So this...
Is the power...
So this
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Still better than 30 FPS on console.
Look it up.
>290 edges out the original Titan with more ram
The Titan fucking sucks
The original Titan was just a beefed up 780.
a 5 year old card has trouble running a game at max settings. who woulda thunk it?
>people completely missing the point by not looking at the entire chart
Look at the bottom one. Harhar so dis is da power of the SONY Playstation 4...
Sold for 1000 u s shitbux
>higher is better
Thanks for explaining that, I wouldn't have known how this type of chart works otherwise.
How do consolecucks live with 30fps?
What about it?
Almost as if buying a graphics card more expensive than the whole console is more powerful.
Have to explain for retards
some people actually think lower numbers are better cause "jaja noomber juan"
>implying they can run DS3 at 30 fps
lel lad
a 950 is 100 dollars
are you fucking stupid
Dark Souls was meant to be played at 30fps
>graph maxes out at 60FPS
If I can't have 144 fps I can have 60fps with zero jaggies if i'm limited to a 1080p display so I don't have to shell out for a 4k monitor
Just a guess but the game is probably limited to 60 fps.
>Tfw even the $130-$140 1050 Ti can outperform the Pro
How sad.
What area of the game were they fucking in
I cant even get a constant 35fps anywhere; I have a r9 280x
playing on low gives me about 50 though
That the fucking point
There is the ps4 and ps4pro on the list
What cpu do you have
i5-4690 @ 3.5GHz
>My card is an R9 290
Found ya issue
Then I have no answer that's not a shit cpu
I have exactly that and the R9 290, no issues. Is there some kind of post-processing effect you have on that's unnecessary?
>3.5ghz i5 haswell not a shit CPU
Dunno mate everything checks out
8GB of RAM at least?
Temps on CPU, GPU?
Update GPU drivers?
Check power settings, crank CPU to 100%.
Huh. Interesting that my R9 290 is the weakest card able to run it at a constant 60.
I was recently baffled at how insanely better Rise of the Tomb Raider looks on the Pro than on my computer. I simply can't do 4k at a similar level of quality at 30 fps.
That said, computational power means fuck all if newer games start using a fucking GTX 1080 as the baseline and continue to shit all over optimization.
Still can't get over how Nier Automata and Dishonored 2 perform terribly while looking mediocre as fuck. Dishonored 2 looks like a past-gen game.
What are you talking about? Are you just throwing out thinks you think make sense as a comparison? What point are you trying to make?
>PS4 is on the bottom
>samefags PC wojaks
I had an R9 280x and I got better framerates than that at 1440p.
Runs great on my 1070 at 1440p
get fucked
haha sure showed me bud
RottR doesn't run at 4k on the Pro m8, it's checkerboarded.
The game is limited to 60fps so to push past max settings would have to be rendering at a higher than native resolution so your high-end GPU isn't wasted.
Not 4k on ps4 pro bruv
checkerboarded from native 1273 to 1800 and upscaled to 4k
Yeah, but it looks absolutely fantastic. I can't play anything as beautiful as it with my mid-tier, aging 290.
That is probably down to the CPU not the GPU in case of the PS4 Pro.
t. tech-illiterate retard
...what? It really does look fucking good. I was also skeptic about it being worth crap.
I also did search up amd gaming settings for DS3. These did help me a little bit, but if there is something that could be better tell me. pic related
not that I know of
yea, I got 8GB of ram
my gpu temp stays under ~65. and my cpu temp stays under ~55
my gpu drivers are updated
I just cranked the min processor state to 100%, ill play the game a bit and check it out
290 can get 60 fps maxed out on rise of the tomb raider
pro gets 30 fps medium-high upscaled to 4k with dips into the 20s
What kind of shitposting is this
The 960 and everything blow it are 150 dollars or less. I never understood this retarded idea from consoles that you need to pay 300 dollars or more to beat console capabilities. You only need a 150 dollar graphics card to do that, anything around 300 and above will get you graphics 2 gens above (what the PS6 will be able to do).
It's like you idiots don't realize that the PS4 was released with a gpu 4x weeker than the current PC gpus that were out at the time.
You would absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Yes, the game is limited to 60fps on PC but that has nothing to do with the game's native resolution or anything custom resolution. Do you actually own a gaming PC or did you just throw out random buzzwords? I'm asking again because what you just posted is factually wrong. The game is hard locked to 60fps as it's maximum and it has nothing to do with it's resolution. Again, rendering the game at a higher resolution isn't going to change that and there is no native resolution lock. What you just did is like someone comparing a game's controller layout to it's audio settings. They are too completely different things and do not correlate with eachother, especially in D3's case.
>People with a worse CPU trying to validate themselves
Yea, not seeing it.
Looks just like the PS4 version running at a higher resolution.
You're fucking retarded.
You're an idiot. Consoles don't have CPUs and GPUs.
>Anti-aliasing Level
>AA Filter
Found your problem.
Are you retarded?
Can't tell if hardcore consolecuck spouting nonsense to defend his platform or low quality bait. I guess it doesn't matter since it's retarded either way.
It's not a bad CPU bro just get over it you were wrong.
4690 was the best i5 available when Dark Souls 3 launched, try again.
What I'm saying is if the game is locked to 60fps, my GPU usage is not 100%. I want it to BE 100%. So at the very least the game looks better at 60.
Therefore, Downsample.
>It's not a CPU because AMD renamed it
>Consoles don't have CPUs and GPUs
The best part of this situation is that even if you try to pull the troll card you still look like a retard because it doesn't take a genius to say dumb consolecuck shit and make a fool out of himself. You'd just be saying you were being retarded on purpose.
They don't. The PS4 has an APU not a CPU and CPU.
that looks like blurry shit user
Have you actually seen native 4k?
>4690 was the best i5 available when Dark Souls 3 launched
DS3 isn't even a year old yet m8, Skylake i5s were already available.
>Not a CPU with a GPU attached
Just because AMD calls what Intel does with all of it's CPUs something different doesn't MAKE them different.
An APU is just a CPU and a GPU on the same die.
Am I being baited?
>what is the 6500k
lmao, you know dark souls 3 came out in 2016 right? haswell hasn't been relevant since 2015
i think OP is trying to shitpost the PS4. not sing its praises guys
cool the fuck off
>290 can get 60 fps maxed out on rise of the tomb raider
It can't, regrettably. I played the whole game on my 290 (i5 4690k, 16 gb ram), and at the highest settings it'd run at 40 to 50 fps.
Playing with the highest textures would also produce hiccups here and there and the hair effect would shove off about 5 fps on average by itself. I ended up tweaking quite a few things down to get constant 60.
how old are you?
So the architecture is the bottleneck?
>What are Jewish marketing tactics
The 6500k is literally no faster.
>everyone misses the fact that PS4 and Pro are far down on the chart
Even the latest intel hot shit only has a 33% better performance over a 2600K you dumb fuck. This isn't the early 2000s
Even then, Skylakes are... what, 6% faster? It's insignificant. Japs can't code for shit, I had the exact same problem as him.
not an argument
You'd need an R9 Fury or higher for 60 FPS maxed on TR at 1080p.
That said, the Pro can't even maintain 30 FPS with enhanced visuals at 1080p, and it's still missing some PC effects such as HBAO and tessellation.
>literally no faster
It's neither. I'm just saying that my 290 can't make any game look as good (at playable frame rates) as Rise of the Tomb Raider on the Pro . I'm not saying that no GPU can.
And you would pay $230 + Mobo + RAM for this.
>CPU manlets trying to validate themselves
>I had the exact same problem as him.
He's a dumbfuck, the reason he's getting shit performance is because he has 8x EQAA enabled in AMD Catalyst.
Because it was overclock dumb ass.
>moving goalposts
>instead of admitting you were wrong double-down on the pretending to be retarded schmuck
But it can, the Pro has to drop down to 30 FPS at 1080p when running near PC's very high settings (and even then still at a lower setting), 40-60 fPS at 1080p when running medium-high settings (aka base PS4 settings), and medium settings at upscaled 4k (which is actually closer to 1440p when it comes to native pixel counts).
I get it user, you want to believe that consoles have that optimization magic, but it's not 2002 anymore, that doesn't exist.
Yeah? I just glanced over his AMD bloatware. Anyway, mine would perform terribly until I changed that power setting.
that's the titan who's overclocked
Interesting, I have a similar screenshot from the Pro.
And yeah, native is much better. Of course it's not gonna look as good as native 4k, but that was never the point. Native 4k requires you to spend more on a GPU than on the entire PS4 Pro system.
>Dips into the 20s
>upscaled blurry fake 4k
my fucking laptop can play witch 3 at 30fps with a 965m. get over it
Jesus christ that ambient occlusion, it's so blurry too
god damn this is ugly
the difference is night and day
>Native 4k requires you to spend more on a GPU than on the entire PS4 Pro system.
I paid $250 for my R9 Fury and I can play RotTR at native 4k on higher settings at a higher framerate.
Though honestly, I'm not very impressed with RotTR's visuals, outside of maybe character models.
I have a 4670k @ 4.4 paired with a 980 Ti and I practically never dip below 60 at 1440p. Your issue is your lowish clock speed, when I had an FX 8350 and a 390 I would dip into the 30ish range all the time because that CPU has horrible IPC even when overclocked. Upgraded to a 4670k and at stock clocks my avg. framerate was a bit better but would still drop into the mid 40s, overclocked it to 4.4 and my issues in DS3 were completely gone with my 390 at 1080p and improved nicely in a bunch of other games as well.
Never buy a locked chip, literally just throwing away free performance when overclocking is piss easy.
Honestly I'm just glad my card is on this fucking benchmark usually it's not