Loss Thread

For old times' sake

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I've been on Sup Forums since 08 and I've never gotten an explanation as to what this comic means

This is my favorite one.






Miscarriage I think

it was a story arc you'd have to have been following for a few strips it doesnt make sense on its own


A generally semi-funny webcomic made a text-less comic about a miscarriage. It was completely out of nowhere and is doomed to be mocked forever for this decision


Get some board culture you culture less slob.

How do you not get loss?

Dunno if it works.

This situation has literally never happened in rael life

Calling it a "generally semi-funny" webcomic is giving Buckley far too much credit, but I respect your optimism.

Pic unrelated, but Penny Arcade is similarly cancerous like Ctrl+Alt+Del (though this is an edit obviously, much better than the original.)

So is this about a girlfriend with a miscarriage or something?

That's fuckin good.


Were they really satirizing that? Would have pegged them for cucks.

>when you see it

top right for anyone looking

This is easily one of my favorites

You'll never be tall, Buckley. How does it feel? A short man always, always and forever.

Nah, they're definitely cucks. I just made that edit because it was far too accurate to the comic. The original comic came out four years before that white gentleman got culturally enriched with a hammer to the face, despite him supporting BLM with a "stop killing black men" tshirt.

My sides

Fuck me, Buckley got mocked in a currently-airing TV show.

That is comedy gold

Who does this?



>whole milk

he sure changed his tune right quick


as a montrealer this enraged me when seeing it for the first time only coloured savages sit on the metro/bus like that during rush hour/period
>not bosting da benis edit

i remember that ep, first time Carlton ever realized he was different


this is a nice little snapshot of spring 2015 Sup Forums

Shit, I ran out of edits.


Somebody post the vending machine one it's my favorite.

That's an abstract kind of loss

I can't even find a source on the bottom pic that isn't some "red pilled" breitbart site

Never funny

Hi Buckley

Miscarriages usually arent

The way he holds that clipboard always gets me

i want mememe to milk me

Fuck I forgot to turn my name off from the shitposting thread




What the fuck happened there?


In the picture, I mean


A Loss edit

Oh fuck

this one is my all time favorite.

What is depicted in the photo in the lower left panel of the loss comic? The panel with the broken seat and what appears to be blood

I got you senpai




holy shit

There will be someone that physically can't get it

A miscarriage/loss edit


When you sit on one of those chairs, your but is supported by a cushion of compressed air or a spring. When they break, the entire apparatus can shoot through the bottom of the chair giving you surprise buttsex


damn son


I remember seeing this doom one the day the Loss edits started coming in almost 9 years a go. Still gets me every fucking time.

DSP edit pls



Hopefully with his orgasm face worked in their somehow



I especially like the first panel. It really feels like he has a "this little piggy" thing going on, definitely works for getting the entrance going.


>god damn it i have to get this bitch pregnant again
>well guess i better get started


Please tell me this is fake

no that's just an edit ok


google it. see for yourself.

>Loss is on fucking kid's shows
What a time to be alive.






sweet, thanks.

I do enjoy that someone took the time to make this


I saw someone put the loss pattern on a musical and make a song out of it a while back. Anyone know the video? I cant seem to find it.

HHH accidentally loss posting is my favorite

