What were your favorite moments from the Mass Effect series?
Comfy Mass Effect thread
when i fucked that asari on the citadel
>shooting bottles with garrus
Say what you will about ME3 but it had its moments
finding garrus on me2
poker with the engineers in ME2
This thread is going to make even more depressed knowing that there is no hope for this series
the sara has autism thread
The dialogues with Wrex during ME1. The theme song from that area of the normandy is fucking awesome.
Plus, Wrex>>>>Garrus and his gay ass calibrations.
Convincing Saren o commit suicide.
Wait, so your favorite part was when Mordin died? You monster.
Meeting vigil in me1. The combination of the music, the disappointment of not finding a live protheon, and hearing about their last defiant actions to help future species created a very emotional scene. Then it was followed up with one of my favorite tracks in the entire series and a race to the conduit. Easily my favorite section of the series.
Picking up ME2 a week off the street date and jumping in watching Shep die blew my mind at the time. Can't remember the last time I was so hyped for a game.
Also spent plenty of hours in the ME3 multiplayer fucking shit up with a Geth infiltrator.
>dat feel when rocking a Geth Shotgun X
This also. Knowing the protheons were forever gone felt like a reminder of any species finitude. That moment was stellar
I just finished a marathon playthrough (slept tho) of the mass effect trilogy for the first time before getting andromeda.
Mordin was a great character. had some feels with him. Jack was best girl.
Is Andromeda even a bit as epic as this trilogy was? Genuinely enjoyed the whole space opera feel.
Getting everybody through the suicide mission alive on a blind run.
Less "epic" since it's just the one game.
Meeting Sovereign. I hadn't followed mass effect very closely before release so before the meeting I figured the main villain threat was Saren and his krogan army, Sovreign was a pleasant surprise.
The story Grunt tells when he gets out of the hospital
>tfw my friend ruined the surprise for me by texting me "oh my god choose the Archangel mission first, your favourite character from ME1 comes bacK" or something along this lines
>literally hours after the game was released
Felt good man.
Punching this vicious cunt every time.
Too bad you can't get away with something like that in any modern AAA game now. =/
Interacting with Legion on my ship for the first time. He was so alien and terrifying.
>comfy thread
>pic of Mordin's death scene
Me answer is the same as and .
My least favorite moment of the series was feeling like a complete moron after I sent Mordin to fix the door and get shot in the head during the suicide mission. Apparently biologists aren't the best mechanical engineers.
I punched her too but in ME3 I wasn't expecting her to punch me back and missed the qte because I was taking a sip of tea. Blew that shit on the keyboard when my buff as fuck shep got decked by a tiny newsfaggot.
Tali pls no bully.
That moment blew my mind when I first played that sequence as a lad.
No pun intended.
fuck the council
Is 3 worth playing? I never got around to playing it when it came out. All I ever hear about it is how shit the ending is.
Suicide Mission easily
>did almost none of the loyalty missions
>got barely any of the upgrades
>keep making bad decisions
>teammates keep dropping as I get deeper and it gets harder
>that epic score - youtube.com
Greatest final mission from any game ever. I was genuinely scared I wouldn't be able to finish it. I think only Garrus, Grunt and one other came out alive with me.
Reading the codex in ME1 with the comfy menu music.
>Jack was best girl.
My nigga
>Is 3 worth playing?
Yes. It's the worst of the trilogy, but it does have some genuinely fantastic moments.
Tuchanka and Rannoch are some of the best stuff in the entire series.
Kai-leng, the edgy weeaboo cyborg ninja who came out of nowhere and who everybody knows and who can beat up Shepard easily on the other hand is not very good.
At the very least it's a good third person shooter and aside from the ending the story is still solid
This. That whole Citadel DLC with Tali as your girl
and Wrex coming back was based too.
Yeah. It was okay. I'm the fag who just finished it today for the first time.
I don't feel the same urge to replay it as 1&2 but no regrets.
Yeah, the atmosphere of that moment was top tier.
Yes. You should download the Extended Cut and be prepared for a a disappointing final stretch, but ME3 still has some of my favorite character/group interactions of the trilogy.
i went in blind with my only knowledge of the series is that the ending will suck, finding out that the ship Saren used is alive and was controlling him was a real holy shit moment
That was the series best and worst moment. Its the best because of the dialogue, the worst because the Reapers are a god awful antagonist with no good way to beat them without red/blue/green asspull.
The moment it ended.
Terrible franchise all the way through.
It deserved Andromeda and hope it dies.
ME2 introduced the gun that killed a Reaper, shame that's never brought up again. Just like the unstable stars the Quarians were researching.
Honestly, I think Mass Effect 3 and Andromeda are not thatGood. You opened this message. This isn't actually asari military command. They're busy tending to what's left of their planet.
So you survived our fight on Thessia. You're not as weak as I thought. But never forget that your best wasn't good enough to stop me. Now an entire planet is dying because you lacked the strength to win. The legend of Shepard needs to be re-written. I hope I'm there for the last chapter. It ends with your death.
Jack Wall was seriously missed on ME3
I kicked your ass and you only won in a cutscene, get back here you Metal Gear Rising reject.
>Suicide Mission
me too i remember the first time i played it i thought i had done everything i could to keep everyone safe but my best buddy legion died and i just couldn't deal with it.
>replayed to get everyone to survive for me3
>legion replaced in me3
I genuinely got mad reading that message.
First time exploring the Citadel in ME1. Such a great atmosphere.
Also Shepard dying in the opening moments of ME2, that shit took me by surprise.
>Andromeda gives like 20+ abilities to use
>can only equip 3 at a time
This is weird.
How many did the previous games let you equip?
Mass Effect 2 was my favorite. I loved all the side stories and weird conversations you'd stumble into, like the Human, the Turian and the Salarian arguing about what Asari actually look like.
That was a great mindfuck moment.
Definitely Thessia.
Running around vertically outside (but sorta inside) the Citadel towards Sovereign. The sheer scale of it blew my mind.
Tali and Garrus bantz about Shepard and Tali having sex.
Running around as Joker while the ship is getting invaded by Collectors.
Tali's loyalty mission. God my fucking heart.
not playing them
krogan cock
so good
I've never done I run where the council does but I'm planning to right now. What happens?
My friend got it today, we've been switching in and out playing. The powers thing is so weird. [Spoiler]Do the profiles mean Ryder is already a biotic? How would SAM make that work?[/spoiler]
Mass Effect 2 had the same amount right? But that was only because the amount of abilities was rolled back to like 4 or 5 maybe. Mass Effect 3 was about the same IIRC.
Mass Effect 1 had like 6 or 7 available all the time, and allowed for you to pause combat to think things through and such. More RPG than the rest of the games.
> it's the Raiden wannabe faggot
Nigga, shut the fuck up. You know you would've been swiss cheese were it not for your precious gunship.
Visiting the citadel for the very first time
ME2 is generally my favorite, but ME1 was just so goddamn different from other games it was practically magical. Everything had a classic, cozy feel and getting that apartment on Mars was pretty fucking neat. So much goddamn potential in the series.
No, seriously, this franchise is worth nothing.
Even ME1 paled as an RPG where 95% of the stat improvements were about ''weapon damage increased 1%'' kind of thing.
The pacing of the story is awful (proving that Saren is guilty was a 10 minute fucking fetchquest and by the time you leave the Citadel you have all but one members of the squad with you), it's also short by RPG standards, you can complete it in what, 7 hours? The characters are just boring archetypes, AN ANCIENT EVIL AWAKENS, the only choice that ultimately matters is if you save the Destiny Ascension, and the Saren boss fight was terrible.
The gameplay in general is just a half-assed
I seriously don't understand what anyone sees in this.
Then of course we have Mass Effect 2 and 3.
ME2 is a dating simulator where 80% of the game you spend it solving daddy issues, and it's ultimate completely irrelevant to the plot.
Then ME3 is one of the worst TPS action games i've ever played.
An even worse writing, somehow worse graphics (ME3 has worse textures than ME1) and the worst ending in videogames history since MGS4.
A genuinely terrible franchise with a fanbase full of drones worse than Kojimadrones.
Very happy it is a dead franchise and that Bioware is getting what they have deserved for a long time.
>paying 75% of the purchase price of ME3 itself for a single DLC
playing as joker was terrifying and it took me by surprise
Mass effect 2 did the same stuff as one user.
I always thought this series was overrated. The first two games were 7/10 at best. I enjoyed Kotor a lot more.
that's a tough one
I unironically like mordins death scene
he was a fantastic character, and the combination of the music with everything going on gave me a few manly tears
I love all my squadmates like real friends ;_;
I think some of the best of Mass effect is the first hour or so. The gunshot that echoes all the way up to Shepherd, seeing the citadel for the first time, and becoming a SPECTRE. The gravitas of the council members and the music is great.
>Visiting the citadel for the very first time
Thought it was ashamed that ME1 was the only game where you could explore the Citadel presidium like that. I loved getting lost in the first game.
Being a complete asshole throughout the series was pretty fun
I had a similar experience. I bought ME because an AMV made it look like a really unique space shooter. I literally knew nothing else about it. Also, fun fact, I thought Asari were just female turians.
>Tali and Garrus bantz about Shepard and Tali having sex.
>Not walking in on their conversation about how Tali is using Garrus as her own personal fucktoy
So bad with women you can't even have your character in a game fuck one unless she's completely covered from head to toe.
>Running around vertically outside (but sorta inside) the Citadel towards Sovereign. The sheer scale of it blew my mind
Yes, that was probably my favourite part too. Really, everything from the moment you have to race back to the Citadel to the end of the game was top tier.
Also, I always liked Noveria. The whole idea of a privately owned planet, leasing out labs for dodgy research, being outside of Citadel space and therefore law, it was cool.
The animations have always been so fucking bad that they ruined everything.
Shepard has the same fucking face when they name him a Spectre, when he's talking to Sovereign, when he's talking to Vigil and when he tells someone that he loves her.
The execution is so fucking terrible every single way.
What? No way man. It's been a while, but Mass Effect 1 had a whole weapon wheel (on console) where you selected from a larger list of abilities. In 2 it was streamlined to mapping 3 abilities to specific buttons and the weapon wheel was gone. One of my only gripes with ME2 was how it heavily reduced the amount of RPG mechanics there were.
I had the exact opposite feeling about the citadel. I hated the presidium.
First contact with Sovereign on Virmire.
I don't think I can remember any
It's always been a cheap copy of both Star Wars and Star Trek, although only Mass Effect had the balls to have enemies as horribly written as the reapers.
Clint slapping his dick on a piano was really fucking boring compared to the ME/ME2 soundtracks
Too be fair, getting everyone in the right jobs to do during the suicide mission was pretty much just common sense.
>need someone good with tech
send tali or legion
>need a strong biotic
I am still mad Korra end up being a pile of shit.
Speaking of the planets in ME1, the time when you're on Feros and in order to save the colonists you don't just choose a dialogue option but actually have to develop a weapon that can take them down non-lethally and then have to use it properly?
That's how you make a heroic decision.
Like Mass Effect, it was a pile of shit from the beginning and the only good thing it produced was porn.
Salarians really are the best race.
Yeah? I might have rose tinted glasses for it.
I remember my friend finding it really grating that all the aliens you meet for the first time would be ready to tell you the life story of their people right off the bat.
Masturbating to the SFM R34.
Tried ME1 and 2, but I ended up dropping both about 1 hour in.
Terrible gameplay.
Honestly the paragon choice to quote back the list of destroyed human shis and make her look like an asset in 2 is better than punching.
The music here and the revelation of what happened to the Protheans is easily one of my favorite in the series. It's so melancholy and sad to think that an entire races hopes were placed on not that they would be saved but that 50,000 years later their successors would have a chance to save themselves.
>muslims even in ME1
They are SJWs all along.
That was fun yes.
Also reminds me:
The one fun, gruff-voiced Asari barkeep who said she still knew Quarians without their suits and shit (who may or may not be Liara's "dad").
Also there was some pureblood Asari that seemed ice-cold and was always berated by other Asari who you could convince to send a shipment or something and when you convinced her, she started crying. That one really took me by surprise, especially since the tears seemed to...well, realistic to me. Hadn't seen anything like that before in a game.
i know it was so f*eaking epic ;_____;
Fuck off reddit.
SAM is connected to Ryder through what is technically a biotic implant