Has Sup Forums officially forgotten Nioh? The update breathed new life into the game...

Has Sup Forums officially forgotten Nioh? The update breathed new life into the game, giving more farming spots and higher chance of smithing texts, as well as probably the hardest missions yet

I have no time to go back and play games I already beat. Maybe in a couple years when I do a souls-like marathon

lack of variety killed the replayability for this game

it will be revived in april when PVP comes in

shut up shill. I'm waiting for the DLC. Now fuck off until its been confirmed.

It's seriously depressing to see a game being so good yet no one talking about it

But it's pretty much what says, there's really not much to do once you beat it
Once the DLC comes out with the new weapon types things should get livelier for a while

>lack of variety killed the game
glad I quit and returned it after only an hour of the same environment then.

I've been trying out the kusarigama and I've got to say, maybe it's me not knowing how to use it, but it looks like it's awful at breaking defenses

Fucking new mission is BS on way of the veteran.

I'll just wait till DLC so I can naturally get stronger and do them later instead of having to grind for some better stuff to finish them.

I platinum'd it
I'm now just waiting for p5
I'm sure I'll get back into it once I can be one eyed masamune

Its so much easier to grind now with the mission to fight all 6 trainers one by one. Seriously, parrying + tempest is really fucking strong

>Good games are never talked much here
>Nioh is not talked much here

really makes me think...

Kusaigama is pretty bad at breaking defense even with the kick but you don't need to since you can just use your meme pull into high weak attack to destroy most human enemies. The only one that you might struggle is extremely mobile one like okatsu who dodge constantly and punish hard and can recover very fast after getting pulled. Shiggy is hard to pull too because he always iai and armor through your pull.

Wait, where is that mission? I can't find it. Do you have to clear all weapon mastery dojo mission to unlock it or something?

I've been playing Nier
I'll head right back afterwards

But even then, if the enemy starts turtling I can't really do anything short of spamming the high stance combo, since defending blocks the chain pull

For all it's moves it feels a little limited

>a solid 60-hour experience with no reason to ever go back to it
why would we keep talking about it

you've gotta have the major autismo to care about extra farming spots

I don't think that's it. I've done all the dojo missions and I don't have that one

I want a huge ninja mansion style labyrinth level, with revolving walls, trapdoors and such. It would be great

BTW, how do I smokebomb? Is it a poor man's Suppa?

I found amusing how I never liked multiple enemy boss fights yet this update consists entirely of them

Any tips on how to handle two bosses or more at once? Say, Okatsu and Hanzo? Since they seem like they're a little complicated to separate

>higher chance of smithing texts
Source on that?

Nope, it's on my backlog

Waiting for PvP to play it again.

I REALLY wanted to get more into this game, but after I beat it I just stopped caring. It just got boring to me, I dunno why exactly, I just got over it pretty fast, it was purty good while beating it, a little repeatative, but bearable, but now I just have nothing I care enough to do.

Zelda came out so I stopped playing.

I'll finish the game up eventually. I had fun.

The new missions were made harder in the dumbest ways.

Here's a wave of enemies, plus a tengu or umbrella fucker, possibly both. That or it's "fight me and my friend this if ur so good :^)"

Give me pvp please

I'm waiting for the dlc. Then I'll get back into it. I played the game a ton at launch and now I'm simply taking a break to play other games.

>The update breathed new life into the game
Why the fuck would you lie?

New life? Niggerm ost of the new missiosn are "lol, now fight two of us". Fuck you faggot, update didn't do shit, waiting for actual DLC.