7.2 Tomb of Sargeras hype edition
WoW thread
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Have you done your +10 this week? Reminder that tomorrow you will get a 905 piece in your challenger's cache if you complete a +10 this week.
Are Warlocks good now?
>Its a dont stand in the puddles patch
why bother?
They've always been strong (with the exception of Affli, which was weak on release but is strong now). They just have some pretty deep underlying gameplay problems that are gonna take more than numbers tuning to fix, and Blizz doesn't want to touch them.
If you like how they play, then they are really good. They're just pretty hard to enjoy right now.
I miss conflagrate making spells cast faster.
Looking forward to it, should be home from work just after servers are back up, barring problems. Of course, there'll be problems.
I'm torqued for the solo challenges for your Artifact appearances. Also Legion flying and Mythic+
Right? That was their whole baseline. Now Destro is praying to RNG for soul shards when they should just remove the RNG nature and let Destro get partial soul shards like they used to. Boom, easily fixed.
How are mages?
I'm maining an Arcane Mage. All three specs are good for different reasons, even if I don't really play Fire or Frost.
Frost is super good for raiding, and is pretty skilly. Fire is also good but is more dependent on good Legendaries if you want to do consistent DPS. Arcane is a little bit worse than the other two unless you with the Legendary lottery but I still like its gameplay and fantasy. It's also the best for Mythic+
>hit proc when it glows
Every fucking spec it seems. I miss Burning Crusade.
Play something other than Ret Paladin/Frost DK if you want a skilly class with lots of depth.
>Pet battle dungeon
I never cared about pet battling but I'm curious.
>returning to the game after a bit of a break
>have a 901 DK, but fucking hate both DK specs
>can't decide if I want to main swap to something less aids
>7.2 tomorrow
I just want WoD CoP shadow back bros...
+12 right here familia
The UH 4 set from Nighthold is literally just Runic Corruption from WOD. I hope the tier set from Tomb is cool and good too. We didn't get enough time with Nighthold desu senpai
I might. I like a simple rotation. This game used to be fun for a statfag (not just min maxing, but the amount of stats and gearing you could do).
Since stats have become streamlined I'm just looking for a spec where I hit maybe 3-4 buttons. Literally never felt like I needed 40 buttons to press in order to have fun. Just some variety.
UH is just a fuckton of busywork, managing a fuck ton of CD lineups and resources. I think if Scourge of Worlds wasn't a thing, I'd really like the spec. The spec is unintuitive and fucky, cause you're forced to waste resources and proc uptime in favor of just spamming high damage abilities and lining up fuckhuge CD stacks.
Frost has a fuck of a huge problem with BoS limiting your ability to disconnect to swap targets or do mechanics. Most casters have more mobility in their ability to stutter step desu.
The tier bonuses are fine. Both specs are just super poorly designed.
Fire mage is pretty easy. Fireball til you crit, then fireblast, then pyroblast. Throw in combust+runeofpower/illusions off cd, and you've got pretty much the whole class
Sounds like a spec I could enjoy. Thanks user.
WW Monk are still good?
Which class/spec got the best challenge appearances?
Who got fucked?
All three specs are pretty solid though I was blessed with the time warp ring as one of my legendaries.
Fire is getting a pretty big buff tomorrow, supposedly it's one of the worst single target specs atm but it can still hold it's own with gear. However many fights in NH have some aoe elements, so I'd say nothing is wrong with it as is. Which makes the buff tomorrow even better.
>Shamans can't summon WoD savage elementals
Can someone give me an idea as to why this is a big deal? Is it a big update, even though it's not an expansion?
Biggest "patch" in WoW history. This one patch has more content than the release of Warlords of Draenor.
specifically it adds flying, continues the story and gets us away from the fucking nighthold
Shaman, warrior, mage, or rogue?
ok, thanks anons.
I'm a top tier disc priest who regularly destroys other healing classes all without external mana sources, ama
Legion is filled with so many small things that make me mad at how stupid they are, were all xpacs like this? I started playing just before WoD, so I didn't really appreciate the changes it made coming from MoP
does it bother you that a lot of guilds will only bring disc priests on raids for a very specific skill?
Which skill is that?
>for a very specific skill?
what? barrier?
My guild takes me on everything.
yeah, barrier. been turned down on raid days because "we don't need barrier for these fights" even though I do better than our mw. had the same shit with pugs too
I don't think you know much about the raiding meta if you think Disc Priests are good because of Barrier, user...
Make sure you open the Mythic chest after you complete the quest to get the new rank of Artifact Knowledge to get the upgraded piece of loot.
Really? I thought that only affected the AP you get, not the piece of gear.
I honestly hardly ever use it, anomoly,late krosus, could use it on tich for bonds if heals are struggling,p3 auger, arcane phase spellblade, otherwise I dont use it. Disc are in the raid because of their unmatched raid healing.
me? no..
them? probably just a circlejerk I should get out of sooner rather than later because I do just fine as disc
Worgen/Goblin model updates when?
Fucking raid stories.
>raid with a group of 12ish friends in H NH
>We can't kill H tich or bot because dps is retardly inconsistent along with doing mechanics
>Probably the most geared of us all is an assas rogue who cries about not being able to kill them
>He is always in the bottom 10 percentile even though he pulls decent dps
>everyone else is usually around 50-60 percentile
>I'm a main tank warrior consistently in the 70-90 percentile even though I drain rage into ignore pain to make the fights easier on the healers
>stonewalled for 4 weeks with approx 12-15 hours in the bosses
They really need to bring back proving grounds so people can find out what they are doing wrong.
Soon I hope.
>join a new guild
>raids start at x time
>40min in nothing has been pulled
>everyone is fucking around getting flasks/pots/food
>finally pull trash
>die on trash
after returning to the game after so long the amount of shitters is staggering
>Haven't gotten Convergence or DoS from any NH since the beginning
>People walking around with raidfinder titanforged all the way up to 895
Seething rage is all I can feel when I see this.
Proving grounds still exist. Talk to any of your class trainers.
why on earth would they redo goblins
>playing a game you could AFK with a bot and complete all the highest tiers of content
LFR works two ways;
It filters out the crap nerds who just want to get the raid's story, but it also encourages Little Timmy to attempt actual raiding now.
>tfw unironically play arms
>have the whirlwind belt
38%/205m of the damage I did in this +5 darkheart thicket was from whirlwind
Like fucking kek was other class even has this level of ridiculously simple aoe
As an outlaw rogue, i'm so happy
>get sacrolash's dark strike
>literally only useful for wq
Well have fun being banned I guess. Theyve cracked down hard on Honorbuddy
>Warriors get a flail
I better see every prot warrior using that
afflock here
Ive got the helm, cape, bracers and neck
Feels good, but I took an ilvl hit with an 880 dark whispers - down to 899 :(
Demolock here
>Sindorei Spite and Portal pants
At least Portal pants are getting haste tomorrow so I can actually wear them
As somebody who hasn't played since last year, what state are shadow priests in? Do we still not have AOE? I persume s2m is heavy nerfed?
When I quit I was ~20-40 world on most mythic/heroic fights in EN and surrender to maddness was probably the most fun mechanics i've ever played with in a mmorpg.
Saw where shit was going with the nerfs and the fact that some 12 year old kids were doubling my overall damage in dungeons due to the fact that blizzard actually didn't give us any reliable aoe in a 2016 expansion so I just quit.
Anduin going emo after his dad's death
>Still has RNG legendaries
>Still has RNG titanforging
>Still has AP grind
>Still has worthless utility legendaries
>Grinding WQs for the thousandth time
>Grinding MoS for the thousandth time
>Grinding Nethershards
>Grinding Order Hall Resources
>Impossible to level alts
>Impossible to change specs
>Mandatory +10 weekly mythic run for an RNG piece of gear with an RNG ilvl
>Waiting for Withered Jim to spawn with the RNG world boss timer, pray to RNGesus for an Arcanocrystal with an RNG ilvl, a socket would be cool too
>PvP is dead content
7.2 is coming out and the game is still the worst it's ever been
refresh them.
i tried elysium and i tried legion. dropped both for ddo
come at me wowfags
a lot of what you said is valid except utility legendaries are actually like way better than dps legendaries in 7.2 because Blizz gave literally every utility legendary the Prydaz treatment so now they're all overbudget stat-wise, giving you equal throughput to a dps Leggo while having the added advantage of a bit of utility as well.
dragons dogma online?
>Raid Finder hero gets an item that mythic players will never be able to get
Prime example of the state WoW's in
Not really. He's actually shaping up to be a pretty good character.
nah senpai
dungeons and dragons
I want to serve Lady Liadrin!
>7/7 2/3 8/10
>MM in the shitter now after BM takes center stage with the set bonuses and Mantle
>lets nerf MM for no fucking reason
Can anyone justify one reason to halve Deadly Aim? I can't.
>playing wow