Is this game flawless?

Is this game flawless?
I think so

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Not fond of the second episode in comparison to the others, but this could just be the Doom situation where LA Meltdown is burned into my mind.

Only the first two levels are good.

Lunar Apocalypse? It's still really good, I think

I replayed it not too long ago. The final boss of the episode is really good

It's not bad, all of Duke 3D is good, I just prefer LA Meltdown, Shrapnel City, The Birth

God forbid, have you played the new Gearbox episode?

Alien World Order, I believe it's called?

No, because the eDuke32 version hasn't been made yet to mu knowledge. No way in Hell is Gearbox getting my money.
Also, daily reminder.

I really dislike the second episode. Other than that though the game is great.

Oh Randy

What a meme

Why do you say that?

sentro drones and those alien things that jump on your screen in vents

Ep3 > Ep4 > levels 1 - 3 Ep1 > Ep2 > levels 4 - 6 Ep1

Actually, I agree. They are a big of a nuisance.

It's really good, actually, hope it comes to eDuke as soon as possible.

Are they working on it?

No idea. I already own it so I never looked into an eDuke version.

nice bait

I remember someone saying they were, and giving a video of their progress.
Looking for it right now.

You can deal with them quite easily if you have a door nearby: just lure them to the door and close it as they come near, they will explode even with the door closed. Fuck spending ammo on those fuckers.

What are some good Duke3D map packs?

Duke thread?
Anybody has tried the duke64 port for eduke32? It works fine but the grenade launcher doesn't work at all like in the n64 (it should explode in contact with the enemies/secret places, but it doesn't) and I remember that when I first used the mod, it worked fine.

Just play Shadow Warrior if you want a grenade launcher

Haven't tried it, what's it like?
Duke Nukem Forever 2013.

>mfw Grenade Launchers in
>SW classic / 2016
>Douk 64
>Turok 1 / 2
>Quake 1 / 2 / 3

And Serious Sam.

Never found Sam's GL very satisfying.

Fuck, SS has one of the best grenade launchers of all time imo

Nah, i need my duke64 because im a n64 autist

The mod? is a total conversion of the n64 port of Duke3d
The game? Is the same as Duke3d, but with censorship (even if it's a bit more gorier), some other weapons (or reskins like the dual smg), captured babes to save instead of killing and some layout changes in the levels.
Oh, and on damn im good you're forced to explode the enemies or they revive.

>Oh, and on damn im good you're forced to explode the enemies or they revive.
That's how the PC version is. It's actually easier on the N64 since you can blow up corpses with bullet weapons or even the Mighty Boot instead of being forced to use an explosive.

Outdated graphics, too many hitscan enemies, machine gun sounds shitty, some weapons such as shrinker and heater are useless fillers, no minigun.

The level design, voice acting, and art direction are flawless though.


>Outdated graphics
Kill yourself.
>too many hitscan enemies
They can be dodged and, technically, there's less than Doom, both in number of enemy types with hitscan as well as overall number of hitscan enemies in each level.
>machine gun sounds shitty
Kill yourself again.
>some weapons such as shrinker and heater are useless fillers
The Shrinker is the strongest weapon in the game. Incinerator is just an old beta concept weapon that the through in because why the fuck not? And if you meant the Expander than it has its uses, like killing low health enemies almost instantly while turning them into bombs that kill stronger enemies around them.

I didnt know that, i didn't play duke3d on damn im good.

What was the best spinoff and why was it Manhattan Project?

You could argue that Manhattan Project is the real Duke Nukem 3.

>some weapons such as shrinker and heater are useless fillers

The mark of a shitter

Either invisible rounds or you turn faster than the enemy.

>Kill yourself.
It's true. 2.5D graphics doesn't mix well with the high verticality of Duke3D's level design.

>there's less than Doom
Doom isn't even that good of a game.

>overall number of hitscan enemies in each level
But the grunts of doom die in one shotgun shot. The lizard man in Duke takes two.

>Kill yourself again.
I actually edited the config file to swap it with the pistol sound. Blow it out your ass.

>The Shrinker is the strongest weapon in the game
The projectile is quite slow and it takes time to run to your enemies so it's not very effective against multiple enemies.

the main flaw i found when playing it is that most guns are either too weak or don't have enough ammo pickups to be useful. the shotgun was the only gun that was consistently reliable.

>>Either invisible rounds or you turn faster than the enemy.
or you're just retarded and know nothing about build games

>But the grunts of doom die in one shotgun shot. The lizard man in Duke takes two.
Enforcers and pig cops are not replacements for zombies and imps

>The projectile is quite slow and it takes time to run to your enemies so it's not very effective against multiple enemies.
It can kill battlelords in one shot and is one of the most useful weapons in the game by far.


Blood > Duke 3D > Shadow Warrior
prove me wrong

Blood is overrated as fuck.

I can't

eat shit

>Doom isn't even that good of a game
You're making the b8 too obvious.

too many hitscan enemies


>there's less than doom
that's wrong, just played both games recently, hitscan is far more prevalent in Duke

Also if you want to dig out some flaws, I would argue its level design isn't as good as Doom's.

>its level design isn't as good as Doom's
You're right it's even better. Unlike Doom, Duke3D often gives you the ability to tackle an objective through multiple angles either by entering through vents, the front door, or blowing up a hole in the wall.

that doesn't make up for how fucking boring the levels are

I kind of have to agree
Blood was great but I never fell in love with it as much as with Duke 3D or Shadow Warrior.
Most likely because I got around to playing Blood only a few years later while I played Duke and Shadow warrior soon after release.
Well, it is a matter of taste I suppose

what a boring and empty criticism tell me how UAC base is so much more interesting

Yes, just like Blood, DOOM, Rayman 2, Rogue Spear, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Quake, Commandos 3, Tomb Raider 2, MDK, Supreme Commander, Splinter Cell Chaos Theory, Thief 2, Gauntlet Legends, Riven, King of Fighters 98 Ultimate Match Final Edition, and Alone in the Dark.