ITT: Games that have aged like fine wine.
ITT: Games that have aged like fine wine
>pic not related
I just finished BOGT recently. The controls were very difficult to adjust to.
Games that aged like boxed wine you mean?
BoGT is pure kino, tbqhwy.
It's still perfect after all these years.
>shit gunplay
>shit fighting
>shit radio
>no fun side activities
>repetitive missions
Nah, i's still the worst GTA game.
it didn't agea at all, it still shits on every modern RPG
>shit gunplay
more immersive than gta v
>shit fighting
better than gta v
>shit radio
the only good gta radio is in vice city
>repetitive mission
better than being a dock worker in gta v
>hey cuzin
only happens once in an entire 60 hour playthrough
Not him but shooting a dude in the leg, watching him ragdoll, waiting for him to stand up again and then shoot him in the leg again is so realistic that it's retarded.
this game is a turd, holy shit
>cringe worthy VA
>shitty story
>stupid, boring ass setting
>retarded controls even for its time
>stuck playing the same bumble fuck protagonist for every play through
Yeah, nah, there are way better RPG's out there sonny. It's a property invented by unimaginative Germans and played by slavs living in cardboard boxes. Gothic is NOT a good game/franchise, and I'm honestly at a loss as to how Piranha Bytes has managed to stay alive for this long.
my nigga
>2's radio
>not the best
Underage detected.
Kingdom Hearts 2
people who link this video should be shot via firing squad imho
look at the mad in this post
Sorry but you need to put a gun in your mouth if you don't think this game is hot shit even nine years later. The physics engine it has is hot shit even by 2017 standards. Sure it makes moving your character about awkward as fuck, but running people over and shooting them in the legs almost never gets old because the reactions to said events are almost always unique.
That, plus a pretty good story, a massively detailed (though admittedly small) map, makes the game super fucking good and you're a faggot if you don't like it.
not the framerate
Nah, it's still shit. Kill yourself IVbabby.
>Not preferring GTA5 anyday of the week
I always forget that some of you idiots were young enough during GTA4's release that you actually have rose colored nostalgia glasses for it. Now that's fucking sad.
>The physics engine it has is hot shit
Absolute fucking retarded subhuman detected, it has quite possibly the best physics engine ever seen in a game of it's scale and it still hasn't even been matched, let alone surpassed, even by it's own sequel.
Please explain what you don't like about it.
There's an AWFUL lot to dislike about it, but if you don't at least respect it as a product of it's time you are probably 11 years old.
Does it really age well if it was already shit to begin with, and just remained shit?
This. It has the best combat and driving because of the realistic physics. Best story by far and 2 great expansions that make the same city feel different.
It's definitely the most realistic and immersive GTA has ever been.
is this anime good
'Hot shit', meaning 'fucking good', you clown. Learn non-standard English, faggot.
Yeah man the game that has absolutely zero reason to spend extra time driving or fucking around with the physics because of how shitty both elements are is the better game.
"hot shit" means good, user
Don't worry. You'll grow up some day.
Do you even know what hot shit means?
t. autismal guy that spent 8 hours repetitively launching cars off of the slide while you giggled on your foam pad floor
>ctrl+f doom
>0 results
Your nigger-speak slang terms don't mean anything. Shit = bad, the "Hot" descriptor only adds to making it worse. Speak fucking English if you want to post on my board.
Doom aged like shit, Quake was far superior.
Shut up bitch
>my board
lmao go back to krautchan you dirty foreigner
Sorry but not everyone was born in some ex-soviet state like you and can understand colloquialisms, fucking retard. Go suck up some more radioactive waste and enjoy the brain damage fuck head.
no, fotm garbage
My fucking NIGGA
t. underage kid who's mom is going to be pissed as fuck when she sees how many Shark Cards he bought without her permission
Actually, id wager the majority of people who hate IV were young when it came out and couldn't figure its driving and movement system out
>underage newfag trying his best to damage control
Lemme guess. You were only pretending to be retarded?
welp looks like its time to watch
Thread theme:
gran turismo 4. Best in the series still to this day.
>expect shit terrible song because Sup Forums
pretty good
>GTA4's release that you actually have rose colored nostalgia glasses for it
I don't even know what happened. Sup Forums was full masterrace when V finally came to PC praising it as the second coming of Christ.
Now it's all "IV is better" every V thread.
IV isn't better, what the fuck? Nostalgia is a hell of drug around here.
People have been saying IV is better since V came out you fucking retard
IV has
>a more detailed city
>better shooting
>better driving
>more attention to detail
>better physics
>better flying
But V is prettier, more optimized, has planes, and is a bigger map.
>there are people who unironically shit on GTAV
I hate Sup Forums, this is the worst board on all of Sup Forums. You cucks are so unfunny.
Nigga GTA 4 is literally better in every way other than map size and amount of vehicles.
>more detailed city
Maybe, but even then you're probably still wrong. Remember when they teased how you would be able to go into ANY building?
>better shooting
for handguns maybe.
>more attention to detail
there are like 4x as much details and small shit in GTAV at least.
Stop saying nigga you cracker piece of shit.
>>better flying
What are helicopters.
>you don't fly helicopters noggin sure is a joggin'
this is autism.
Yes and the helicopter controls suck too.
"Hot Mess" means something is garbage
Calling something "Shit" means it's garbage
Saying something is "Hot Shit" means it's super fucking garbage
1 as well
are you kidding me? gta4 is garbage compared to san andreas
i suspect this poster is underage
Nigga u dum foo
>Better in every way
>"Which ways?"
>"M-muh guns"
GTAIV kids don't have arguments.
oh, so you must think youre such hot shit huh kid
I remember playing this game as a kid. still holds up.
Both have aged like shit though.
Douk 3D
Degenerate duckposter.
Can't believe this game was release all the way back in 2017
I can still remember all those troll reviews saying how bad it was, haha those were the times huh?
Its shit and aged like milk please stop pretending its good.
Control better then the wobbly mess that is V's helis.
20 years old, boys and traps
>tfw the bank heist in 4 is better than any of the bank heists in 5
Almost every mission is better, but 5 was basically about heists and that's fucking pathetic. Even the shit missions in 4 are better than the shit missions in 5.
Throwing a brick through a fucking window >>>>>>Tow truck bullshit for Tonya.
Don't even acknowledge Crowbcat dicksuckers, they're fresh from Reddit.
>gta4 is garbage compared to san andreas
Sorry but can you point out the moment where I stated San Andreas was a bad game?
(it's my favourite GTA game and possibly my favourite game of all time)
TLDR; Fucking kill you are self.
>a more detailed city
V is more detailed. What? Just walk around the Chinese theater street or whatever is the name. More detail in a single road than all of LC
>better shooting
More realistic doesn't equal fun
>better driving
The driving in IV is shit. Handling is awful
>more attention to detail
What? It's not what's shown here >better physics
Only in the water. That's it.
>inb4 muh ragdolls
>better flying
Flying was shit, same as car handling
I've been replaying all the main 3d GTA games this year, and I just finished replaying GTA IV last month, and I now I'm replaying GTA V
I have to say, GTA V is overall more fun to play and a better game
it's more immersive, better missions, way better map, driving is fun instead of an annoyance, characters are generally better (with the obvious exception of desert edgelord), higher variety of activities, higher variety of vehicles, better character customization, vehicle customization
not to say that GTA IV doesn't have elements that are comparetively superior to V's, but the whole package is definitely not as good as GTA V
it's hard to say which game was more special when they came out, because I remember being massively excited for both by the time of release, but playing them again shows how GTA IV aged
GTA IV aged really poorly(Thread anyone?)
I really don't know where these IV apologists are coming from
Please, how did it age like milk? Like it or not it spawned the 'grit and grey' era of games, and it's physics engine is out of this world for the time it came out.
Fucking commit suicide you piece of shit.
god forbid anyone express a subjective opinion
Crowbcat, a youtube e-celeb, made a video about why IV is better than V
no way famalam
theyre much better than the modern entries in the franchise
stats actually matter, great characters, engaging story, good graphic design
The game was hot garbage even 9 years ago, made me realize there are people who are nothing but drones you can impress with shitty wanna be realism. No matter how much bland and stale your game is.
>no lasers or missiles, only 1 extra ship, and only 2 options by the stage 1 boss
looks like the entire stage was a casual filter for that guy
>it's just shitposting by e-celeb kiddies
Wow what a fucking surprise
>The driving in IV is shit. Handling is awful
Hahaha holy shit I can't believe actual fucking retards like you exist
The driving in V is worse than fucking slot cars, 0 to 200mph in half a second and every single vehicle has perfect handling. It's the most boring asinine driving I've ever had the displeasure of experiencing.
no, it doesn't. nice try Ivan Durakovich, but every native speaker knows you're wrong