LOL totalbiscuit actually defends Andromeda!
LOL totalbiscuit actually defends Andromeda!
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>2 hours long
Like hell I'm going to watch that, nor should anyone. Andromeda doesn't deserve 2 hours of anyone's time, and TotalBiscuit deserves even less.
Im not watching 2 hours of this shit.
yeeeeah im just gonna watch a movie instead
Eh. He's allowed to have an opinion, and he does tear apart every part of the user interface.
>A man so brilliantly unaware that he bled out the ass for 8 months before going to the doctor enjoys a shit game
Seems about right
Get this sand nigger filth off my board.
>Im not watching 2 hours of this shit.
yet you waste whole days in this shithole. Good job. Good for you, don't waste your time.
He is not defending, he explained why he fairly likes it. He also said it has maaaany flaws.
my thoughts exactly. I heard the EPPIC saw that number and was like fuck this im out.
I didnt know he was still alive/doing shit desu
>tells someone to get cancer
>gets cancer
>he bled out the ass for 8 months before going to the doctor
A person can't be this retarded, right?
>2 hours
Fuck that. Fuck this thread. And fuck you.
He refuses to play any game that goes under 60 FPS regardless of the quality of the game itself so yes.
He gave it a 7/10, which is reasonable.
The mans ego is as bloated as the tumor in his colon. Probably thought he was invincible since hes such an "important community figure"
>yet you waste whole days in this shithole.
True but what is he going to say that I don't already know? I'm never going to buy Mass Effect: Androgynous. I'm never going to buy a Western game again, why would I when all they are is hyped up money sucking bullshit?
Big western corporations figured out that Gamers get hyped for their favorite franchises, this happened around the early 2000's, and they leeched on the gaming fanbase ever since. So far Western devs deliver fucking hot garbage after hot garbage title, year in, year out. And all the "praised" games are simply Interactive Novels or "Cinematic Experiences", so anyone who buys into western bullshit anymore is a fucking brainwashed loser. Enjoy your garbage titles, I'll be playing good games that are fun.
>19y old
>there is sometimes a bit blood on the toilet paper
>this is going on since a year
it's terminal, there's nothing we can do
sorry, user
You should go to a doctor now, especially if that blood is dark
He gave a fairly level headed review that isn't
"LOL THIS GAME IS WORSE THAN THE HOLOCAUST (which never happened by the way t. JonTron), IF YOU BUY IT YOU'RE LITERALLY SUPPORTING WHITE GENOCIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". He still gave it a 7/10.
>2 hours to explain why it's good
>Dunkey only needed 5 minutes to explain why it's shit
Really activates the almonds
The moral of the story:
It doesn't matter how shitty a game is as long as it's 60 FPS. Then it's good by default.
>this is what console turds actually believe
I hate this faggot. 2 fucking hours? Fuck that
All e-celebs are cancer. Quarantine board when?
you probably just have a hemorrhoid. They are very common unfortunately.
of course if you're concerned, don't be a lazy fuckwit and go to the doctor. Unless you're american, in which case enjoy your nohealthcare.
It's probably nothing sweetie.
Seriously, If your first thought isn't going to the doctor if you shit blood I'm afraid you also suffer from brain damage.
Apperently his asshole cancer stopped being terminal. What a shame because the worthless hack is a big boil on the face of PC gaming, being so autistic he can't play a game if it isn't above 60fps despite being good.
>saying "b-but its good" to shit that is so fundamentally broken
Jesus Christ
Even Cuck Sterling didn't bother giving it the time of day
Really? That's good to hear. Not because I like him, it's just a really horrible way to go.
The only andromeda video that matters is dunkey's
>IGN et all give the game a 7/10
>lol Andromeda BTFO
>TB gives it a 7/10
I mean it doesnt seems like that it comes directly from my butt
I dont really want to talk with my doc about it, or him touching my butt
also sometimes it disappears
My doc is currently away and will be back in 2 days
I will talk about it, if i get myself to go there
Fuck em'. Didn't care for him because he's autistic about framerates and lost respect after his twitter chimpout on election night. He's a balding, fat cuck with asshole cancer.
>Started getting mucusy wipes to bloody wipes
>Family tells me it's just hemorrhoids despite me not feeling a thing
>Almost a year later becoming anemic and having nonstop bloody diarrhea
>Finally get a colonoscopy and now have Ulcerative Colitis
Yeah try to go to the doctor as soon as possible when you start shitting blood.
Nigger it should be common knowledge that if you have blood coming out of your excriments get to a doctor ASAP. What kind of empty headed niggerish family do you belong to where blood leaking out of your ass isn't a message to go see a doctor?
plays great
vast customization
story is adequate but not revolutionary
solid 7/10
>tfw had a few months where I'd bleed from my anus intermittently
>tfw it stopped right around when I got a job and started being slightly more active
Sup Forums memeing about the next tortanic is unfounded
it's a decent game with issues but not as bad as everyone makes it out to be
>The cynical Brit
>is a sandnigger
At least he is encouraging young adults to talk about their ass bleeding
wait what
Why isn't this faggot dead yet?
Every day of the year? Then you might have a problem. If it happens sometimes then stop wipeing so hard and eat better so your shits aren't disgusting requiring you to wipe your ass 10 times a shit. You're probably just tearing skin, especially if it's really light little bit of blood.
Yeah. Right. Except its a narrative driven game that lacks anything of the sort and ends up just another dumb shooter. 3/10 or 4/10 if you're a faggot.
playing fine is what's expected of any AAA game
the story just being adequate while the name Bioware is slapped on is my biggest issue with the game
adequate isn't what Bioware supposed to be
A friend almost let a little blood in his regular shits go by and discard it as a stomach infection or hemorroids and treat himself instead of going to a doctor.
Nigger had a tumor in the early stages, he got lucky so better safe than sorry.
>I dont really want to talk with my doc about it, or him touching my butt
user, they've probably had to deal with people who accidentally get dildos stuck up their asses. You being responsible about your colon health isn't going to make them mock you.
>someone on the internet has an opinion I don't like
>I hope he fucking dies from cancer and all his friends and family have to go through the pain of losing a husband/son/friend/etc
A cancer patient enjoys a cancerous game.
Why am I not surprised?
Because he joined the bad guys. He didn't die from cancer, he became it.
But it's not terminal anymore, right?
What was the blood like? Dark or light coloured?
I live in small town and i see him often outside walking with his dog
you are maybe right, since it appears often when im not eating healthy
i should probably still see a doc
He said after a bunch of chemo he had no traces of cancer then 3 month later it was back now he's just waiting to die.
>literally knocking on death's door
>every hour left is precious
>spend 2 of them on a shit-tier meme game
what a retard
Having a mom who was a nurse really.
>Talk to her about it
>Tells me it's hemorrhoids and everyone in the family gets them
>Says shit like changing my diet will automatically fix it
>She thinks she can just diagnose shit on the spot because she was a nurse
>Type of mom that will send you to elementary if you're ill as long as you're not vomiting
>My health declining hard while having a really physical job
>Had to fucking beg her to take me to the doctor and she did with a 'sigh'
After the colonoscopy and me being diagnosed with UC my doctor gave my mom a look like "You seriously put him through this for a year?"
you fucking idiots realize that 98% of the time if you bleed outta your ass it's an hemorrhoid or some shit right
of course you guys are going to have fucking hemorroids you sit on your damn fucking chair on the computer shitposting on a this terrible website all day
RIP dumbass
>sit on your damn fucking chair
What am I, a billionaire?
if you had hemorrhoids you would know, they hurt. stop defending blatant retardation.
>Sup Forums would rather talk about bleeding anuses than TB's opinion on Mass Effect Andromeda
>adequate isn't what Bioware supposed to be
They've been this way since ME3 lad. Did you forget how awful Cisquisition was yet it got GOTY awards?
>listening to a nurse
ya goofed
>LOL totalbiscuit actually defends Andromeda!
yup the guy loves shit games
Most underrated comment in this entire thread
>2 hours
>2 fucking hours of his deminishing life wasted on this...
I have to admit that thissounds like my case
Why are his videos so long?
Does he not know how to edit?
Why does this faggot disable comments?
Isn't his cancer curable now or is this Wikipedia bullshit? I can't find any updates in 2017.
Istn't that was whats-his-face gave BOTW and people said it was reasonable.
Are you implying BOTW and ME:A are on the same level of being well crafted games?
He is one of the bad guys
>Question and answer in the same sentence.
i'm still upset
I hope you have enough money to afford cancer treatment user
trim your fingernails before you finger your ass you fucking pervert
>makes 2 hour vid defending vidya game
>2 hours less on this planet.
I mean if you cancer, why the fuck would you waste your time recording and editing a 2 hour bitch fest?
>take really big shits
>like once every couple of days
>clog the toilet sometimes by the shit alone
>sometimes theres blood
>sometimes it drips from ass into toilet without wiping
Been going on since 2 years ago
How fucked am I
>watching TotalCuckold or taking anything he says seriously
I'm pretty sure he's ass cancer spead to his brain or something and it's making him go stupid.
Because of his OCD. He can't stop looking for, reading and responding to comments about his videos. It's so bad that hes actually in therapy because of it.
I once had red spots on my toilet paper after cleaning my ass but that's because last night I slept with my bf
Just tell him to be careful user.
Swear the dude straight up lied. Latest info I heard is that they're treating to cure and not just delay the innevitable (from his twitter)
that pepe image makes me feel a little woozy
Dude realizes his critique is total bullshit. He literally believes hes a fine connoisseur of some abstract form of art that nobody understands but him. I fucking hate this guy.
depends on what color the blood is. Darker color is worse and can mean some pretty bad stuff, like cancer-tier bad. I'd definitely see a doc.
Hey TB how do I become a video game journalist? How did he get the big scoop?
No, but Sterling didn't give it 7/10 because the game was poorly made, but because he didn't lie some design decisions.
Not all detractions come from technical aspects, sometimes a reviewer might find an aspect of the game to be detrimental to its quality.
The solution is to know what you like and not rely on any single reviewer's opinion.
I do enjoy ME:A
But TB was more critical of fucking BF1 than of this game. It is my own blind fanboyism of the ME franchise that I even enjoy ME:A at all.
Better go to the doctor buddy, Hope the wooziness isn't terminal.
Don't worry user, I was so stubborn to see the doctor that I didn't see one for 2 years after blood started.
Then when the hemmroid treatment did jack all I waited another 3 before getting a colonoscopy.
It's still just hemmroids, and I've done conservative treatment by a.) getting off the shitter asap b.) shitting in the Slav squat and c.) limiting starches.
Still, don't be stupid like me and wait. Just go as soon as you can. There is literally no reason not to
Doesn't want to waste time editing because of the "cancer" I guess
user, only like 3 of us here are going to get that fucking joke. This board is full of newfag scum from Reddit.
Jesus H Man go to the doctor. You should be shitting at LEAST once per day. and there should be ZERO BLOOD
Because he goes over the fucking options menus for like an hour. It's not a meme, he actually does that shit.
Yeah from what I've seen of him he thinks he's so much smarter than everyone else and that his shitty opinions are gospel.
Clearly can't take any criticism whatsoever.