Why didn't Nintendo gimp the Wii U version or bring out a update for the Wii U locked to BotW to ruin the possibility Homebrew?
I think they lost quite a huge number of BotW and Switch sales by not doing so.
Why didn't Nintendo gimp the Wii U version or bring out a update for the Wii U locked to BotW to ruin the possibility Homebrew?
I think they lost quite a huge number of BotW and Switch sales by not doing so.
>I think they lost quite a huge number of BotW and Switch sales by not doing so.
Wii u version is inferior tho
How so?
people who were not going to buy the game but play it anyway will have exuses as to why they will do what they will do. it's not nintendo's favor to allow people to hack and pirate their shit.
No it's not, the only difference between them is one running at 720p and the other at 900p when playing on a TV.
>allow people to hack and pirate their shit
Why didn't they even try to stop it then?
actually the resolutions on both are dynamic, switch just runs it more at 900p
they do try, but hackers have kept secret most backdoors discovered so when nintendo does indeed patch their shit, they roll out a new exploit. Nintendo is 12 steps behind them.
>I think they lost quite a huge number of BotW and Switch sales by not doing so.
Considering the sales they've had I doubt that's an issue. Especially when you consider the average person doesn't know how to emulate more advanced consoles, much less have a decent enough PC for it.
More importantly, gimping the Wii U version to prevent piracy only makes the consumer suffer. People who pirate/emulate that shit will utilize tons of methods to bring the game up graphically and technically. All they'd be doing is hurting their customer base.
A better question is, why have it on the Wii U at all? If they really wanted it to be a system seller, they should've just made it Switch exclusive. I can appreciate allowing more people to play the game, but from a business perspective it's kinda silly.
>Why didn't Nintendo gimp the Wii U version
They kinda did by making the gamepad useless, removing the map functionality we'd already seen on it.
Wii U hasn't gotten a update in over a year
They could have patched just the exploit with a update that is required to play BotW, doing so they could have probably delayed people being able to pirate it for months, most of the people who pirate it actually would have bought a copy
Console piracy isn't as prevalent as you think it is
>Especially when you consider the average person doesn't know how to emulate more advanced consoles, much less have a decent enough PC for it.
This is relevant to this thread, how?
>A better question is, why have it on the Wii U at all? If they really wanted it to be a system seller, they should've just made it Switch exclusive.
I would have been pissed off that the console i spent money on for the game i wanted didn't get the game i was waiting for.
just because sonybros ate it up with Last Guardo doesn't mean i would have.
It uses a lower resolution deferred shading for some elements, and also shadows. This makes some parts look a lot lower resolution than the rest, but it's not dynamic resolution scaling
BotW still has tens if not hundreds of thousands of downloads on every site and torrent, even spiking Wii U USB Helper downloads, even if half of the people would not have bought the game otherwise, this is still shitloads
Wii U's framerate is way worse.
Switch was much more stable, didnt even lag in the villages. Wii U always did.
Shadows and elements are exactly the same on both the Wii U and Switch, but Wii U does have dynamic resolution scaling, people already counted pixels, it's a fact
oh so sony-poni changes to sonybros. stay triggered rapeape.
Wii U has the same framerate problems than Switch in docked mode, even getting drops at grass areas the Wii U doesn't, Switch is only stable in portable mode
Who the heck even plays with a the gamepad? Everybody owning a Wii U has a Pro controller
Drones are the type of people who think joy-cons + grip is an acceptable controller
We are talking about the Wii U anyways and not the Switch
ya'll cant be fuckin serious that you happily payed 60 plus tax for this or any game for that matter.
>people still think 1 pirate = 1 sales stolen
Most pirates where never going to buy the game so no money is lost.
>people who know about piracy never buy anything
nice meme
Yes I paid money for a game, i gave my money to nintendo and i enjoy this game.
just because you're a leftist edgelord shitstain doesn't mean I care you steal video games.
Most actual pirates, sure, but most of the people who pirate it are just Wii U owners who found out how easy it is to get without paying, thanks to Wii U homebrew being easy as fuck, I actually know people who where about the buy a Switch or Wii U game just to play it before I told them how to do it on their Wii U for free
Nintendo is just a good company, accept it
Because piracy through emulation isn't a big enough issue that it would be a consideration for Nintendo when making their games. The average person doesn't know how to emulate modern consoles, so it makes little sense that they'd gimp the Wii U version of BOTW because of homebrewing.
It's not the first time Nintendo has done something infuriating though. And, from a business standpoint, it makes way more sense for it to be an exclusive to the Switch. It would be annoying that the Wii U's last hurrah was some indie titles, but having BOTW serve as an exclusive to the Switch would've made it an even bigger system seller.
well switch is gonna see a lot of wii u ports because the wii u flopped hard. many switch owners will get to play those games for the first time
as for me, i think i'm done with consoles
This isn't about emulation at all.
Also, applications like Wii U USB Helper are extremely popular, Wii U homebrew is one of the easiest things to accomplis
>Nintendo is 12 steps behind them.
Fucking retards lmao
>discontinues console raising the price of it
>launches the long awaited zelda game on both platforms
>people scramble to get their hands on a switch or the next best thing the Wii U
>nintendo makes a profit off of the deemed "failed" console
It's a perfect marketing strategy if you ask me.
Sup Forums massively overestimates how much hacking and emulation impact real world sales.
Both versions have severe framedrops, but in different places. DigitalFoundry has a video that explains it well.
Except it's not on sale anymore and those who are, are old stock that Nintendo gets no money out of anyways anymore.
Is homebrewing not a form of emulation? You need the console for it, but you're still not utilizing the actual game. I apologize, my understanding of homebrewing isn't that good. Regardless, people are working on playing BOTW on PC right? So the same claim of making emulation more difficult could be used for that situation as well.
And yes, methods used for homebrewing are really popular. But for the average person who plays video games, that's not something they look into. It might be easy, but it still requires some effort and knowledge. Hell, I doubt many people even know it exists.
A good example are some of my friends. They still think emulating an old GBA game could get them a virus or some shit. The average consumer isn't doesn't really look into those methods, they just buy the game.
Gamepad fan here. I find it super comfy for some reason.
>Is homebrewing not a form of emulation?
It's not, it's not related to emulation in any way.
>people buy neither console and play the game free on PC
I'm in agreement with you. The Wii U already had a small install base and the people buying Wii U consoles for the purpose of hacking them are getting them second hand anyway. It doesn't really have an impact on Switch sales.
>but you're still not utilizing the actual game
It's literary running the game as you would have bought it, even online works and you can just launch it like any normal game on the system
>people are working on playing BOTW on PC right
This has nothing to do with this thread
>So the same claim of making emulation more difficult could be used for that situation as well.
No, emulation is not related to it at all, they have way more control over their console than people developing emulators
Once again not nearly as prevalent as Sup Forums makes it out to be.
I thought they used similar methods of downloading the game's files and shit. Ah well, sorry for the confusion then.
how about game sales? the game has been pirated hundreds of thousands of times in different download sites
I see where you got confused then
Yeah, game files can be accrued the same way for both, but the rest is unrelated
>>I think they lost quite a huge number of BotW and Switch sales by not doing so.
Like 2000 sales at most and mostly by people who don't want to buy a switch at this moment but will eventually.
Maybe some lost sales but I still think it's a pretty minimal impact overall.
They lost getting any money from me. Did not supply enough for the demand so I just bought a cheap 8gig WiiU and pirated BoTW. Saved me 200 bucks.
more like 50000 looking at how much the game has been downloaded online
for the game, not the switch
It's the same as if you had bought it, in the same way emulation is the same as if you had bought it. Hell, you can do online and shit with emulated games I believe for some. The differences are kinda minor in my opinion, but that's fine. They're different as you've explained, so I apologize.
Regardless, my secondary point does stand that Nintendo shouldn't be very concerned about the group of people that would do homebrewing. Yes, it is a significant population but clearly not significant enough to justify gimping the Wii U version. As seen by the sales of the game. If they gimped the Wii U version just to discourage homebrewing, they'd just be hurting actual customers.
I'm still pissed that Nintendo pulled the Wii U from shelves rather than discounting it. I refuse to buy consoles second hand.
>It's the same as if you had bought it, in the same way emulation is the same as if you had bought it. Hell, you can do online and shit with emulated games I believe for some.
No, emulation for the Wii U is very early stages and unplayable for almost anything, while homebrew is perfect and no way different from actually buying the game, also no, no online for Wii U emulation
the differences are literary one being able to play the game fine while the other is just a demo of a badly running and crashing game
Honestly I don't think they're overly concerned with sales of the Wii U version. It's basically just a bonus for them at this point.
With all the CEMU hype I wouldn't be surprised if most of those downloads where by PC users seeing if they could emulate. PC user without Wii-u's probably wouldn't have bought any version of the game so their download isn't equivalent to a lost sale.
>justify gimping the Wii U version
They wouldn't have needed to gimp it, just released a update together with the game that made the Wii U exploit unusable.
The gimped point OP made is for people who actually bought the game for the Wii U.
people who get if for cemu use the loadiine version and people who pirate it for the wii u use the wup installer version, not the same download
I'm not discussing the quality of the emulation, and I meant it in a general sense for what features are similar between emulation and homebrewing.
Stop getting hung up on this, I already said I was wrong about how I perceived it and I apologize.
I almost feel like people would just find another exploit eventually, but I guess they could still try. I just don't think the group of people homebrewing it are a big enough population for Nintendo to consider. Especially considering the success of the game and that many people who would homebrew may not have bought the game anyway.
>I'm not discussing the quality of the emulation, and I meant it in a general sense for what features are similar between emulation and homebrewing.
Got your point
>Most people who steal weren't going to buy anything anyway, so it's not really a lost sale.
It's amusing how many intellectual and psychological hoops thieves have to go through to justify their moral deficit.
>I almost feel like people would just find another exploit eventually, but I guess they could still try.
But they could have delayed it and most people who really wanted to play it would have just bought it instead of waiting.
But obviously it would have been a marginal number, for a company like Nintendo even a few million dollars is nothing, it's just that an update to prevent it would have been so easy, literally a few grand on some developers paycheck.
I just started pirating after I noticed that playing a game you didn't pay for felt much better
I don't play much though, now I just buy extra cigarettes for the money I save
I just remembered how overpriced videogames are in Canada and South America. Hues are notorious for pirating games so 50,000 for the most hyped game of the year isn't that bad considering that Brazil alone has a population of 200 million.
Just seems weird Nintendo didn't try to fuck with them at all. There were a lot of rumors that they will.
Well, you also have to consider Nintendo's disconnect with its consumer base. Seriously, it took them forever to pick up on some of the stuff going on around them. The concept of updating the game to prevent a specific exploit used for homebrewed consoles may not even register as a concern.
They're just barely figuring out that DLC is a thing for their core games. They're a little behind compared to others in the market.
>little behind
>iPhone comes out 10 years ago
>revolutionizes mobile gaming
>10 years latter Nintendo releases a high end portable gaming device with a touch screen
Damn it user, focus. We're trying to have a serious discussion about toys for kids here.
This is a children's board tho
>Hey, you know what people really seem to love these days? Open-world games! We should really get in on that shit while it's hot!
>Oh, and throw in some survival mechanics like hunting for food!
>Goddamn, we're just breaking all the molds.
I love Nintendo, but man they're goofy to watch.
The "survival mechanics" in it are actually nice. You don't have to eat to stay alive, but you could just run around in the cold or hot trying not to die by constantly eating kek
I never though it's the main reason why it's an open world game, I never played the 3D Zeldas and for me it has always been "open world", the reason it went linear for the while was mostly to do with hardware restrictions of their shitty consoles when going over to 3D.
They wanted to throw us wii U owners a bone, and they had enough confidence in their product. The wii u leaks only increased anticipation.
well they failed then, Sup Forums still thinks it's a shit game
Nah. The majority likes it. The shitposters are just annoyingly dedicated.
Nice, the expensive meme console now has 3 good games instead of 2, yay
I play with the Pro, but my girlfriend uses the pad. I just look at her in disgust.
it's time to end it
I like the gamepad personally. I also like the Dreamcast control because of how big it is.
Women use pads user
The Dreamcast controller is huge but it's poorly designed so it feels small. My knuckles rest on the giant hunk of plastic that houses the expansion slots and the face of the controller is the same size as everything else.
Xbox hueg controller is still the best.
It's called the Duke, the meme was only funny about the console itself