Are you looking forward to Final Fantasy XII Zodiac Age?
Are you looking forward to Final Fantasy XII Zodiac Age?
Even though I don't own a PS4
Not really since it looks pretty ugly but I might buy it on PC when it comes out.
I preordered the steelcase because that's the type of faggot I am. Platinum'd Nier already, and lost my FF15 save when I upgraded to a PS4Pro since it wasn't cloud saved for some fucked reason...
Tried ME: A to hold me over, which was a fucking mistake. Probably will just grab persona next.
>tfw getting the P5 steelbook and the Zodiac Age CE for the exclusive steelbook
What region? Does it havge a US release steelbook? Because that's news to me if so.
Which game? Both P5 and Zodiac Age are getting steelbook editions in the US. The CE of Zodiac Age has an exclusive steelbook art different from the regular steelbook edition, though.
No. FF12 is my least favorite FF. The only money square may get from me this year will be for DQ11.
I already played IZJS. Does this change a lot from that version?
Nah, just PS4-standard textures of the game. I'd imagine it will be 60FPS as well.
Are they removing the retarded stutter-stepping with a brief pause in movement every time they pull out or put away weapons?
Call me an oldfag, but am I the only one who thinks the party rushing into a big ass blob to fight the enemy is incredibly jarring and makes it difficult to figure out what the fuck is going on in these new games?
I miss when JRPGs had your party on one side with the enemy on the other and it was easy to see what was happening when.
I was until I saw the price.
It's 30fps and the textures look worse than the PS2 ones honestly.
I don't think so.
Is that even getting localized?
>200 dollarydoos for that shit
>when you can get the limited steelbook plus this
In his defense he did say he was a faggot.
I liked IZJS, but I don't get why they need to do another version.
They definitely look better than PS2's graphics.
Because MONEY!
I can't agree. It looks exactly like they hired a 12 year old who just discovered the emboss shader.
I already have IZJS on PCSX2 though.
PS4 only, no PC.
Never played FF12. Is it any good? Or is it just a meme game?
>FF9 will never EVER come to PC, they lost the source code!
>FFX will never EVER come to PC, that doesn't even make sense
>FF13 will never ever EVER come to PC
>FF Type-0 "We have no plans to release this game on PC(until 2 more months pass then it will come out by the way)"
All this followed by Square saying they will put more FF games on PC.
I will trust my gut on this one.
Polarizing opinions on it.
It's a good game, people were angry when it released because they were looking for a "traditional" FF. Turn based, romance storyline, etc. that came with 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. 10-2 was different, 11 was different, and people were hoping that it'd be what they were used to. It's a great game in a lot of ways, not amazing story but fun gameplay. If it wasn't an FF game it would have be hailed as one of the best PS2 games
No, because it's developed by the same Chinese sweatshop workers that did the FFX HD remaster.
FFX/X-2 HD Remaster came to PC like 3 years after it released on PS3. All those FF games are getting released on PC many years after it has been released on consoles first.
Have fun playing it on PC in 2020, then.
Is there any new content in the Zodiac Age of note?
Like rare hunts or secret bosses or anything?
It's a single-player MMO with a story that just rip's off Star Wars.
Complete Trash.
Trash "opinion", hide and ignore.
>mfw paying $50 for a game I paid $50 for 10 years ago
Yes. Day 1 buy.
Never got to finish it back in the day because my retard brother dropped my PS2 and the laser died and I never bought a new one.
Wait, what? There's a version that comes with a sweet Gabranth?
Did anybody actually play Type-0? I thought people just bought it to play the FFXV demo. Game looked like Final Fantasy: The Harry Potter version.
And other remasters came to PC before PS4 or only a few months afterward.
No need to get salty, friend. I have been able to emulate the game for the better part of a decade.
I didn't play it for long when it came out on PSP, the characters were cringe and the combat sucked.
>implying the FFX HD remaster was bad
It had great music
I don't see anything wrong with that. FFXII is a great game, easily worth the money. I'd rather buy a remaster of a game I love than pay the same price for a mediocre new release.
FFXII is also loaded with content so you get your money's worth. Last playthrough took me somewhere over 100 hours.
It's the Peacewalker equivalent of a spin off.
Made for Vita, bite-sized mission based gameplay & pretty repetitive.
Wasn't there a shitty sequel made for the DS or something? lmao.
It was insanely bad.
Yep, I never had the chance to play it back in the day.
Great, I love Star Wars!
>Check the PAX gameplay video
>Remember why I didnt care for the game back then
Battle system is still SHIT. The single most important part of a RPG.
I can understand the appeal of busts and figures, but who actually enjoys getting shit like cards and chips? It doesn't even make sense in this context.
Wew lad. Litearlly a Chinese knock-off.
Peacewalker is fantastic, though. My only complaint is that enemies and bosses are bullet-sponges, because the game was made for co-op. Storyline was great, and playing co-op to fight MH monsters is the shit.
It was literally developed by a Chinese shovelware manufacturer. Never mind the fact that anyone with an ounce of taste will look at comparison shots between the original PS2 game and the HD remaster and be disgusted by how ugly the remaster is and how hard it butchered the artstyle - it is objective fact that it was churned out by a soulless group of worker-drones who absolutely didn't give a fuck.
Perfectly put.
Ok. Nothing against Peacewalker.
But it's comparable in terms of how the game was developed and presented.
He didn't say either game was bad.
Both are bad though.
>Storyline was great
If you're a downer sure.
>this sold millions
>there are some people whose only experience of FFX is this
It hurts. Square Enix has absolutely no fucking shame.
>Why buy a new game or save my money when I can buy a game I already own?
>there are people who said the versioons look the same or that it was improved
It's not like everyone still has their PS2's, anymore.
And emulating with Pcsx2 is a bitch to use, unless you have a strong computer.
>Are you looking forward to the port of a butchered masterpiece
>play arts
Alright, I know you're just shitposting, but this is just cruel trying to bait people into buying those shitty figures.
FFX was one of the first game you could complete on pcsx2 back in like 2007-8. PCs today are like 400 billion times more powerful than they were back then. You can emulate FFX on a windows tablet.
At $50, it's still a better investment than playing shitty ass Final Fantasty XV, aka the game SE developed for 10+ only to rush it to release unfinished.
Final Fantasy is dead.
Basch deserved better.
10+ years*
of Dalmasca
I'll probably pick it up later just to see if the Job system fixed some of what I disliked about the game. It won't fix the story and characters in the party, but it might be playable now.
Excited to get it because I've always wanted to enjoy FF12 but simply could not. There's so much I like in the game, particularly in the beginning. Unlike other people, I like Vaan and Penelo. They are by no means main characters but they provide the player with a good entry into the world of Ivalice. Them being thrown into a world of politics and war is a good fish out of water introduction, much like how Tidus isn't really the protagonist -- Yuna is -- but he provides the player with an introduction into Spira. Of course, I like all the other characters way more. Balthier and Basch are fucking great.
The game really gets bad for me about 20 hours in when I find enemies to be bullet sponges, there's a huge lack of story progress -- the party travels across the world doing dungeon and dungeon over and over again until around the time Al Cid appears. The combat isn't the best in the series by any means, but it's by no means bad, and I think a lot of the features this hd remaster has will vastly improve the gameplay. The gameplay isn't fundamentally flawed like FF15's combat. Encounters just last too long and world maps and dungeons are a little too big.
Oh, FF12 has the best art style of any game imho. I know people aren't a fan of brown and more brown, but I feel like it works well in this world, and serves as a great stark contrast to FF10's and FF13's colorful world.
Not everyone can afford $1000 gaming rigs. Even I don't have one, since I mostly just use a laptop and not even for gaming for the most part.
I tried emulating Persona 3 FES on it, and only got like 20 FPS. So, I just decided to buy the PSN version on PS3, instead.
it's like all the good things that can eventually happen really do eventually happen
The Job system is bad, it makes leveling up super boring. And most likely some of your characters will turn out useless.
FF4,6,7,9,10 are better than 12.
So it doesn't change the game at all? Darn.
That one looks good though.
Hard to fuck up a guy in armor.
>Not everyone can afford $1000 gaming rigs.
Did you even read my post?
You could spend $50 on a CPU and emulate almost any PS2 game full speed but yeah, it must suck not being able to afford video games.
What does this image mean
Worse than the sphere grid?
Of course it changes the game. Instead of every character being a carbon copy of all the others, you have to select what weapons and shit to specialize in.
Because this is an updated release of a game I love. Updated models and textures, etc. In a higher native resolution so text isn't blurry and pixelated, and it's the first time the IZJS content is getting an official English release. I've already played vanilla XII, and IZJS on my PS2 and through emulation. I don't mind spending money to play an updated version of one of my favorite games. It's money better spent than on other games.
>Includes several all-new enhanced gameplay features:
>The Zodiac Job System – Improved character leveling system that now caters to the player's preference
>Trial Mode – Take on monsters and enemies in up to 100 consecutive battles
Speed Mode
>Latest-generation HD graphical capabilities, including characters and movie scenes fully remastered in high definition.
>True 7.1 surround sound, including high definition voicing and newly recorded background music utilizing the current generation of sound production.
>Modern advancements including PlayStation®4 trophy support and share functionalities, auto-save and shortened loading times
>An endless amount of gameplay and adventure including Hunts, Battles, and mini-games
From the site
You have to remember that that's a preview of the figure and not representative of the final product. Play Arts products are notorious for being terrible.
I've played all the FF games and I agree. My point is that I want to like FF12 but there was so many things getting in the way of my enjoyment with it.
i've been wanting a remaster for ps4 for a long time before it was announced. i'll gladly buy this as i enjoyed the base game a lot. i hate star wars and everything about it, so i don't know whats a copy or not, nor do i care. its final fantasies story now. gameplay was awesome and the amount of options and magic you can do is crazy. it felt like a really good RPG to me.
>spending money on a cpu
>For a laptop
No thanks, bud. I'll stick to console gaming.
>releasing less than a month after Stormblood
Cause SE expect me to be done with Stormblood in only a few weeks.
The job system is a lot better than the original jack-of-all-trades license boards. I get the feeling that you are the same person who keeps making these posts in these threads and you have to realize that you're in the minority who prefers the flawed original license boards.
he could have saved us from the faggotry of modern final fantasy
>playing MMO's
Virgin spotted.
Not really no, no visual changes on your character from the job system you just get useless characters and will be forced to switch between them more frequently which is a hassle.
Fanboys will defend IZJS as some savior that completely fixed the game but it just made it more tedious.
I like the sphere grid so I dunno what to say about that. I liked the original FF12 system too where you could just spec however you wanted.
IZJS just limits what you can specialize in and the boards are significantly smaller so long before you complete the game your characters will be basically maxed out and leveling up further just gives you stats, which is very boring in my opinion. I could have forgiven it if your character got FFT style clothing or something but nope, you're just limited in what weapons you can use now and you more than likely fucked up and made Balthier a gunner, gimping his DPS forever.
I'm still worried they won't let you switch between job boards. I'd like to play with the vanilla board in the IZJS game.
Hey it's your money to waste. If you want instant gratification instead of saving up for a good PC then go for it. Just don't imply emulating most PS2 games is hard.
The only real change here I see is the job system, and if that doesn't do enough to make the game more enjoyable, then it might as well have nothing changed. It looks good already emulated, so the HD textures don't matter to me, and the music seemed fine.
>FF12 is a single player MMO
I was talking about FF14: Stormblood
That's a cool opinion you have but either way only a minority of people have even played the IZJS. Don't get mad when you don't agree with someone who has a better argument than you do.
The biggest change is instead of 2x gameplay speed booster it's 4x now, so the game will end even faster.
>Updated models and textures
That will look worse than the original. Are you really this much of a mindless shit-eater?
>Playing any FF after 7
They were going to kill him off in the trashed sequel.
Also cuck him.
I played this a long time ago, I'm surprised it gets so many praise nowadays because it got shit on by a lot of people when it came out.
I mean, the game has a lot of positive stuff going for it: it has amazing visuals, the music is absolutely outstanding, the writing is exceptional in some parts but I wouldn't call it a great game. The game is just so slow and tedious, the combat system can be completely automatized and it is an absolute CHORE, considering it's one of the things you do the most in this game it gets old really quick. Too much jogging through mostly empty maps waiting for mobs to die while slowly attacking them.
The backstory is intriguing but the plot goes nowhere really fast and some characters straight up don't belong in the cast. I can't even remember what Vaan and Penelo did.
If they bring this remaster to the PC I might give it a go and see if I have a different experience with it after all this time but I have very low expectations.
You sound upset. You need to quit projecting. Most people who have played IZJS universally agree that it's far batter than the vanilla release. You're misleading people into false opinions with your obviously biased (and flawed) tastes.
But we already have plenty of screenshots and video and we know that the models look as good as they did in the original; the difference being that now the model textures aren't blurry as shit. It's not like FFX where they completely changed everything for the worse.
>Playing any FF after 6
Come on, my man.
>You sound upset.
I don't know why you'd think that, I'm not the one fingering out strangers.
>Most people who have played IZJS universally agree that it's far batter than the vanilla release.
Because it objectively is but the license board is beyond inferior in my opinion. You get less out of it, it's worse.
And I think the models look worse
You don't know what objectively actually means. I could list plenty of flaws with the vanilla release of XII that IZJS fixed, a lot of them pertaining to the license board.
>And I think the models look worse
The models are almost identical. The only changes to the models in Zodiac Age are the upresed textures and adding additional polygons to things like hands and Fran's hair to make them look less like boxes. No other changes were made. You can make direct comparisons to the original models and the Zodiac Age models and see that they're virtually the same.
This image is a comparison of the PS2 version of IZJS (top taken from my last playthrough) and a similar screenshot from the Zodiac Age page on SE's store. They're obviously not of the same scene but you can see that the models are exactly the same with the only alterations being the textures having been changed to be less jagged and pixelated.
>You don't know what objectively actually means.
Yes I do. I know you didn't read my post though...
As for the characters, the 1:1 comparisons I've seen had an ugly filter slapped on the new textures which looks really bad. It's reminiscent of the horrifiny unsharp mask FFXHD got on the PC release. The people making these games are basically monkeys.
>Yes I do. I know you didn't read my post though...
I've read all your posts, and I'm fairly certain your the same person who has been making nearly identical posts in all the Zodiac Age threads for the last few months. None of your arguments could be considered "objective."
>I can't even remember what Vaan and Penelo did.
The only exist to be self insert characters. Not even joking.