It's coming out on PC too right? r-right?

it's coming out on PC too right? r-right?

I mean why wouldn't they bring it to PC? Why would they only release it on consoles?

RDR is literally my favorite game of all time. I will commit mass murder if they don't bring this shit to pc. God dammit they can't do this to me, I'm actually re considering getting a switch because of this shit.

Hope it stays only on consoles, Sony and Microshit should definitely pay Rockstar to make sure that's the case.

Delayed release, as per usual.

I really hope so man. Someone just told me about RDR2 today, I had no idea the trailer's been up since October I'm really out of the loop. I'd hate to have to buy a fucking ps4 just for this game.
>hope it stays only on consoles
why man why?

Is it really not coming to PC?

It really fucking triggers me that PC, the best environment for open world games to be designed for gets fuck all now.

I mean, BoTW, HZD & RDR2? Jesus christ.

I hope Bethesda gets its shit together or a new IP learns from the above games because honestly gamers deserve a 10/10 designed for PC open world game since we've been waiting since fucking Daggerfall/Morrowind for this shit.

I'm glad I've got a Wii U to play BoTW on but this is pretty sad desu.


>why man why?
PC ecosystem is made up of such an awful community that ANY game that gets ported has it's discussions immediately destroyed as an outcome. Every thread about said game gets filled with absolute cancer.

You dont have the skills to commit mass murder

Also it will take 1 or 2 years I hope you get every single spoiler until there

It will come out on PC but prob not till a year after console release like GTA, the reason they never ported RDR to PC was because they fucked up the code annotation so badly they literally couldn't port it.

that's just Sup Forums. Sup Forums is a shit board. It's got nothing to do with the game being ported to PC. Maybe you should find another place to discuss video games or take a break from Sup Forums.

Don't fucking act like PC faggots are worse than consolefags, I rarely come to this board but whenever I do it's always 70% of every thread is some faggot whining about some console war issue. All of you are obsessed with associating yourselves with a fucking corporation, it's so god damn gay. Get off your high horse.

>Don't fucking act like PC faggots are worse than consolefags
They're pretty equal to sony fanboys, actually. Always fucking shitposting about emulation and "PC WINS AGAIN" any time they get some 3 year old port.

Never ever. Rev up those petitions PC cucks.

my point is that associating yourselves with a console is beyond retarded. Just play fucking video games, enjoy them, and go about your life. The "console war" shit hurts my head. It's fucking video games.

Shut the FUCK up

>sony fanboys
No such thing. It's all toddler that are false-flagging. You can't really be a "fanboy" of something that's the best.


I guess Rockstar are working with Denuvo to put their anti-tamper DRM solutions into the zero games they're releasing on PC.

calm down, son. It's just a video game.

This is bait. Thankfully I can see through it

>This is bait. Thankfully I can see through it
how is this bait?

desu i wouldn't release my game for the vegans of gaming either OP