The new dark souls dlc is fucking hard

the new dark souls dlc is fucking hard

who thought it was a good idea to give bosses 50k hp?

The guys who made Bloodborne, obviously.

what is the recommended level to be for this?

Suggested min is 100.

It's kinda challenging, but it's not really bullshit or annoying levels of hard. I like it so far, and I've only killed the Demon Prince. Now a bullshit level of hard was those stupid antler knights in the first dlc. Never has an enemy made me want to kill myself before, except those two dog monsters in Pontiff's basement and those whale monsters in BB.

Who thought it was a good idea to have bonfires two feet apart from each other in DaS III

Who thought it was a good idea to just make all the bosses gangs in Das II

Who thought it was a good idea to run out of a budget halfway through development in dark souls 1

Who thought it was a good idea to make tower of latria so fucking boring visually and mechanically after the first time you play it through in Demons Souls, and who thought it was a good idea to bring it back in dark souls 3

Who thought it was a good idea to only have a few shitty weapons in Bloodborne and still shit multiplayer after years of the same games

>that drastic change in quality in DS1 after Anor Londo
It still hurts.

>playing anything after darksouls 1

Are the new bosses really that buff?
The thing I hated about many BB bosses is that they had fuckhueg health bars and the battles just turned into outright endurance tests if you couldn't parry them.

>Are the new bosses really that buff?
yes... at least on ng+++

The final boss is barely chunked by a +10 Heavy Great Club with 50 Str. ~300 damage per hit.

I'm playing through now (base game) and have a question

Is Anor londo really that small? I just killed Aldrich, is that outer area and the main hall really the entire area or did I miss some stuff? Fuck that spider shit btw. I'm glad Aldrich was so easy compared to Pontiff who spread my ass hole pretty hard

In DS3, Anal London is composed of the lower area with the Aldrich Faithful, the Crocdogs, and the bedchamber as well as the upper area, consisting of the main hall, the Giant's entrance to the main hall, and the far tower.

Was that it?

I gave the pigment to the painter girl and got two lines of dialogue. DS2 at least had a cutscene and removing hollowing.

A new room has now opened. Go find it.

I'm playing on ng+3 and they have a lot of health. If they're anything like Friede, then they don't gain a lot of health in between ng and ng+ (friede gains like 7 hit points in ng+ and 500 hit point in ng++), so they probably have around the same amount of health in ng.

i wanna play but the little get gud i used to have is long gone. i might as well kms

no wonder the demon prince is kicking my ass since i'm playing a lvl 83 pyromancer

>jump down a pit
>there's two demons in here
>die trying to figure out what's going on
>jump down again and die in seconds because dodged like a retard
>jump down again
>slowly wittle down both demons
>kill one
>other has maybe an eighth left

You're fucked so hard.

how would you guys compare this dlcs bosses to manus and fume knight in terms of difficulty?

I feel so bad for you right now

Demon Princes: Decent boss, know restraint, but as soon as you get their patterns they're piss easy. 6/10

Judicator: Piss easy, just the Old Monk boss fight again but with a Painting guard. 3/10

Gael: Great fucking boss fight. Probably one of the best in the series and a perfect sendoff. 10/10

Dragon: It's a dragon. 3/10

stop shitposting and make real arguments instead of trying to incite other people to make them for you


>Judicator: Piss easy, just the Old Monk boss fight again but with a Painting guard. 3/10

I imagine it'd be a bit more difficult with an actual player getting summoned.

I didn't find Fume knight hard tbqh. Manus was challenging though, specially since I didn't know about the silver pendant. I would rate the secret boss as harder than both, unless you were a retard like me and didn't know you could deflect Manus's spells with the silver pendant, because it was nigh impossible dodging his dark spells and they did a lot of damage.

Anyone else getting MASSIVE lag only when an enemy attacks? It's unplayable

>A perfect sendoff
Listen, i like Dark Souls 3 and defend it all the time. I liked this DLC. But Gael is just literally a nobody in the lore, and the fight is just Artorias of Kos. It's also strangely easy. I wouldn't call it a perfect sendoff in any way.

Holy fuck, i deal no damage to gael. NG+ and doing like 140 per swing

So did gael find the pygmy?

He found the Dark soul of Man, but it's dried up and can't be used as paint.
So he eats it and turns his own blood into the Dark Soul. Now you gotta harvest it.

they balance the game around long swords which do the most dps and are the fastest

>ds3 game balance



A-are you trolling?

What SL do you all recommend for the DLC?

Nope. But if you think hard enough and explored everything, it should be obvious.
It suggests 100, I'd suggest 120.

>he doesn't know

Is it out right now for PC as well? I was expecting it to come out tomorrow


Yes, it's out.

When is it out?

thanks pal

Thats a shame, dunno why but I was hoping for some closure.

Really liking this dlc so far, much more than the first one they put out.

that isnt hard when ariandel was absolute shit

Well, there is some "closure."
You bring the Pigment to the Painter Loli and she paints you a picture.
I'm sorry to say, but it's fucking nothing.

What sword?

Why would you go around on the internet spreading lies and giving people false hopes

Now I do.


Please tell me where I can find this guy again. I found him the first time.

Demon Prince has different attack patterns depending on which one you kill last.

After the first time up on the rocks I met him at the second bonfire he keeps popping up in new places.
I've met him in three or four different spots now.

>DLC has actual good weapons that have unique movesets

Already better than AoA by a long shot

b-team strikes again

you cant be serious, right?

isnt the painting bitch in the first dlc? which means the true ending is locked behind dlc?

They didn't lock anything behind both DLC except a bit of lore.
All actual content in each DLC is separate, the only overlap is the plot and Gael.

More like 'alternate ending'. We don't know if they chose to cut content and turn it into DLC down the line, but I'd rather give the benefit of the doubt

>so here it is, the dark soul

>you wanna know all the stuff about it right?


b-team is back

Git gud.

Oblivion DLC had one with 150k hp.

Where were you when the final boss of Dark Souls was just a Guts cosplayer?

why is this so disappointing

I was so hyped but now I'm just depressed

How do I start the dlc?

It just now unlocked to play for me at 11pm
Now I have wait for the Dlc to download because there was no option to pre download why I wait

Fuck sony

You forgot how all the previous Souls DLCs were.

What are you talking about? I could pre download mine.

jesus this dragon midir fight sucks dick.
its more like a camera boss than an actual fight when 90% of the time I just see a giant dragon cock in my screen while swinging blindly for 140 damage and the fucker has 500000.
And then he jus fly off 200 miles away making the fight last for 50 minutes

Bonfire in Friede boss room and also in Kiln.

not him but go to the church that was closed before, the one where a girl gives you a talisman through the door and you have 3 giant fatsos behind you in the stair, now you can enter that said church

Really damn
I live in the US and have it for ps4. Preordered it and everything. All I got was a theme that didn't come with background music and no option to pre download.

I feel cheated

killing both is the easy part of this boss

Final boss was a fucking letdown.




really liking the dlc so far but good god that pvp boss is lame

>pyromancer vs fire-based 2-phase enemy
I'm sorry

>get the dark soul

>its fucking nothing

fucking b-team