Mad Max

I've found myself getting lost in this game for hours. It's so much fucking fun.

Is this a meme? I don't understand...

The only reason to play this in 2017 is to RP as Max for an hour and then quit because Chumbucket is the worst companion ever and the map has shit-all variety in its design. There's about 23-quintillion other open world games you could be playing.

I enjoyed it for about 10-15 hours and then it was boring as shit

>There's about 23-quintillion other open world games you could be playing.
What's better?

It was good for a single playthrough, car combat and the random spawns needed more variety

Jurassic park operation genesis
Jurassic park: the game
Jurassic attack

ending yourself is always the best option

As an oldfag who watches "dadcore" movies I think its amazing to play a decent licensed game in the world of Mad Max. You may be right about everything you say about the game, but to someone old as balls like me its just incredible.

It's a shame that by time you get all the upgrades, you have nothing to do and nothing to use those upgrades on.

The game looked really nice and the driving was fun and responsive and the terrain really made a difference. The hook the dwarf shot from your car made the combat incredibly fun.

but by time you get all the fun upgrades that make your car a beast you wont find as much encounters.

He grew on me, It's like having a crazy preacher for a hypeman.

anyone played smugglers run?
Also playing gta v just for the driving is pretty chill at times

user, you've been spoiled. Here is a game that lets youplay as Mad Max Road Fucking Warrior. a rogue vigilante with nothing to lose on the post-apocalypse outback Asutralia and dead seabed with racing, killin', and blowing shit up. just think about it for a second. Sure it may not be stellar in variety of missions, but the game looks gorgeous, the car fights are fun, and the combat is satisfying. plus all that other good shit about Mad Max.

>tfw collected everything in MM
Why the fuck do I do this?

How can one post be so incredibly fucking wrong?
Chum is great, the environments are great, the enemy variety is pretty good too.
Ending was shit though. RIP Chum ;_;

Yes, if this had been the first open world game I'd played, I would have been ecstatic.

But imagine if it had a nemesis system like Mordor, or a storyline that was compelling, or a War-Rig you could commandeer

loved the hell out of this game as well. I remember GMG was selling it for a ridiculous price on release like 20 dollars or something so I assumed it was going to be a shit game but I ended up sinking 50 hours into it.

Great atmosphere, great world and underrated campaign that actually works well if you see it as a prequel to Fury Road (is it?).

>to late to post before the butthurt "THIS GAME SUCKED" posters

If this game were mod friendly I'd still be playing it. i just kind of got bored after a while.

I wish this got a sequel or at least more content to extend the story/gameplay.

Shame it killed the better series

I had an enjoyable time with it (probably like 40-50 hours), but it is a collect-a-thon. I loved the combat though; shit was brutal when you went into fury mode and started suplexing people and blasting them in the gut with a shotgun; breaking necks and driving shivs through faces. The graphics were really great. The car combat was fun during the convoy chases and when you were ambushed while attacking base defenses, but otherwise it was too much like bumper cars and you were basically invincible since chum would just fix the car while you got out. If it had mods it would be a much better game.

The graphics are really good too, even on a toaster

Great game


The devs said it isnt a sequel nor a prequel but it does take place in the same timeline/area. I do really like the world fury road set up with the citadel, gastown, and bulletfarm and the whole war boys cult thing. Hopefully the next iteration of mad max be it movie or game we'll get to see something of bulletfarm

When I first saw trailers I, like many others, instantly just called the combat reskinned Batman. And while thard somewhat true, the combat in mad max is somehow much more satisfying and the brutality fits.

I bought it for dirt cheap and still got a refund.

Just felt boring and lifeless to be. Too by the numbers.

incorrect sir.
The correct timeline is
>MMVG / Comic events (comic is a retelling of the events of the game as they became lore from the storytellers at immortan joes after joes fall)
>MM the comics opening setup.

The game is basically why the warboys were after max in FR and who the little girl was he kept seeing. The tie in comic was one of max's "legends/history" being told to the children at the citadel years after joes fall