Wanted this game so bad

>wanted this game so bad
>the jon tron affair

fuck this gay earth

>Want the game so bad
>Not getting it because you can't hear your favorite e-celeb go BLEH BLEH BLEH BLEH BLEH probably once

no it's because if I buy it I will become a cuck sjw

if the fact that some fat neckbeard isnt in the game triggers you this much, you might be the cuck SJW

Don't buy it yet. In a few months after poor sales (much like Tearaway was a failure), the price will go down to like $15.

>company doesn't want to assosiate with jontron's political views
>they cut out his BLEH BLEH BLEH BLEH lines

Companies do it all the fucking time. Shows you like or products you already buy have likely done it too.

It shows unprofessionalism in a company. I don't trust them to refund or provide support for any other issues that may arise.

>I can't enjoy a game unless a Nazi e-celeb makes a minor cameo

Grow up.

Just pirate it you retard.

>not getting the game because of jontron
>automatically makes the game bad


proving his point?

>retard sjw sympathizers think it's about jontron's voice and not the principle

>download game
>don't update
>play it

>>wanted this game so bad
Politics aside, it was probably going to disappoint you.

>implying there's a principle at all and that companies don't do this all the time

>implying the internet isn't just wanting this game be to MN9 2

This is the people that Playtonic bows down to.

Daily reminder that Jontron still has a fully voiced (not just spewing gibberish) character in the superior 3D platformer.

No you wont.

Stop being fucking retarded. If you want the game real bad buy it and if you're butthurt enough about the irrelevant bullshit pirate it. Just expect far less genuine opinions on it in the upcoming threads because of how thickly rooted the Sup Forums cancer is on this board thanks to dipshit crossposters and brain dead jontron fans, and subsequently their counterparts just here to shitpost against them.

Don't worry user, I'm sure Microsoft will make a new Banjo this y-


banjo-kazooie was never good get fucked rarefags

>I want to play video games but I care more about muh e-celeb drama

what a gossipy fag

>caring after the redesign
it's never coming out anyway

>cuck self from playing a game you'd like because you think Sup Forums will think less of you
You're already one

>wanted this game to be good so bad
>it's not, regardless of jon

>superior game
>literally developed by a human piece of shit

fuck mechatheslag

>not holding out for the n64 version

>actually its about the ethics in game journalism

game is probably shit anyways

>the principle

Why are gamers the most pathetic retards in existence?

>Employ man with huge following to voice a character
>He vocalizes his political views that not everyone may agree with
>Cut ties with him in case something goes wrong

Companies do it all the fucking time you retard. The only reason you don't know is that no one makes a big deal about petty shit like this except gamers.

>waah how dare someone display human decency and go against my far right eugenics nazism beliefs!


>ignore what happened, focus on politics

>company wants to force their political views on others

fixd redditor

>it's another "user looks for reason not to actually play video games" episode


So all they did was cut out his voice clips? I thought they cut out an entire character and potentially their sidequest. I'm ok with this.

faggots will continue to deflect to save their own face. they don't mind in the least Playtonic is eating this shit right now, Neogaf is having a right laugh in their expense.

I can't believe It's impossible to discuss this game now. It happened instantly.

If Jon getting removed for saying objectively racist things makes you drop a game, you're a bigger faggot than any SJW who has ever lived.

Any fucking company would have sacked his ass. This is not the work of da ebil ussjuydubz. It's simply business.

Maybe if it was 5 months later they wouldn't care, people would have forgotten. But right now? Nah, this shit is fresh and the game is coming out very soon. And Jon keeps adding more controversy on his twitter and youtube, so that's even more justification to drop him. It wasn't going to be a one off thing for him.

No, gamers don't give a fuck.

Butthurt Sup Forums crossposters on Sup Forums and Jontron fans are the pathetic retards letting principles get in the way of their hobby because they can't get over themselves.

>He doesn't like her new design
What are you gay?

Cutting someone out of something that they love because of the ideals that they have is dumb. Doesn't matter if it happens in vidyer, marketing, whatever.

I had no idea Jontron was even going to do a voice until I heard about the political drama.

Don't give a shit either way, I still want the game.

If a dev fired someone for being a hardcore sjw, Sup Forums would be all for it

I assume you're referring to the fact that there's a stupid controversy and we'll never get an actual discussion about the game without hearing about this shit. If so I agree with you.

>love mechatheslag's mods for tf2
>support his new game
>still not out

I fucked up

it will be removed with a day one patch

therefore in theory, somebody can reinsert the voice clip, even remove all existing voice clips with their own recordings of Jon

frankly i want somebody to do this passive aggressive thing. support the game but also give a biiiiiig fuck you to politics in muh vidya.

>be me
>know mechatheslag on MFGG
>download his fangames
>he put viruses in the zip files

He's always been a piece of shit and I didn't even bring up what happened with MaxofS2D

>have to restrain from having the game fixed and improved over time because I don't want to participate in sJEWry
>a solution

Stop posting that retarded shit.

t. NeoGAF shill

Pirate it and don't look back.

well we'll find out in 2020 if they redesign her again

>Refuse refunds to people that disagree with your stance
>Go full on DINGDONG BANNU on your forums

They have the right to do what they want with their game. Them mishandling the backlash is where they messed up.

Yeah, I can't belie what happened to Jared! How could Subway do that just because of his beliefs on children!

What happened with maxofs2d? I liked his stuff but I remember a drama of his, which I think was related to ponies

He broke the law.

>letting politics interfere your life.

They shouldn't have dropped em, but whatever. Any faggot that lets politics get in the way what they want to do is a gigantic faggot. Liberals boycotting Chic Fil A, conservatives boycotting Hawaii, it's fucking retarded. Isn't life hard enough without letting your personal opinions fuck with your enjoyment out of things?

Fucking fags.

if you care that much about jontron's voice, why would you care about updates?

I liked the game before the drama
Get cucked fags

If you let this meaningless debacle stop you from enjoying a game you would otherwise have no reservations about enjoying you are already a cuck.


What is the FUCKING point? WHO THE HELL CARES?

Do you retards not know that Mario exists? Just buy it instead, it will be HUNDRED times better anyway.

Holy shit. Just shut the fuck up. Or are you too poor to buy a fucking Nintendo console?

those two are hugely different, and you know that. being convicted of a crime and thinking radical thoughts are two very different things.

That wasn't what Jon advocated for at all you blatant strawmanner.

>neogaf laughing
>Sup Forums laughing
>Sup Forums continues to take obvious bait and act like assblasted retards

There's a reason Sup Forums is universally known as the shittiest board on this site by other boards

TL;DR is Mecha stole intellectual property that Max had made for a collaboration between Slag and himself, after Max ended their partnership.


>Still think l thinking Nintendo could make a good 3D Mario game after 3D World.

And yet here you are.
Posting along with us.
You sure showed us.

Man, that sucks, I remember max putting alot of effort into his shit

Is it true this game cucked alt rightists of their refunds? lol

>not enjoying 3D world

I'll try to enjoy it for free, my chargeback just went through but man this really puts a damper on things.

I miss when people just made games without letting bullshit politics get involved.

>I can't read subtext
Oh wow, Sup Forumstards can't even pass a basic english class.

>this snark
>"you da real SJWs" fallacy

>Just buy it instead, it will be HUNDRED times better anyway.

>steam refunds
>eu refund laws

nah people are getting back at them.

I remember when people just wanted more Banjo Kazooie

fuck politics

Jew can't deny the quality of 3D Mario games. More consistent than Zelda by several miles.

Agreed. Let's get back to the topic at hand.

Most of Sup Forums looks like this guy.

Then what was the subtext, tell me exactly how Jons views are in any way similar to far right nazi eugenicists.

>say blacks commit more crime than whites, quoting statistics, something that blacks living outside of ghettos also acknowledge and agree on
>get labeled a racist

Oh you silly liberals. You should take an action packed tripped to Detroit and live in the ghettos there since you love them so much.


I miss when people just played games without letting bullshit politics get involved.

All his enablers have to do is keep the food 6 feet away and this nigga would lose weight.

You tried to make it sound like there's a logical link between these 2 things when there is none.

Hardly, they suffer from the same issues modern Zelda games do, they've been releasing the same game for past few decades. Even die-hard Nintendo fans will get tired of it eventually, trust me.

But why did he bring that up out of nowhere?

3D World was fucking great though, did you lack friends to play with?

it would be easier to lay a harpoon and end him. he's no longer classifiable as human.

i miss it too man.
now people only want to discuss the drama and politics rather that play and discuss the game.

i don't know how people think a game with fart jokes will hold any political message.

shit is still sold out. stfu dont blame me bitch

Nah there's always a new bunch of kiddies to sell bing bing wahoo too

Amazon will make drones to fix that problem.

I'm still getting it because I dont give a shit about identity politics.

>mfw I only found out about this game because Jantran is not going to do a voice in it.

Seriously, I didn't know this game existed until the developers Virtue Signaled so hard that even the ISS could see it from earth.

Who's paying all you liberal faggots to come here? Normally there is usually only one every now and then but these past few months it's been an infestation.

how did the developers "virtue signal so hard" though?

Brand saving.
Playtonic played it safe user-kun.

they had every right to remove his voice from the game no matter how dumb it was

its when they started banning people for asking for refunds or giving advice on how to get a refund thats crossing the line and lost any credibility they had


i bet you like censorship in game too fag