Got pic related today, what am I in for?

Got pic related today, what am I in for?

Other urls found in this thread:

looting and leveling

I still want to replay this game but it's very empty without a crew. I suggest finding 2 to 3 friends to play with regularly. Grab Digistruct Peak and the Crawmerax headhunter. Play to level 72 and beyond.

But user, I don't have any friends to play it with

What platform do you play on? I'll join you if I can.

If you haven't played the first one, it'll be an okay game.

If you have played the first one, disappointment.

its a lot more fun with friends imo. also, sometimes enemies down you and fucking run away behind cover. that shit sucks when theres noone to pick you up.


Good luck finding a decent legendary weapon on your first two playthroughs

Fuck it. I want to play this again all the way through. Anyone want to join?

a fun game with some shitty writing

also the shift code thing is probably the gayest shit in vidya ever and I can't believe no one called Gaybox out on it


>captcha paid

OP here, if you are going to actually play it often instead of forgetting about it after a few days, sure I will join.

Steam ID?


This is a game where I just tune out the characters/story and just listen to albums or podcasts.

Linear game + shitty humor. Still fun to do it at least 1 time with friends.

the amount of shift codes available right now make the game a lot easier

i play as a level 16 gunzerker and i don't use anything less than purple weapons, all from the golden crate

Make sure you do the side missions, like all them post level 14. you will be horribly underleveled if you just go through the story missions.

go get some golden keys from their twitter account and have fun getting free legendaries from the grinder.

Outdated memes that were never funny to begin with.
Gearbox's shit-tier '''humor'''
Bullet sponge enemies

Lets wait to see if someone else wants to join.

This. More gun parts for more gun "variety," but the actual types of guns are far less. Maulers were my favorite guns in the first game, but the only one in this game is a shitty "legendary" one.

>revolvers use the same ammo as repeater pistols
>carnage shotguns are now one SINGULAR shitgun

I want to play too
Post your steam id and i will add you tomorrow

id join. been a while since i played this with someone else.

My profile.

Sent ;)

Fun gameplay and memes.

Like, altogether too many of them. To the point that it will detract from the experience.

But still a fun shoot and loot. I recommend the Gunzerker.

I completely forgot to paste my profile.

I thought it was fucking atrociously boring and the writing was garbage.

OP here,

Add me

I will add you tomorrow, im now in bed

Oops, meant

>sent you a request and you denied it
