why are people so mean in online games?
Why are people so mean in online games?
Nicholas Carter
Ryder Nguyen
Because they want to stick it in your boipussy.
Lucas Nelson
Robert Rivera
d-does anyone want to be friends
Cameron Perry
Because you're a smug faggot and you think you're better than everyone, hiding behind your stupid anime picture like some fucking invertebrate hiding behind it's shell.
You develop a bratty persona to put on to shield yourself from criticism of your actual shitty personality, and it doesn't work; because you still get hurt.
Because you're a weak faggot. Kill yourself
Sebastian Cook
I have no idea, being nice is always so much better!
Juan Campbell
Tyler Morales
I think you mean ASSFAGGOTS because outside of them people are normally ok
Nicholas Reed
I'm about to start ds3 dlc on pc.
David Moore