What went wrong?

What went wrong?


vanilla was fun with friends and questing had feel of adventure because people didn't play to min/max everything with guides and other shit .
Gameplay wise legion has good mechanics ,Vanilla was hard for normal playing people , but it was rewaring for hard work

The French thought they could appeal to everyone with muh nostalgia, then the Chinese got to them.

The big draw to Nost was the stong community, but it got too popular and is now filled with Chinese.

Turns out that guy who said GM's/devs were selling gold and pretending to be chinese/russian or whatever was right.

Anyone telling him he was a liar must sure feel like a fool now

I liked vanilla WoW and have very fond memories of it.

I would prefer to keep them.

Fuck off Alex, you balding manlet

Big community=/=Good community, I know a lot of fags on Sup Forums are new but just because a private server is popular doesn't mean it's a good one

That would be me.

No screw you, I hate that attetionwhoring cuck myself, nobody likes Alex


They didnt do anything about the red/yellow menace shitting all over the server

Alex is 6'2" and works out every day bro

Hello Alex, still being jealous of Asmongold?

>Nost shuts down because "muh blizz, muh legacy"
>came back and decided to work with Valkyrie of all fucking people, inept Russians who couldn't release AQ after eight years
>Nost has to relinquish their code from Valkyrie now re branded as "Elysium"
>for some reason the Russian scumfucks honor this request and relaunch their servers with their own code
>code is much worse
>problems arise, devs are doing shady things, all but confirmed they're collaborating with the Chinese
>MC is cleared by a group of less than 40 in greens
>plant loot on bosses for certain players
>devs continue to lie and act shady as fuck, evidence builds
>Shenna, one of the lead managers on the project has an infantile freak out on their subreddit
Thats when I stopped following this crap. I could have been playing some comfy WoW during the lull we had in games during winter. Glad that Nioh, Nier, and Zelda came out, fuck private servers.

That's because the dev's/GM's themselves are corrupt, wouldn't be surprised if they took a cut for letting the chinese/russians to sell gold.

Would also explain why they let them play on the servers

>plant loot on bosses
Are you fucking retarded? GMs can't do that without changing the drop rate for that boss for everyone across the entire server and it would require a restart

There's really just not enough trust for private servers. Too unstable and too liable to be abused by admins.

They thought they wanted it but they don't

Doesn't change the fact that they were doing some real shifty shit and eventually got found out.

Funding the server through working behind the scenes with "Chinese gold farmers".

Small private servers with less than 200 players (not just WoW) are always the better ones, easier to maintain, less chance of spergs and cheaters to walk around unnoticed, easier to bond with friends.

Big servers/numbers is a stupid meme, and I hope it dies on Sup Forums soon, just look at what happened with Elysium/Nost

Nost died because they became greedy chinks and got found out.

Nost left before the recent shit happened right? Wasn't it all valkyrie scum that is involved in the shady shit?

That's what a lot of people speculate, but no private server gets as big as it does without some moderate money and advertising backing it, even before "Elysium" came and swooped them up.

Letting China in

My guess is that Nost actualy backed out when they started to realize that Valk people were lowlife scum and wanted to scam their players.
But they didn't really want to say anything cause the GM's/devs on valk DDOS players from what I heard and I don't think the nost guys would want that to happen to them

Nost itself had problems with shitloads of Chinese selling gold receiving special privileges. It was corrupt from the start.

Worst part is that they allowed it to go on until Blizzard caught wind of it, then thought they could save face by saying they were making such a popular server so they could coax the company into considering legacy servers.

I blame them completely for Blizzard's decision to shove aside legacy servers, even if it looks pants on head retarded to the average person there's little doubt as to why they don't want to do it now. Sad as it is.

decided to try out elysium to see what the hype was all about

>make rogue
>start leveling, professions etc
>do deadmines, get my boss 1h sword, poisons etc
>getting better and better, go gank horides in tarren mill for hours and hours
>do gnomeregan, shadwofang keep etc
>get to level 32
>realize that im wasting my time, gona level to 60 then spam dungeons then farm for mount then spam MC then spam BwL then spam aq

mmorpgs are a dead genre honestly, its been the same shit for literally 15 years. Just the thought of playing through all of vanilas content depresses the fuck out of me (same with retail desu)

Shitty admins.

honestly you should only go back to fullfill the "itch" and then get out

oh also completely garbage tuning, mostly because they used the 1.12 talent/spell set on pre-1.12 content. Made everything way too easy.

Mostly this.
>Dealing with the tyrant, Blizzard.
And this.

agreed. the fact that there will be people playing this religiously all the way until late 2019 really bothers me

I don't fully agree with that being the reason why Blizzard doesn't want legacy servers. Blizzard's idea of 'legacy' is current WoW with older content anyway.

I do believe that Nost administration was wholly incompetent and a huge catalyst for its downfall, definitely.

>not turning that rog into a twink instead

This, vanilla was never good.

You're right and wrong. The game was kind of poorly designed at the time for ease of leveling and progress. Admittedly I've had to ragequit on questing because of the vanilla difficulty.

What went wrong, I'd say, is that people were trusting this private server company to be blizzard 2.0. The disenchantment comes when you're flogged by gold sellers, can't understand half the population, and progress is never set in stone. The server could be deleted at any point, and the admins can ban for any reason. Makes me feel like I'm wasting my time, because of all the wasted time I put in blizz's bullshit.

kronos lives on

At least they're playing a video game instead of shitposting about it on Sup Forums.

