Who do you main on Killing Floor 2?

Who do you main on Killing Floor 2?

I haven't had the game for long but I used Tanaka the most

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Classic Masterson, ya gormless tosser!
KF2 never gets enough love for how fun it is.


Anton Strasser.

Class- commando/ support.

I think about finally buying it but... I still have one major problem and two smaller.

- no ingame option for private ranked server to play with a friend with no randoms

- lack of events
- still few classes need more weapons.

I don't like crates, but they are cosmetics but whatever.

Thats mainly due to the horrible journey of the EA with Tripwires awful decision makings, people who bought into EA were diehard KF1 fans who had good hopes. It started off fine, but it got slowly worse with certain updates because they were so slow and meaningless that people just lost interest in the game. Fresh players hop to it now its out but they're usually inexperienced so they can't give a big opinion, and older fans still play but most are pretty burnt out from almost 2 years of 3 month spaced "patch notes" so its hard for them to approve it so highly.

Mr. Foster, for some weird reason he keeps repeeating the same voiceline pronunciating it "Fosteer", that sounds retarded wtf, why would they do that.

I've got a few questions here.
About 500 hours here, so:

Why are people so shit at this game? You've got shitters that can't even learn the game through leveling up they just use a "perk training map" and easily die with a lvl 25 even on HARD difficulty. HARD isn't hard at all if you can aim for christsakes.

And why does beserker feel like such shit to play? Sharp teaches you how to cool fps down by parrying and then freezing em, shit like that. But when you play as a zerk its just A or D swing, W swing or block. Thats it. Does it get better at 20 with the damage upgrades?

Reverend, support/gunslinger.

Demo, field medic, support

Firebug, gunslinger

>lol I dunno
Sharpshooter, survivalist

>forever level 15
Berserker, commando, SWAT

Classic Briar, all the way


I don't really have a main per se. I only try to spread my XP out for classes.

My most often played classes though are Support, Berserker, and Sharpshooter.

I've been maining Mr. Foster because of the Dosh Jacket I imported a copy of PC Gamer for, but I really dislike his voice and wish I could put my dosh jacket on one of the classic characters

Class wise, I'm still undecided.
I've been trying out all the perks, but only the ones with good crowd control like demo, support or firebug seem to be any fun.
Classes like sharpshooter have absolutely no weapons to use if you get surrounded by trash, so I get corned off and killed way too easily.

Put Berserker in the first part and firebug in the third.

>But when you play as a zerk its just A or D swing, W swing or block. Thats it. Does it get better at 20 with the damage upgrades?
No, that's literally it, minus the meta.

>Why are people so shit at this game?
No clue but I wish they would play on Hard servers and stay there. And if you have the audacity to complain, Scrub 1 and Scrub 2 will vote kick you out of the game and they'll blame you for the wipe.

Berserker / Support

>when someone tries to talk to you but your too busy lookin for beasties

I am complete shit at every class in this game except field medic, where I can solo heal carry all 11 waves on HoE without a single death and pull more kills than swats
I guess I'm good for something

Descent is a fucking shitty map.

>and pull more kills than swats
I'm all for field medics on the front lines but this is just ridiculous; tell your swatmandos to get good.
btw resilience is the superior level 5 fm perk skill unless you have a pro zerker on the team.

too bad they now need 66% of the vote to actually kick they can suck my average sized cock

Are Spitfires any good on GS?

Survivalist feels like it was made for me. Everything about it boosts my particular playstyle.

What is your playstyle?

M14/DBS with Med Pistol.

I really fucking want Sharp to get Deagles/1911 so I can squeeze them in there somewhere.


Sounds fun, need to try it out sometimes too.

Does it still has teleporting zeds or can I still solo it with 6 players all dead but me with my katana and 600 zeds?

I really liked KF1 Berserker, but hate KF2 Berserker with passion.

a million fucking times

>Firebugs that go and piss of scrakes before we finish picking off the sirens

For this reason alone I hate firebug players with a passion

What type of Zed do you hate the most?
For me, it's Stalker - invisible, has high damage and usually moves in pairs.

I main KF1

There is a server takeover option which let's u start servers and password then


Fucking gorefasts

>stalkers and gorefiends on HoE

It's hard to say. If you're playing on Descent and shit's fucked, you can try setting zeds on fire to buy time, or fire all your shots at the ground to make patches of flame that last a whole ten seconds.

tfw loadout always feels sub optimal

>modern KF1

Disgusting, never post again.

>west london
>no dlc guns
>no dlc characters

other way round, holding down LMB was boring as fuck, KF1 zerk was terrible

>crawler 3-hit combo
>seemingly has iframes but only against shotguns

It's not like current zerk is that much harder to play. I just really don't like that his hits have much less impact now and almost no sound at all. I like his new block/parry mechanics though.

Complete opposite for me. The added parrying/blocking mechanic is actually my favourite FPS melee mechanic in any game. Yes, that includes Dark Messiah, as the Shield's bash far exceeds the kick.

Stalkers I despise with a hatred. They are always, always behind me.

Use the Shield/Mace. They'll feel it then.

ana :^)

>all those (You)s
90% of my deaths are because of stalkers. I didn't have many problems with them back in KF1 for some reason.
I tried him before that update and it's too late, I have found my new love in Gunslinger. Support is cool as fuck too.

>stairs are crawler's absolute worse fucking nightmare

I will pay TWI for a DLC specifically to give mag-Pistols to Sharp. I'm not joking. I fucking hate it.

>It's not like current zerk is that much harder to play
it is with the parry mechanic, but because of all the abilities the perk gets at 25 it's pretty easy, especially with a good medic
>I just really don't like that his hits have much less impact now
what? KF1 feels horribly shit for melee, KF2 is great for it
blunt is pretty meh though but because of dismemberment edged weapons feel great
the shield/mace feels better as a blunt weapon than others but edged weapons are way better

I agree with you, but don't see it happening until it gets near the end of the games lifespan.

how do y'all grind levels?

Back in KF1 Stalkers just walked straight at you from whereever they spawned from and didn't jump around like ninjas on crack when they get close and flank hard like they do now

Just play the game. You get way too much XP as it is.

Pretty sure he's saying Fostie, like a self pet-name

Also probably because Commando was more popular than he is now.

how do you properly play high-level sharp in this

Well the commando is kf1 was a miserable human being eagerly looking for any stalker he could kill since he needs to murder 6 gorrilion of the fucking things to get to lvl 3.
T. lvl 6 commando

Roving or Stationary. There is no middle ground, or at least effective middle ground.

I unironically like Survivalist though it can use some work.

I've only played as the gun slinger.
>two 1911s
>two m9s
>two desert eagles
>two old revolvers
It's bad ass to switch through all the guns as you empty each pair

KF2 is still dogshit, animations are worse, sounds are worse, weapons are worse, maps are worse, voices are worse, models are worse, why the fuck would you play it? The only thing KF2 has going for it is the new perks but those were done better in KF1 mods anyway.

AMG is the only part of tripwire still making good games.

>animations are worse, sounds are worse, weapons are worse
>maps are worse, voices are worse
>models are worse

Versatile as fuck and good for dealing with hordes, complete shit in against the final boss tho

Gunslinger because i love akimbo. If in some case sth bad happens he can solo.

Also dependant on player skill and very rewarding to play as.

>not bullying scrakes with the Microwave gun alt fire

scrakes become literally a non-issue and FPs can only hit you with the jump attack. if you are using the MWG standard fire you are doing it wrong.

>I don't trust my team tier
>Power tier
>Trash clearing tier

kick tier

>in a recent TWI Twitch broadcast
>new characters are too hard, lots of VA
Just make alternate bodies then. JFC I'm sick of seeing the same five player models.
>they'll make you pay for them, too
I buy cosmetics from time to time. I like to support TWI but man are they lazy.
>one (1) very detailed map every two months
>not 3 maps of average detail and size
WHY do they DO this?

>animations are worse
>sounds are worse
>weapons are worse
Demo has absolute shit weapons all around, M32 which was his bread and butter in KF1 got replaced with a fucking grenade pistol in KF2. C4 being changed to manual detonation made them much more annoying to use.
AR-15 and Stoner are garbage, meanwhile still don't have the glorious FNFAL and MKB from KF1
>models are worse
ZEDs look retarded now and they forgot all about the gritty B movie horror theme of KF1. For fucks sake just look at what they did to fleshpound.

>team gets
Flamethrower FB


>manlets when will they learn

8 foot Fleshpound master race

C4 is now a very useful emergency trash cleaner, so much so that I sometimes carry C4 on my field medic. I also use it to take out Fleshpounds in a hurry.

>Zerk still stupid OP
>Medic still stupid OP
When will TWI fix these two classes? Have both in a match and the game becomes ez mode.

Things demo could be doing if he still had his M32.

The M32 would be bullshit in KF2 and you know it, unless it takes like eight seconds to reload without fast reload perk skills.

I agree that medic is too tanky, but I won't complain.

>want to use the 1858s for style
>seem completely fucking useless and inaccurate as shit dual-wielded
Am I doing something wrong? They just don't seem to do anything noteworthy and any improved damage they do over the 9mm is ruined by the long reloads.

You say this as if KF2 is balanced as is.
>unless it takes like eight seconds to reload without fast reload perk skills.
Reloading M32 fully in KF1 took around ~7s.

>spray at the head of what ever is in front of you
>get the 50% damage boost thing
>quickly switch to desert eagles
>blow away what ever big monster is coming at you

fire a single bullet into every enemy that comes on-screen, this gives you 0 money and 100% xp.
pick up as many guns as possible so you spend minimal time reloading.
when a big zed arrives, shoot it with as many different perk weapons as you've got, and then reload all your guns while your team kills it. the time it takes them to beat a coked-up gorilla minus one player is enough for you to reload many guns to maximise xp gain.

I turn on an audio book and play four wave outpost for a while

Are you implying that some perks are more viable than others?

Universal enlightenment: the map

just play the game normally?
I would rather have an experienced level 15 player than a level 25 who only put like an hour into a class

The point is that the 9mm's do the same thing just as well. The 1858s feel shittier than most of the other starter weapons.

Outpost is like dust2, great but gets boring after a while.
Yeah, I sell them immediately and buy a single Deagle and ammo for 9mm.

But the 9mm doesn't look as bad ass. i want to be blind from muzzle flash and smoke while looking between the guns

I go to a white listed super perk training map, get to level 20, then switch to the next perk.

The uninstall medic

I wish they were regular blued 92FSes like in KF1. That way I could feel like Max Payne or a John Woo movie character.

The 1858 makes zeds stumble, even if only slightly. That's literally all it has over the 9mm.

>still no INSULT PLAYER option
>all the banter has been toned down
>none of the fun maps from KF1
>Abandon All nowhere to be seen

Wait so Demo carries the team but not so in the image?

>tfw my RPG-7 got the boss kill in every single game this weekend

Gorefast because I unload my pistol into their heads and it all gets magically parried by the blades

No, I made it so the easiest perks to play are the most "enlightened," with the exception of the Survivalist.

What are ranked servers? Does it apply to co-op?