
Halo threads never die...

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they just respawn xD
us gamers amirite?

>10 years and Halo is still MIA

>he fell for the everything after 3 is shit meme

actually i fell for the 343 isnt shit meme 3 times so kindly noose yourself bitch they are cancer

ODST, Reach, and 5's MP are all better then 3.

I rememebr watching this in my high school library and being so psyched


Ugh, people over the age of 19 should NOT post here.





the most baffling shit here is thinking reach is better than 3, reach is absolute cancer and destabilized the franchise

For every flaw reach introduces, reach also added like 3 new good things, and it's not like 3, 2, or especially CE had any less flaws either.

For example, people bitch about bloom in reach, but it's not as bad as 3's spread, which 3babies ignore.

Amour abilities ruined halo

>but it's not as bad as 3's spread
completely wrong, bloom fucked people over way way more than 3s spread

Spread isn't controllable, bloom is; and bloom helped autos, wheras 3's absurd spread made every weapon worse that had it.

Well it's a good thing 5 doesn't have them then

the bloom is still luck based, its completely doable to run in spamming the trigger and destroy someone pacing their shots

I still play MCC and Halo 5 with friends.


>Halo threads never die...
They just reach page 11.

Is Halo Wars 2 good? Should I wait for it to become $30 or less?

At least Reach eventually got gametypes that removed bloom.


he's not referring to that you joyless clueless autist

Why what? I'm a Halo fan. I have a lot of other games on my backlog though, IDK if I should bump HW2 to the front or not.

recently I started playing Halo co-op with my younger sister to show her the games, it's been fun

>343 elite's mandibles are right next to their eyes
>they can't even speak without their teeth digging into their eye sockets

THIS. Reach is the prequel that ruined the franchise. At least 4 & 5 have something good about them. Reach was soulless and incompetent. Terrible campaign lousy MP.

ODST was arguably the best of the series.

H3 = best MP

Again, I don't disagree with you, I just don't think it's as bad as 3's spread.

What good does wiggling mandibles do anyway. Are they doing sign language or something with them at the same time they talk or something

No. It's how they talk. they move them around just like you move your lips when you speak

Only played 3, ODST, and Reach and 4 very briefly.

I literally do not understand what people have against Reach. It had a good MP, good SP and the best artstyle of the franchise and in its own right.

Bloom and armor lock can not possible turn a game to shit alone contrary to what autists here are saying.

It's somewhat more difficult to trap and direct air with a fuckhueg hole in your jaw than with very narrow opening

>At least 4 & 5 have something good about them
>this is what 343babbies actually believe

The teeth only start at the final joint, which ends right past the eye, it'd work fine. If you look at the Halo 3 elite, it's actually the exact same way, it's just more visibly apparent for 343 elites because their mandibles visibly stick out more.

I don't know why people hate 343's elites when it's reach's that look so different and awful under their armor.

5 has the best MP in the series since 2, the best core gameplay, and the best forge

Two kinds of people.

>Halo 2/3 multiplayer purists.
>Lorefans who expected a 1:1 retelling of the Fall of Reach book and got super bitter it wasn't.

I just want more porn of Vale getting gangbanged by Elites like the xeno-slut she really is.

I played both Halo 3 and Reach in their prime. Though I did end up playing significantly more Reach than 3.

Either way I enjoyed both.

Not on their own, but when you add in every other shitty factor from Reach it really adds up.

Like what?

Do elites even have cocks? I haven't kept up with the lore in a while

>they aren't stabbing themselves in the eye, they're just boring holes in their own cheeks with their inexplicably long teeth

>can block any sword hit just by punching
>no damage bleedthrough to health, your shields will absorb a hit even if they're only at 1%, but only with certain weapons
>slow movement and low jumps
>TTK is the longest of any halo game
>nothing but the DMR and power weapons is worth even looking at
>shit maps, the only viable options are forge maps
>all of the forge maps are grey and look exactly the same, and likely have framerate issues
>no powerups in regular matchmaking playlists

There's a big difference between 3's and 343's mandibles, senpai. 3's teeth are facing down for a reason. But that's not even the issue. The mandible placement is the problem. 343's is too far up the face.

The only thing bad about reach's elites are their faces. They are nowhere as abnormally bulky as 343's and their armor doesn't look like scrap they found in the trash

I don't mind the elites being bulky since they're supposed to be 10x as strong as a human and as strong as a Spartan II.

They're also supposed to be predatory and have a cat-like agility and grace. Halo 3's hunchback dinos or 343i's comically clumsy ogres don't really depict that.

The entire purpose of their design was to signify their sleekness, stealthiness, and agility. Them being bulky as fuck is counterintuitive to this.


They lay eggs and have a cloaca. Take that as you will.

should i get Halo Wars 2?


Literally nothing happens

The armor and elites themselves are seperate metrics

Reach elites are garbage but reach elite armor is 10/10
343 elites look good but their armor is trash

Many of the Reach elites wear full face helmets so I don't think their features come into it as much.

I'm usually a ODST guy but the Elite Ultras are awesome.

I miss the Concussion Rifle. It was the one thing that Reach did well.

>the one thing that Reach did well.


>Halo mini figures
Shiiit, I remember I used to collect tons of those Hero Clix type figures as a kid and I had a handful of the Halo Clix or whatever, in fact I think I still have them in my closet somewhere. Always wanted to collect more of them but only had a few set's worth.

Things reach did right

>Sharing your armor customization across all modes
>campaign matchmaking
>Lone Wolf
>Long Night of Solace
>Enemy AI
>General visual design for both UNSC and covenant shit
>Making weapons feel unique and not having a ton of clone guns
>less shitty weapon balance then usual
>Firefight matchmaking
>Firefight custom game settings
>Custom game settings in MP
>Forge World/forge refinements
>All of the new guns other then the plasma repeater
>The skyboxes
>Bringing health back
>Making the AR actually be able to hit shit past 5 feet
>In my opinion, replacing 3's spread with bloom and making melee tradesmore skill based with no shield bleedthrough, though I know this is controversial

>all those things right

Wow it's almost like reach is actually a good halo game or something

Just wait

>no shield bleedthrough

I have no idea why people like bleedthrough so much, the Halo 3 mindless AR spray + melee was fucking cancer. At least Reach's system adds a bit of counterplay and timing.

Though sprint + double melee was pretty fucking cancer too, but I am sure there's other ways to fix that rather than going back to bleedthrough.

>>Making weapons feel unique and not having a ton of clone guns
There were 5 automatic weapons that all pretty much did the exact same thing, and every weapon had a counterpart. And they were still all worse than just using the DMR.

>tfw there will never be a game that captures the same atmosphere and lonely feeling of ODST

Halo 3's mindless AR spray was because they made the beatdowns overpowered for some fucking reason. It was literally never a problem in the games before it, and it only makes your weapons and melees arbitrarily do less damage because the game said so.

Halo 4 was the last Halo that still had Bungie's influence, picking up where the legendary ending to Halo 3 left off.

Halo 5 was the systematic murder of Halo.

I'm not saying reach had zero but it did it much better then 3 and 4 while still having a ton of guns, unlike 2 and CE

the only real clone guns in reach that were actually on maps was the DMR and Needle Rifle, and AR and Plasma Repeater. Every other gun was either entirely unique, or had factional analogs but still preformed very differently (The Focus rifle vs the sniper rifle, for instance)

5 returned the series to it's roots in terms of core mechanics and MP though

The Focus Rifle is not and has never been a sniper weapon. It's an AR with a scope.

Right, I agree, but that's my point. It may be ostenbly a sniper counterpart but in practice it's really it's own unique thing.

The same applies for the concusion rifle vs the grenade launcher, the plasma launcher vs the spartan laser, or if you want to be retroactive, the plasma pistol vs the magnum and Fuel rod vs the rocket launcher.

>Bringing health back
And fucking it up, I only had one health bar left in Halo CE and an Elite shot me 5 times unshielded on Heroic and I still survived. In Reach I have 3 health bars left and an Elite shoots me and it's like 1 or 2 shots before I die.
>Making the AR actually be able to hit shit past 5 feet
It had the worst AR in the series, it could barely kill shit.

You weren't using Reach's AR right then. It did the least amount of damage, but in CE and 3, at least 30% of your shots are going to miss even if you use accurate bursts. The AR in Reach isn't a spray and pray gun, it's an automatic precision weapon. You need to use 2-3 round bursts that are accurate.

True but it still felt worthless even compared to the Halo 3 AR.

Ayy I think this guy might be legit

Fuck off

That's because you're playing as a shitty SIII, well that's my reason anyway.

>Shitty SIII