong.

Streamlining of modern MMOs means there is no room for dedicated support classes, which you can blame "bring the player, not the class" for. The other issue is heavily controlled and overbalanced PvE content that fails to support class versatility.

I always felt Hunter > Priestess > Alchemist

were the top tier qt 2nd job classes.

Nothing is ever going to beat what RO WAS OP.
Stop looking now. You cant have those times back.

Because mmo players are also autistic and if you bring an outright bad class they will kick you, frustrated at this a person quits, more quits follow, population and more important profit goes down

I don't even know the game, never played it. I just noticed the picture's navel quality.


>ragnarok online 2
>tree of savior

its like proof that there is no loving god in this world.

I don't really get why classes became homogenized garbage. Everquest, ragnarok and FFXI did a really good job at creating unique purposes but then somehow everything just became the same.


>You'll never again have 50 people fellate you every night just because you had enough free time to level up that boring ass support class that was required for raids.

now that's vintage mspaint comics, senpai.

>Support classes
>So good with their buffs and raid utility you absolutely need to bring them along
>Have some guy's girlfriend AFKing in RO just for the fucking buff
>Waiting hours for some BRD faggot in FFXI simply because a few of their buffs are too fucking good to miss out on

>not making your own bard slave so you can negate having to hunt for exp while all I do is play some music and get high

>Spam Holycross
>Use Geb from time to time
So exciting.

The best support of any MMO is the Chanter of AION.

Do you remember how shitty Dancer is to Bard? Their buffs and debuffs are shit, and nobody's use them for ensembles. Even renewal's 3rd class can't fix the job balance between the two.

Still, people likes seeing one on the map just because how rare they are.

>muh raids
This is why no MMO will ever have support like RO.

And you forgot paladins

>Do you remember how shitty Dancer is to Bard?
>Dazzler spam
>stun the whole room

>you'll never relive this game's glory days ever again

It hurts, anons.

>People in FFXIV want dancer for some reason

The most vocal people looking for dancer are fucking RP fags who just hang in the quicksand pretending to be dancers anyway, which is just some loose premise to get some text-fucking going on. Why would you need a class for this shit?

>tfw I just want a mmo game to run around and explore cool places

>playing alone

>you'll never relive this game's glory days ever again
damn it user!

>>stun the whole room

Yeah, no, because how stun resist is calculated, VIT reducing BOTH chance and duration, compared to bard's shitty jokes that has to be reduced by MDEF for chance and luck for duration.

>Don't have 50-90+ vit
>Dancer spams Dazzle
>You get fucked and can't do anything about it

Also dancers and bards are needed to level in Abyss. I maxed a Sniper in iRO right before 3rd job came out (3rd job was complete shit for the most part and whenever I play I aim for Trans only.)

You needed Poem of Bragi and Service for You just to survive in the place.

RO was so good at this, Crusaders take all the damage, Knights do all the damage and off-tank, DPS classes actually have to stay back or they get merked.

And everyone needed Bragi and Service for You! just to survive in the place. It wasn't even a raid dungeon but you needed atleast 10 people to SURVIVE let alone prosper.

This just reminded me how garbage the quest system is. Ragnarok Online forced players to work together to reach the highest level for hours on end. Then once you max you can hunt for MVPs, PVP (Waste of time), and WoE.

not all these stupid crafting job bullshit. Blacksmiths and Alchemist being also a class/crafting job was SO perfect. People who maxed those jobs were either one of two things 1. someone with alot of friends or 2. someone with alot of dedication.

It had to have been one of the most social MMO's out-there.

>Why would you need a class for this shit?
More emotes

I don't ERP. But this game is in a serious lack of support classes. I don't even really mind only 3 tanks.

monks were a fucking mistake

ffxiv really needs social animations for bards and shit. I cant believe they dont have instrument playing like LOTRO. would be sick

3rd classes were a mistake.

I still miss hanging out with people on Rebirth RO. and Fancy RO.

All good things must come to an end I guess.

Every class has support abilities though, adding a support role just removes ability from everyone else so some lazy fag can stand there spamming buffs

>want to play talonro
>realize most people just pay to win cash shop


>3rd classes were a mistake.
>starts rambling about private servers

here's your (you), don't spend it all in one place.

They don't have the battlesystem for a proper support class. The battlesystem for all its fine tuning is actually remarkably shallow. Avoid the orange circles, grab adds, kill in a certain order, and handle mechanics.

There's no putting things to sleep and outright skipping them. Or charming them to fight for you. Or increasing someone's skill to disable a trap. Or boosting EXP gained. Everything is damage in and damage out.

It wouldn't change if they added dancer. It'd be another DPS with some utility.

>game goes down the drain, loses most of its staff and gets fucked by a nearly day 1 botting system
>all because server files got leaked and they had to defend their copyright and trademark and take people hosting servers to court

Don't do this to me, OP.
Nothing saddens me more than seeing the current state of RO, where the game basically boils down to farming instances with daily entry limits and the only viable class is Geneticist, with a couple others being situational.

It's so, SO far from what it was before, and you remembering me about those days is just cruel.

>what is Evil Druid
>what is Marc
And of course all those wizards, hunters and assassins were walking around with 100 vit :^)

Alchemists were a mistake from the beginning

if you are missing the customization part of ros job system check out grim dawn

RO was unique moment in time. The technology will never be in the state to give us the same experience again.

Suddenly all out nuclear war sounds a lot more appealing!

>The best support of any MMO is the Chanter of AION.

Hey, first time I hear anyone mention that game in this board.
I actually agree with you, too bad the most ridiculously broken PvP in any MMO is also present.
