

*notices your thread*

when is specter of knight coming out?

Can you guys dump some cute Mona fanart?

It's out.

>Vita isn't getting Specter Knight

Isn't it? I thought they were pretty adamant about all platforms getting all updates.

when are we getting hollow knight

as a secret boss?


It's out now on the Switch :^)

They said that they didn't see any reason to now that Sony's dropped support for it.

So what's the general opinion on the Spectre Knight DLC? Please no spoilers.

Some time in April.






How did an indie "retro" platformer expansion manage to write one of the cutest couples in vidya

Because tall girlXshort guy is always adorable.

Spank you senpai.

Is this the appeal of /ss/

>tall girlXshort guy is always adorable.

Fuck, it's not fair.