ITT: Games with ZERO best girls because they're all awful

ITT: Games with ZERO best girls because they're all awful.

Pic unfortunately related.

June is annoying. So is Clover and Lotus is a massive cunt but almost justifies it by having the best rack, but ultimately comes off a 6 at best.

Also, keep 999 spoilers SPOILERED

Clover is cute with a slight crazy side.

ZERO is the best girl, you're right.

They fucked it up!

Well, I can't say the same for VLR.


>bottom screen


fucking robot

Holy shit

>robot has more humanity than the rest of the cast

Clearly not because she is based off of Diana. She inherits her sin.

>tfw no incestual threesome

So its $45 dollars on steam for this and some sequel right? Is it worth that price for the remaster or should I finally give into those 'helpful' anons who tell me to homebrew my 3ds?

the DS version is probably still the best version, but if you want to play VLR and don't have a 3DS or Vita it's worth it

obviously you could homebrew your 3DS but that's up to you

at least post actual best girl.


Just finished the first one and am now playing the second one. Just got betrayed by all ice and went against Phi's wishes. Fuck it all.

Now in HD

Wasn't the top screen vs. bottom screen a huge important plot point?
How do they get around that on PC?

Yeah, fuck this remake. They ruined this too.

Yep. VLR looks like a general remake.

remaster, if anything. Not really remake.
They just touched up textures and shit.

Don't listen o pirated this game and I feel cheated 999 is one of the worst things over ever played the story is literally mysteries solved by twist and ass pulls for plot convince it dosent even follow its own logic its sets up a rule and breaks that rule five minutes later people on Sup Forums think it's good because if they are confused by the story it must mean it's good and deep

sfm porn when

Sorry, yeah, that's what I meant. Wrong re- word.

Hopefully never.
The models don't have legs.

I'm doubtful much of anything will be made once the models become public. The only person to really use the ZTD models was the model ripper themselves. Made some good animations. A few users tinkered around with them here but that was about it.

>The models don't have legs.
They cut corners on the VLR models. Kind of makes sense if you never see below their waist.

that's why AA sprites aren't full body

I'm proud of what little I was able to accomplish.
I can't touch Crisby tho, he's a god.

Sure. 999 does the same thing.

Course. I was just saying that properly rigging and animating the models takes knowledge and patience to accomplish. That's beyond what most people are willing to do.

>I can't touch Crisby tho, he's a god.
He probably spends weeks (at least) on those animations to get them right.

>mfw people didn't believe me when I said that it was changed


SFM is the worst thing to rule 34 that has ever happened.
It looks like shit 99.99999% of the time but fuckers keep making it

yeah but i still fap to it

>the nonary games version of 999 is a mess with tons of punctuation missing


Patches via the morphogenetic field.


It's because Zero Escape is the only VN series to not be a waifu simulator/Choose Your Waifu adventure.

Go back to your "Senpai and the 5 kawaii kawaii high school best girls" SoL VNs if that's all you care about in a sci-fi/horror game.

>not best girl

>VN series
>let alone the only "VN" series to not be a waifu sim


Great body stuck in an outfit from the Flintstones.

So that's why she's into GRAND DADs

*chops you with axe*


>looking at what was different about this
>compare it to the original for a bit, don't notice anything different
>then it hits me

Holy fuck. That is one hell of a way to ruin a remake that used the device to it's full advantage. Why didn't they just combine the two and have it switch to novel with the descriptions whenever they come up?

Why did they have to do this weird mix that doesn't really work?

They could have at least used something to differentiate what was on the top screen and the bottom one, such as different text colors or italics. Putting the names next to it is un-fucking-acceptable.

You will never get better memes in your lifetime.

Yeah, that's what annoys me the most about this remake.

Just have the bottom screen be in the novel mode, and then have the top screen be in the textbox mode. Swap between the two without the transition they have (literally just had a less-than-a-second fade in/out) whenever necessary, and then you have something halfway decent. Don't allow the player to do it either, do it yourself so you can control it.

I was one of the few that caught on to that line early on

I don't get it.

The original has Junpei's line as narration, found on the bottom screen. No quotation marks or anything.

Of course, Junpei isn't the narrator. June is.

Maybe I'm remembering things wrong but in this scene, wasn't Junpei coming from college and not from work in the original?

Question about the sequel Virtues Last Reward. Is the part where you play ?? in K's body the very end and a cliffhanger for the third game or is there more to unlock?


So I take that as I've reached the 100% end to VLR and shouldn't bother with 3 despite the cliffhanger?

It doesn't mention where he comes home from in the original. Just that he'd been living in the apartment for 3 years.

Another Time is a non-canon fluff piece to make you feel special and cool.

?? is literally you, the player.

Fukushima or something had just happened before VLR launched so they did Another Time to make it end on a more positive note.

Oh ok. That scene did hit me out of left field and seemed to not fit well. That's why I thought there was more. So the true end is you in the past with robo arms?

Does the story of the past and the base continue in ZTD?

ZTD is a direct sequel to VLR, yes.
Although in some ways, it's a prequel as well.

Too pure for this world

Cool thanks.

I agree, ZTD kind of sucks and really makes me dislike 999's ending even though it's perfect on it's own.

I just beat VLR. Why couldn't they at least have him wake up during the true ending so he could at least find out his "mom" isn't going to die? Or that his dad actually fucking loved him? This dude is suffering incarnate.

Should have been another gaulem. No need to actually raise a human being in a doomed timeline you're going to abandon the first chance you get.

It makes me think he was just lonely or only created him out of some circular loop shit. Like his purpose was never used once during the game and he'd know he's unneeded since he has all his memories.

There's a lot of cool shit too they could've done with it. Like maybe shifting into him at one point to force an ally. But no, just trick him into helping with research that will end up killing the only person to ever make him happy. That's cool too.

>Nope, won't budge!


post Phi

Jog my memory, when was this?

Just about every time you encounter a locked door, Sigma tries to open it, and acts surprised when it doesn't work more than 50% of the time.

That happens in 999 too, just to be fair.
Why does the Zero Escape series get worse as time goes on?

if I were in their position, I'd try every door as well. Nothing to lose in trying

And during the sub ending, Junpei just randomly tried a door he thought would be locked but just so happened to be unlocked

What rule did 999 break?

I was never confused by 999's story and I think it's great.

Were you confused?

Oh boy, if you thought 999 was confusing just wait til you get to ZTD

What's the original image?

Densely packed Hitlers.

Not vidya but I'll be damned if this doesn't describe Evangelion to a T.

Rewatching a little bit of ZTD for shits and giggles.

Do you guys think Junpei correctly guessed the color of the coin because of morphogenetics?

The only people who assert a color in that scene are Mira (not a SHIFTer) and Junpei (a SHIFTer).

Is Carlos saying "I know, you're..." foreshadowing him being a SHIFTer as well?
Maybe ZTD's writing isn't so bad...

He was meant to be Dr Klim's "spare" according to Akane. So apparently there are timelines where Dr Klim dies in rhizome 9 for what ever reason so Kyle carries on his work/he shifts into Kyle to continue prepping for the AB project.

The concept of a spare to continue your work doesn't make sense in a world where you know exactly know how things should play out. If there is any change you're in the wrong timeline. If old Siggy dies then there is no AB project, because young Siggy can no longer shift into old Siggy's body and vise versa.
The only reason why a Kyle exists as a clone is because that's how the AB project worked the last time. And the time before. And before that. And so on. That's just a flaw with how these stories are told and how these characters act. In the whole series Uchi never tried to break the causal loops with characters not giving a fuck.
Example: We could have Siggy deciding to alter the AB project because it doesn't seem to ever work out at least according to old Akane in VLR. He could go through with the AB project up to the end we see in VLR, but then send his young self back in time to the Mars test site. You know, the non-senile Siggy. The Siggy that actually knows how to use his powers in any meaningful way. But no, closed loops. Do the same thing again that apparently failed all the other times.

>Lotus is a massive cunt
For most of the game, not really.