Name a more overrated console

name a more overrated console.

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The PS1, that shit overrated as fuck and had no good games and controller is just the worst. Even the Saturn was better and had much more diverse library.

Nintendo sixty four


Too many people think the Master System was better than it actually was

>arcade ports

Better than the PS1, bleh.

Gamecube of course.

And there's nothing overrated about the DC. It was amazing for its time.


Yeah. until 1998 when they quit making games for it.

sorry to hear about your shit taste, user

Also the original Xbox.


Did the DS really have any truly great games? The Nintendo staples like Mario, Zelda, Starfox etc weren't great.
It was just shovelware, RPGs and those games from the Phoenix Wright team everyone pirated.

N64 or PS2


No question.

GameCube is still underrated to this day.

N64 fucking so overrated

Wat. These fuckers were in garage sales within a year.

N64 for is the correct answer.

While it had some great hits and OoT its library of good titles was small, real damn small if didn't like collect-a-thons. It shit was expensive and controllers wore out easy too. WiiU was aggressively small in library, but at least it wasn't made of overpriced waffers full of hype.

The controls are terrible and hardware had serious problems for developers and it wasn't a quality control it was fucking stupidity in design with a bigger bottleneck than the PS3.

Its remembered overly well because it was the last console of the friends stay over to play era and had 4 ports.

>OG Xbox.

you're fucking mental

the dreamcast fell victim to bad release dates and bad merchandising

it has timeless masterpieces like Soul Calibur, MVC2, SoA, Sonic Adventure, PSO, etc

you're obviously underaged

N64 no doubt

>counting multiplats

>best versions of multiplats don't count

>Saturn died in 98
Why was 98 such a good year for gaming

This. All of those are superior on Dreamcast with the possible exception of SoA.

It's overrated now, but just a few years ago it was the only way to play a lot of classics. Almost everything worthwile has been ported.

All we need now is Shenmue remastered.

Yes. Turns out the DS had an incredible JRPG library.

Well SoA is arguably better on DC since it has better audio quality and can be played in 480p VGA. But yes, GC has more content and less annoying encounter rate.


Xbox 360

Any Nintendo console.
You should probably look up the definition of overrated though because the DC was underrated.

A lot of multiplats at one point were N64/PS1/DC. DC's specs blew them out of the water so it had the best port of the three a lot of the time.

Hell, the PC version of Soul Reaver still has the PS1 graphics.

The OG Xbox is far worse than the DC.

I like it less than the XB1 and I haven't been kind to the XB1.

N64 by far.
Yes there were good games for it, but just because you remember it from your childhood doesn't automatically make it the greatest thing ever made.

>this opinion exists

Anyway to me that would be the Wii. Youtubers and shit try to hammer it so hard that the Wii is so underrated and in a decade everyone will praise its library that they made it overrated.

Saturn is also the contrarian's console, very overrated. Muh shitty anime-based jrpgs.

Saturn is probably more popular for its arcade ports than it is for JRPGs though.

Wii is severely UNDERRATED if anything. everyone writes it off because it's library was fully of shovelware garbage, but there are so many amazing titles on it that people forget about.


It was doomed but the USA launch was amazing and gave some fans hope. Sega had just fucked themselves prior and IIRC miscommunication and rifts between SoA and SoJ caused issues as well.

Dunno where the Dreamcast hate I see posted here comes from. Anyone I've known that had one within its release date or after its death gave it kudos for its power and unrealized potential. Not the best ever but impressive. The people I see praising it as GOAT have to be fucking delusional.

>im too stupid to understand what overrated means

Ok. Even people that liked it still rank it after the PS2 and GC, it has never been overrated.

But muh standard definition

N64 and Gamecube. The Wii U is better than both of them, and that's saying something.

Everyone forgets Endless Ocean but I put a good 60 hours into both of those.

You're gonna get shit for Silent Shizzam but its in my cozycore essentials collection.

Best of the post 4 games easily.

The console had like three worthwhile exclusives. It's fondly remembered by dudebros but they won't look past Halo and football games.

The average college-aged Xbox owner probably wouldn't even look at Knights of the Old Republic while still reminiscing about the console.

That's why I say it's overrated. The people who look back on it fondly don't even give anything but the most mainstream games any attention. They just talk up its most prominent games.

The Dreamcast was actually good, so there are quite a few.

The N64 is pretty overpraised. All of its games run at like 20 FPS and the controller is so laughably awful that it makes its very strong library not very fun to play.

The OG Xbox is in this weird place where it's either really underrated or really overrated. The people who attack it forget its pretty impressive graphical power and its great library of weird niche titles. The people who praise it usually only do so for shit like Halo and forget about the lack of diversity in its lineup.

The 3DS is good, but its library is a bit of a letdown compared to the DS.

And finally, you'd have to be retarded or high off your ass in order to think that the Genesis is better than the SNES. No comparison.

This is just straight up not true. Disliking the PS1 is one thing, but saying that the Saturn had a more diverse library is a bullshit lie.

If you care that much use Dolphin.
Also, that by no means make the games worse.

Hey don't hate, the Saturn had some really neat JRPGs that weren't on any other systems. But it is indeed for contrarians.

If there's an overrated "underrated" console, the Saturn is definitely it.

IMO the DC controller is worse than the N64's in some ways. Severe lack of buttons.

I always thought of the Saturn as appealing to a slightly older crowd that knew about playing import games and shit. My uncle was that guy.

I wouldn't say the PS1 is the most overrated console but it is overrated to a degree.

The emergence of 3D gaming is a rough start. It's why I don't have super-fond memories of the fifth generation (plus being saddled with a Saturn during that period).

The usual argument its fans use is that were missing out on so many great games because we don't understand jap. In reality those games are shitty weeb fanservice that brought nothing new to their genres.

Even if its true it has a couple great arcade ports, that doesn't make it a good or diverse library. The number of worthwile games is less than 20. It's incredibly contrarian to rank it highly.

>Compared to the DS
Everyone keeps going on and on about how great the DS library is, but I'd say it's more quantity than it is quality. Don't get me wrong, it's good. And nearly every genre is well-represented on the DS, but it's mostly by 7/10 games, with a few exceptions here and there.

I also found its main gimmick (the second screen) to be poorly utilized throughout its entire life on the market. It didn't feel as unique or interesting as many DS fans tout on here.

How is ILLBLEED? I see it recommended from time to time, but the gameplay confuses me

Ya basically that and the massive success of the PS1 had everyone holding out for the PS2.

Dreamcast was a great machine. As was the Saturn. Just nobody bought them after 32x and Sega CD and the company eating itself. That even Sega kids like myself noticed how many more games the SNES had and how multiplatform games outside of a few were better on it.

N64 on the other I think represented Nintendo's hubris. 2 gens of dominance and I think they felt they could call the shots for developers, go anti-pirate on consumers, and still impress people with how many bits it has. And they found out quickly mass storage and easy design and hardware that made some fucking sense win out. Not a bad console, but I really think its what lead to Nintendo quest for shovelware and casuals after they realized the GCN wasn't going to bring everyone back they had pissed on.

Both were odd but functional after some adjustment. They both didn't lend themselves well to all genres and I personally feel like the Saturn's 3D pad, am obvious prototype, felt better than the DC.

The Saturn is definitely mh most valuable collection since it includes SFZ3, PDS, and Daytona USA Circuit Edition (not CCE, although I also have that).


It's cool, just have to play smart and not rush through it or you'll get fucked up pretty fast. Definitely one of the most unique survival horrors ever made.

Needs Fire Pro D.

Except Grandia 2, Shenmue 2 and Soul Caliber.
Audio is completely fucked in the GameCube ver.

What platform has a better version of Soul Calibur? The DC was the only version that has unlockables, I thought.

Shenmue 2 I'll give you but I thought Grandia II on PS2 was fucked up for some reason. Also, weren't the SoulCalibur re-releases just direct ports of the DC version but slightly upscaled?

Shenmue II is definitely too ambitious for the Dreamcast (in hindsight it was like the Half-Life port for Xbox) but I cherish it all the same.

the only acceptable answer

Xbox 360.

Arguably the DC version of Shenmue 2 still wins out because you were able to transfer your Shenmue save over which is something you couldn't do on the Xbox version.

Grandia 2 got a superb PC port in 2015.

Like that other user said, the 360 version lacks mission mode because of the retarded size cap on XBL games back then. The DC version is better for that alone.

>transfer your Shenmue save over
God damn, I have no clue why more games don't do that. The Dreamcast was innovative in so many ways, I wish so goddamn much that the Dreamcast 2 would come out, maybe with smartphones acting as VMUs somehow.

It has more than 3 good exclusives, maybe about 9. It also had the best version of all multiplatforms so that gave it a reason to exist. It had DC ports the others didn't get, and more arcade type games that made it different. Also the best out of them for everything emulation, homebrew and media server. Also good PC ports.

I like all consoles of that gen, even if it was the worst it still had a reason to exist because its strenghts were the weaknesses of the others.

Contrarian bait edgelord.

Fair enough. Doesn't bother me too much because I only go back to the original Soul Calibur for a couple of quick matches.

Well shit. Thank you for making me aware of this. Did this also get a PS4 release?

I wish it was online. I still consider it the best 3D fighter in the whole genre.

Nah it had a lot of bloat and wasn't nearly as impressive in its time as the PS1, but it did have a fuck load of games like the NES and SNES. N64 easily overtakes it for not have the games to justify its bullshit in the long term (seriously nobody had just an N64). Or the 360 would out rank it as well for being full of garbage with no real reason to buy it outside of RDR, it was shovelware the console.

'Fraid not, sadly. Would have loved for a non-fucked version of Grandia 2 to appear on a Sony console.

I have some of the other commonly cited exclusives such as Ninja Gaiden Black, Jet Set Radio Future, and Panzer Dragoon Orta but none of them strike me as hallmark titles for the console in the context of making it a truly memorable system.

It did have the best version of multiplats but in that regard I usually abide by the "if I haven't seen it, it's new to me" rationale (i.e. even if the Xbox had better versions of games I was playing elsewhere, I wasn't exposed to them so what I had was just fine for my circumstances).

Lost Odyssey would like a word with you.

easily nintendo 64, each game was overpriced because of muh cartridges. Plus there is only one good game for the system mainly mario64.

Zelda OCT is the most over-rated game on the system.

The N64 will always be a WWF No Mercy machine to me.

The PS2 aka the shovelware landfill

Only people saying the N64 is overrated are millenials who didnt grow up with it and fall for the "le unorthodox=bad" controller meme, and autists who didnt have friends to play it with.

The N64's biggest fault was the severe lack of variety in its library. Other than platforming, each genre was represented by only a small handful of games. Granted it had some very high quality stuff but still.

t. nostalgiafag

Forgot fur fighters and quake arena

I was 12 when the N64 launched and I found the GameCube to be a much better console overall. Oh and by the way, millennials absolutely grew up with the console. Stop misusing that word. It does not mean people born after 2000.

I don't know about how you see it but if you like racing games, the N64 is a haven.

F-Zero X, Star Wars Episode I Racer (even if the DC version is superior), Mario Kart 64, Rush 2: Extreme Racing USA, Beetle Adventure Racing...

The list goes on.

>Had one growing up
>Friends over constantly my mom babysat my best friends and all the neighbor kids knew each other
>Wouldn't trade those moments for anything
But as I am now I would completely say the PS1 is absolutely better.

Hell, California Speed is objectively shit but damn if it isn't one hell of a guilty pleasure for me.

So many unlockables.

True. It did have a lot of good arcade racers. I would love to see Wave Race make a comeback.

>The console had like three worthwhile exclusives

>Phantom Dust
>Panzer Dragoon Orta
>Jet Set Radio Future
>Otogi 1 & 2
>Unreal Championship 2
>Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath
>Ninja Gaiden
>Forza Motorsport
>Crimson Skies: High Road To Revenge

shut up nerd

I agree with you on only the prominent games being talked up, though.

The nostalgia for the gamecube is baffling to me, and I owned one. It was such a letdown after the N64 which, despite its meager offerings, offered far better Nintendo games than their franchises' GC iterations.

People saying "it was the last hardcore ninty console!" are deluding themselves. It was kiddy-corner from day one, and everyone knew it at the time. There's a reason that the Switch presentation, when listing all of the previous console milestones, said the GC's distinction was "well there's a handle on it" (mfw I called that in the presentation before he said it)

As someone who played Illbleed, I'd describe it as "a really good game that nobody should ever play"
It's got a lot of great ideas and it does a really great job of merging story and gameplay, but it's just not fun. It's kind of like Drakengard but not intentionally awful.

Yeah, the DC's controller felt pretty underdeveloped, but the N64's was a monstrosity and never felt comfortable to hold.

Valid criticisms. I disagree and think there were a lot of 8/10 or 9/10 games, though; would be a pain in the ass to list all of them. As for the second screen, plenty of games, especially early on, made us of it really well and in a lot of creative ways. However, a lot of them were weird niche titles that most people missed in favor of stuff like Mario.

Go to /vr/ and cry about how games will never be good again with the rest of the nostalgiafags

I was going to say something similar. You're probably better off just watching a let's play.

Nintendo Zelda boy

Literally every other console ever, since Dreamcast is regularly the most underrated console of all time, FAGGOT.

>Go to /vr/ and cry about how games will never be good again with the rest of the nostalgiafags

/vr/ is a much better board than Sup Forums.

The lack of self-awareness is staggering.

But he won't be able to piece together the clues on WHO IS KILLERMAN


nigger pls the ps2 was more dudebro approved than the xbox ever was fueled by madden and gta garbage