This game is fundamentally broken and not one of you faggots have beaten it without the help of outside sources...

This game is fundamentally broken and not one of you faggots have beaten it without the help of outside sources, because it can not be done.

Other urls found in this thread:


Yes it can.

It's a better game than Wind Waker


Welcome to 3rd gen games?


Are the GBC games any good

I beat it in less than a week when I was 8. You might be a retard.

Yes. LA is the best 2d zelda and the oracle games are almost as good.

>Using no outside sources
No, you did not. You got help from a strategy guide, or a friend who did.
Why do you feel the need to pretend to be tough on an anonymous message board, user?

Link's Awakening is fucking fantastic, but it's really hampered by the fact that the gameboy only has two buttons. Prepare to switch items a lot. It's worth it, though.

fucking children

>or a friend who did
The game was designed to be played with hints you shared and got from friends at school. Not Miyamoto's fault that you were a loser who had no friends.

It's not that it is hard. A lot of NES games are hard, but the original LoZ is so poorly designed that you will need to read guides or have someone tell you how to get through it.

>Calling someone a friendless loser
>On Sup Forums

Are they long?

They're about 20 hours each.

Looks like a BOTW the wild kiddie fell for the meme that it was just like the first game, and now they can't handle a real Zelda game.

>Game's included manual gave you a step-by-step guide to Level 1
>Level 2's location was also shown in the manual
>Levels 3, 4, and 6 are easy to find because there's no trick to finding them
>Level 5's trick is told to you by an NPC right next to its location
>Level 7 is the trickiest one, but its location is given away by an NPC and can also be bumped into while experimenting with the recorder
>Level 8's location seems obtuse but the tree you burn does stand out and you're already compelled to burn it because it very obviously blocks a one-tile path
>Level 9's location is revealed by a NPC

Oracle of Seasons is my favorite. LA(DX) and Ages are also great.

>Having to bomb random walls
>You only get 8 bombs max
>Bomb drops are rare
>You need to grind for either rupees or bombs
>Sword upgrades make no sense whatsoever
>You have to get the meat in order to beat the game
>No way to know this
>No way to know where to use it
>lol you have to experiment
>No way of knowing whether or not he'll waste the meat from guessing
>Burning bushes is a huge chore
>Can only use blue candle once per screen
>Having to go back and forth between screens just to find a potential burnable bush
>People still claim this game is a masterpiece and that they beat it no problem when they were kids
This is how you tell if someone is a nostalgiafag or some underage faggot trying to sound hardcore on the internet.

The original game came with a map and a manual for a reason.

Yeah, because it's poorly designed.

If you weren't a retard you would have realized it was his stomach grumbling.

Miyamoto was actually against including the map, but NoA insisted because they knew americans would be too dumb to figure the game out on their own.

>Having to bomb random walls
Only if you're hunting for secrets or shortcuts

>No way of knowing whether or not he'll waste the meat from guessing
It's impossible to "waste" the bait. It is only removed from your inventory when you give it to the goriya NPC

>Can only use blue candle once per screen
>Having to go back and forth between screens just to find a potential burnable bush
You aren't even required in the game to burn any bushes until after you've beaten a level that holds the red candle

No one takes a week to wack off, especially if it's your first time

> includes invaluable maps & strategic tips

I miss this.

I printed out BoTW map & re-purposed my Skyrim diary to write down recipes and other tid bits, perfect game for that sort of thing.

>It's impossible to "waste" the bait.
How did you know this? Why would you take the chance when you have no idea if it'll disappear and you'd have to find another one?

>You aren't even required in the game to burn any bushes until after you've beaten a level that holds the red candle
Burning bushes is still tedious with the red candle. It's not good game design to force players to examine every single tile like that.

OP is so autistic he won't link to the twin perfect video that came out an hour ago that he is stealing this argument from. Fuck you OP you autist.

>You can't use these valid arguments because e-celebs already did

>How did you know this?
By playing the game and experimenting, you lazy piece of shit. If you expect hand holding and everything to be solved for you, then why are you even playing a video game?

>I am literally making the same arguments verbatim from a video that game out an hour ago

You are a dumb fuck autists kill yourself.

git gud scrub

>By playing the game and experimenting, you lazy piece of shit
No. That's wrong. I'm asking you how did you know the meat wasn't a one time use and you can not answer this very simple question.
You can only have 8 bombs too. How the hell does it encourage experimentation when you have such limited resources?

But that's the idea, also, you had to use the map to mark stuff up on it.

>Without using outside sources
I'm asking you to beat the game with only the in-game hints and tools. No guides.
If this was a good game, you would be able to do it.

In all honesty, they might be the best games.

>How did you know this? Why would you take the chance when you have no idea if it'll disappear and you'd have to find another one?
Any curious player would have used it to see what it did, and only one usable item in the game was ever a one-and-done deal, and that item being that way made sense.

>Burning bushes is still tedious with the red candle. It's not good game design to force players to examine every single tile like that.
Except only one bush even needs to be burned in the game, and it sticks out like a sore thumb. any others are purely optional and just for finding secret shit.

I kinda agree that exploration is handled somewhat badly, with both trial and error or npcs flat out telling the solution.

However its non linearity is the bigger draw for me and the combat is challenging but fun

Also you can easily beat the game without a guide since none of the dungeons are all that hidden.

Are we gonna forget how the game came with a fucking map and tips

Nobody can answer they beat this game without help in the modern age because there has been so much hearsay and dropped hints when people reference the original LoZ.

Guys watch the twin perfect video I linked to. This fucking autist OP is regurgitating their argument as his own and it's pathetic and cringey as fuck.

the oracle games a pretty damn long by 2d zelda standards. LA is fairly short, the perfect length

Fuck off, shill.

Nah you just suck. I'm a casual and had pretty much no trouble with this, played and beat it a few years ago. Aside from the occasional difficulty, the one thing that I think I had trouble with was finding the 7th dungeon, or whichever is the one you find with the recorder. I only found it as quickly as I did after seeing it in the zelda documentary. I was only halfway paying attention during that part so I didn't really take notice of it. Then sometime after that I was playing and it hit me "oh fuck that was really it wasn't it?" I was kind of disappointed and mad at myself, not only because I didn't solve it by myself, but others had much before me. It was just another one of those things that made me realize how deadend to the senses we have all become. Anyways I had heard and read about how the final dungeon is a bitch. I was pissed off at something who knows what so I just beasted that shit and beat it ezpz, even drew out a map on pencil and paper because I was NOT about to get lost in that bitch.

tl;dr git gud

You don't know. That's the entire fucking point of a video game that's built around exploration and puzzle solving. Bombs are not that difficult to come by and you can fill them up within a few minutes of gameplay.

I did watch it and it's cringey as fuck too. It's nothing but some guy complaining that a game sucks because it made him think and didn't hold his hand.

Aren't those the guys that made that super autistic Silent Hill video?

I beat it for the first time in animal crossing without outside resources unless you count my little brother who i bounced ideas off of. I never played it on the NES because I was poor in those days

You are a pathetic piece of shit. You watch a video then literally copy all their retarded arguments and try to pass them off as you. What a sack of shit your are.

>I'm a casual and had pretty much no trouble with this
>after seeing it in the zelda documentary
>I didn't solve it by myself
>even drew out a map on pencil and paper
Re-read the OP.

you can actually pay to carry more bombs by the way, up to 16.

beat it when i was 7-8 years old

figured out the mazes by trial and error

Yes. They are whining that Zelda is too hard and impossible to beat without help. OP is copying all their retarded argument points and passing it as his one.

And not one person can provide a solid counter-argument. Zeldafags BTFO.

This is pretty true. If you know there are parts that you are going to need help for then it isn't too bad, but I imagine it would be hell for anyone not aware and stubborn enough to not look for help at certain parts.

This really isn't a good point. People like you are truly retarded. Just because it is designed like that, doesn't mean that it is a good design decision. I swear there are people who honestly believe that because something is intentional, that it is good. Designers make lots of shitty decisions when making a game. Just because you lack the critical thinking to make up your own mind on how the decision impacted the game. Saying something was a design choice or something along those lines is a crutch for people who don't have a better argument. You are pretty much just saying it was shit, but it was designed to be shit. Well, regardless of what it was supposed to be, I don't want to play shit.

>he didn't have the kidforce

Counter-argument to what? The argument you stole here

like an autistic piece of shit?

>something that requires me to have a friend? what a terrible design decision

you'd never understand, you crane-necked buffoon. go snapchat an instagram or something.

>people are seriously so braindead that they can't figure out how to get through LoZ 1ST QUEST
Dear lord, imagine if they played 2nd quest and had to deal with dungeons in nonsensical locations, dungeon walls you had to WALK THROUGH rather than bomb, stalfos throwing swords, bubbles that PERMANENTLY disabled your sword, and THESE FUCKING ROOMS THAT THAT ONE DUNGEON THAT HAD 2 OR 3 OF THEM IN A ROW

Nintendo themselves agree that the first Zelda game had bad design. They remedied it in the sequel, by having NPCs give you more viable hints and having the overworld more streamlined, so you didn't end up in situations where you'd have to burn bushes or bomb walls for hours on end, in the hopes of finding the next dungeon.
It was still fairly cryptic and had a lot of pure bullshit moments(like walking through walls in palaces) and the difficulty was way higher. But, overall it's the better designed game of the two.

Still, OP needs to admit that he made this thread because of the video.

I bet you were one of those kids who thought pokemon was a bad game too because you didn't have any friends to trade them with.

Did you mean to post Zelda II? Because the original Zelda is completely fine by the standards of its day, and could be beaten today without resources.

I beat Star Tropics recently and the only part I caved in was the manual part because it turned out to be literally impossible without the manual. That game was designed around zelda and had just as many cryptic secrets if not more with a more unforgiving difficulty.

Finished it back in 1989. What now fucker?

look at the box
>includes invaluable maps and strategic playing tips
If you bought the game new back in the day, the manual was very helpful and gave you lots of tips
it also came with a map that explicitly told you where the first 4 dungeons were
also on the map was a question mark on places of interest
it also came with a tip sheet that tells you where the 7th dungeon is, it doesnt say what you have to do to make it appear so you have to rub your two brain cells together figure it out

fucking binding of isaac ass shit. fuck the second quest of any first party nintendo game

>figure out how to access mythical startropics second quest
>game cartridge flies out of nintendo and hits you in head, killing you

Which is why most fans tell people to start with the 16-bit era. Zelda and Metroid especially came into their own on the SNES.

Literally the only place that bullshit is this. Even with the hint, it's really vague where to bomb.

Pokemon's main quest can be beaten without friends and it's essentially a mutliplayer game with actual mechanics dedicated to playing with another person.
LoZ does not. It's purely a single player game. Try again.

>it would be hell for anyone not aware and stubborn enough to not look for help
Most people aren't autistic and enjoy open adventure and exploration, user.

The only thing the game doesn't tell you via the manual or in-game hints is that some walls are fake and can be walked through, and that only applies to one wall in the overworld in the first quest and doesn't appear in dungeons until the second quest.

Every single thing you need to complete the first quest is either deciphered from NPC engrish or simple experimentation.
Remember experimenting?

Most of the 2nd Quest was frustrating beyond belief.

>Pick the wrong invisible wall in a dungeon
>Have to redo most of the dungeon again or possibly pay most of your Rupees or lose a heart container

It was also in the manual what to do.

the only level that you have to burn a bush to enter is 8 an it is the most obvious bush to burn in the game

Playing a Nintendo game without your trusty Nintendo power mag. Op, just shoot yourself right now.

That's second quest. It was purposely designed to be as cryptic as possible just to troll you. It's not part of the main game.

To add to your point, the one wall you can walk through in the first quest is for a secret anyway, so it's once again, not actually vital that you know about it

It also had situations that could lead to you getting legit stuck in a dungeon if you ran out of keys since you had to deal with one way walls. I think it was the one in the lost hills, me and my cousins were trying to figure out how to escape without dying and starting over.

I still think the original Metroid is at least okay. It'll get frustrating trying to find your way, but at least you only really require to get the ice beam and defeat three bosses. It's not too bad.
The only part I can think of that has a pure bullshit moment is in Norfair, where you'll have to drop down a vertical shaft and bomb the floor to get to Ridley.

That's why I don't really mind it. It would be inexcusable if it were in the first quest though.

>This really isn't a good point.
No, this is what you did back in the day. You played the game, talk to friends about it, one friend got far and told everyone what to do to get as far as him. You even got a guide with the game to help you out. You're the reason Skyward Sword and damn near every other game today holds your hand and discourages video games to be video games.

Too busy playing this to be bothered with Zelda.

I did
the dungeon locations on the 1st quest are easy enough to find

by far the best Zelda game.

>Simon's Quest
>Hit your head at Deborah's cliff
>Horrible game

>The Legend of Zelda
>Eastmost penninsula holds the secret
>Masterpiece in subtlety

I'll just leave this here for anyone who maybe wants to try playing the game with only the original in box materials to guide you

I remember finding that one wall because I noticed that I never made it to the absolute upper right corner of the map.

The one way fake walls were the absolute worst. Or maybe:

>1st Quest: Bubbles would take your away your sword for a few seconds
>2nd Quest: Red Bubbles took your sword away forever until you hit a Blue Bubble
>Some dungeons had Red Bubbles throughout and Blue Bubbles in the first two or three rooms only

>Complain about hand holding
>Praising a game where you very literally have to have people tell you exactly what to do or read the manual doing the same

>being this retarded

Just goto the Zelda wiki if you want to know what the East-most peninsula is. See it's clearly a peninsula.


It came with a map that told you where shit was. Dungeon walls you could take out were usually obvious based on the map shape.

You only needed outside help if you if you rented it or bought it used and thus had no map.

Metroid II on the other hand did not come with a map and really did need you to check every wall and spot if you wanted 100%, which you didn't have to do exactly.

Because bouncing ideas off of other people's experiences is way better than the game forcing your hand every step of the way?

>Not talking to all the NPCs
>Not asking why that one tree looks wierd

It's monster hunter no target lock all over again

Nah he's right you could work it out yourself but in those days not everyone finished every game, finishing a game was the exception & felt exceptional when you did it.

So many times people would talk about a game and say "I only made it up to X part, wbu?" which would inevitably spark people to give it another shot and use a friends tip to get past one part then keep trying.

Having to stop playing the game altogether to ask someone to hold your hand? No. Fuck no.

>This seems likely
>If this is the case
>It is unknown

Yes because OP is too young to have played this game on anything but an emulator.

What did they mean by this?