Every time I see a console war thread, someone referred to as sonybro, nintenbro, pcbro, or xbot, I laugh hard

Every time I see a console war thread, someone referred to as sonybro, nintenbro, pcbro, or xbot, I laugh hard.

Its a refreshing reminder that you are all so poor that you can't just have all of them.

I have a gaming PC, a Macbook Pro, a Vita, a 3DS, a PS4, an Xbox One, and I recently purchased the Switch.

I also have owned pretty much every console since the 5th generation at one point or another.

>inb4 responsibilities
I also have a car, an apartment, and a family.

Fuck off John

My name isn't John. It's Kevin actually.

Whatever you say John

>Macbook Pro
LOL why?

The better question is "Why not?"
The same reason I have an iPad and a samsung galaxy s7 edge.

Why would I have a windows desktop AND another windows laptop?

>no Ouya
LMAOing at your life.

I bet you don't even play videogames

A lot of people aren't drones because they can't afford multiple systems, they're drones because of weird company loyalty.

Name one Mac exclusive