What are some games like Planetside 2, Dark Souls, Fallout NV, and War Thunder where i can upgrade my player and see progression as time goes by? Ive sunk alot of hours into those games and want to play something else. Singleplayer and/or multiplayer
What are some games like Planetside 2, Dark Souls, Fallout NV...
oh my lord, how can humans even compete
dam that cat is thicc bro
nice instagram meme, faggots
that's a dog dipshit
That's fake, right? There's no way a possum can have an ass that big
You dumbasses that's an otter
goddamn, i would fuck that panda
there's this wonderful genre called MMORPG where developing your character in appearance and power is really all that matters
To be honest, I fucking hate meme culture. Look at you all, you're a bunch of socially maladjusted losers, honestly just kill yourselves. You don't know when to quit because you turned your life into a joke. Satire is parody of life, you don't turn life back into the fucking satire. I honestly don't really care that Donald Trump won on a political level, I hate that he won by the support of greasy, maladjusted halfwits who left their dens to vote for a fucking meme president. I'm out, fuck all of you, I'm going to go lead an active life, have fun marinating in your own shit you laugh happy degenerates.
Pls answer my question. I burned out of Planetside 2
We live in a post-ironic era my pasta posting friend, embrace it.
Some consider them self a pussy slayer, but I rather to refer to myself as a pussy-gently caresser. I have never harmed a pussy (other than the one time I accidentally ran over a stray on the road) and will always treat m'lady right. Nice guys always finish last.
Maybe try out Nioh for PS4?
fuckign redditors man
go back u newfag
wtf I'm a furry now.
This nigga.
Otter? Nah. Looks more like a puma or something.
bruh that bushbear about to get it
Why is that squirrel so scared?
Oblivion, you'll love it.
I would have loved it if enemies werent bullet sponges
That's one thick possom
There are no bullets in Oblivion, why are you lying?
The Diablo Franchise
Devil May Cry
Skyrim or Oblivion
Enemies take a shitload of hits to die