Fighting game

>fighting game
>the protagonist is the worst character in the game
>the bad guy is top tier

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Name 15 games that do this.

>fighting game arcade boss
>faggot comes at you with some kind of fucking tea ceremony martial arts bullshit that is wacky and impossible to predict

>fighting game
>there's transformation mechanics

>Protagonist and his rival are consistently good in every version of the game they're in


>gif is in Spanish
Made me giggle

>Fighting game
>One character can transform into other characters
>Some asshole always plays that one character and memorizes every other characters moveset

>Woolie always picks the boss character

That's Garou, sort of.

>fighting game
>there's a bruce lee-inspired character

How did Ranma do this with her stringbean legs?

>fighting game
>the final boss is a do or die fight that you get one shot at

>joke character is the strongest character in the game


>fighting game
>you can play as a huge tank and grab nazis in midair

Oh look, Big Zam.

>fighting game
>the character you use is shit-tier
>you still win with him/her

>fighting game
>your projectiles can block out the sun

>fighting game
>develops an amazing physics engine just so it gets boobs to jiggle realistically

bloody roar was good

>Ranma thread
>resist urge to masturbate

>Your rival has the same attack moves as you, but they are on on steroids.

It's a guy dude. What are you, gay?

If all men looked like that there'd be no point to women.


>fighting game
>there's a "evil" version of the main character

guys make the best girls

Using her(male) muscles

>you will never teach Ranma what it feels like to be a woman

why even live?



Big Daddy and Radec from PS All Stars? What are you talking about


So would Ranma be a dom or a sub in bed? How many times would it switch between a brawl and sex before they were finished?

Shampoo best girl.

Find one flaw

I find this picture utterly disgusting, assuming Ranma and Ryoga are rivals and bros, then for those who did read the manga, they would know Ryoga finds love thorough the story.

>Fighting game
>the system's controller has a shit directional pad

She's not real.

What's some comfy 90's animu

So how is the Ranma anime?

I heard they cut out the chapters with his Mom? The fuck?

Photon Idiot Adventures

Outlaw Star
The Slayers

she's Buddha in human form and could never stay on this mortal plane for long

Giant Robo


The best anime ever made.

Doesn't Vash have a cry for like 6 episodes or something?



>fighting game
>there's one character that ruins the whole game

>Ranma thread
>Doesn't start off with best girl

It's bogged down with a hundred filler episodes and it doesn't even finish up the entire story from the manga.

Season 1 & 2, the two movies, and the OAV's are gold and worth watching, though.

>he wouldn't bang his best bro if he turned into a girl

That's my thoughts on Justice in GGXXAC+R. The roster is otherwise fine, but Justice is just unfun.

Fuck that. Watch this instead. Comfy and kino af.

G Gundam

12 OVAs right?

>tfw it's getting a new anime

Nigger, Justice is low tier in AC+R. He was straight up removed in AC due to being OP in a previous entry. Can't remember which, but I got AC and was pretty annoyed with Kliff and Justice just being removed instead of balanced.

Why even live?

They're going to fuck it up, aren't they?


>Fighting game
>It's over 10 years old and dead as shit and the only people playing are some 7 elder gods who have been there since day 1
I'll never git gud.

Bubblegum Crisis

ukyo best girl

We don't know yet.

Shit bc is 89 my bad

>You will never be a martial arts master living with three incredibly cute girls in their father's dojo
>You will never have at least four babes lusting for your dick

>he doesn't want to ascend to godhood
Embrace your inner JRPG MC, bring down the gods, user!


AC+R is quite well balanced in my eyes, aside from someone like Zappa getting ridiculous buffs to his ghosts and sword. While Justice is low tier (as is like ~30% of the cast according to Kiisha's tierlist from like 2014, haven't looked up any newer tierlists), her playstyle is completely unfun to play around regardless, and poor Slayer has an absolutely miserable matchup against her.

kuno > kodachi

Oh, you meant it like that. I didn't really get into AC+R, but I wish I did. Played it a bit and I liked the changes made.
I used to main Testament back in AC, so I don't really know what it feels like to have shitty MUs though. Badlands for days.

>Want to have a comfy Ranma thread
>Only possible late at night
>Everyone who wants in has gone to bed already

remember to practice faggot

Is it wrong that I wanted Kuno and Ranma to fuck?

The guy was so sad. I also apply this to Ryoga.

>tfw people actually complained about Nine being too strong as a boss in the Story Mode
It's like these people never played CT and had to deal with broken-tier Unlimited Hakumen and Nu-13

Not at all. I self-inserted as Ryoga so fucking hard when reading the manga. I started to hate Ranma pretty much, but I also wanted to bang him.

Best girl in the series.

The rest were batshit insane.

>She will never be your living wife
>She will never greet you when you come back from work
>She will never cook for you
>She will never hold you tight
>She will never tell her how much she loves you
>She will never be real