Is this series kill?

Is this series kill?

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is kill

>minor tech issues

Mass Effect was over five years ago. This was an attempt to either revive it in a limited capacity or scrap the corpse for whatever may be left.

I have never wanted to see a studio closed more.

Also I hope none of them ever work in the industry again after their inevitable firing.

pretty much.

people forget that 3 was a disaster too.

this franchise is pure cancer even to normies now.

>Is this series kill?
It wouldn't surprise me if this game did end up killing Mass Effect. I mean, Dead Space 3 got slightly better reviews and that game killed not just the series but the studio along with it.

It's selling really well. Regardless of how bad the reviews are the games will continue if it sells.

6/10 is still above average

Are you retarded?

>the average game is a 5

The median point is not the mean.

i'd rather see Gearbox go first

>It's selling really well
First week sales are always strong for established AAA series, because rabid fans will buy whatever gets released.

>the games will continue if it sells.
With the way its being panned all across online media, I doubt those sales will keep up the pace.

Not for IGN/Gamespot. Anything below 7.5 is a human rights violation

Depends on the sales

> thinks 6 is above average
> forgets vidya costs $60 and no one wants to blow that dough on anything less than 8/10

Tell your your EA overlords that 6/10 games don't fly in today's world.

>Gearbox and Bioware shut down in the same year
Best timeline

>ass effect developers argued that the game looks like trash because it reached uncanny valley, and not because their animators are completely incompetent

>buying video games

Apparently it's selling between ME1 and ME2 in the UK. So no, if ME1 sold well enough to justify a big budget sequel, Andromeda will probably get one as well.

>Implying that matters

This guy gets it.

cant tell if retarded or bait

>minor but pervasive technical issues

For once I'm glad a game is getting low scores, but why do "critics" still have to be so polite about this? Shit like this is unacceptable.

Because game devs don't have autism, and don't obsess over details that they probably didn't run into. I only ran into one glitch during my playthrough, an enemy got stuck behind a wall and I couldn't advance unless I killed him. There are definitely bugs that need to be worked out, but these WebMs that keep going around mostly aren't things that everyone encounters during every playthrough of the game.

First week sales are not a good indicator of success.

Come back in a month and check to see if Andromeda is still pulling in ME1/2's numbers.

6/10 is literally 1/5

dumb fuck

And I'm all for being patient to let the dust settle to analyze things. I'm just saying, early numbers don't look like they'll mean the franchise gets killed off.

Videogame critics are extremely forgiving for two reasons. One: They're more often than not publishing on a website that sells adspace to the company that makes the game they're reviewing

Two: Videogame critics are immature overgrown children with a fanboy mindset who forget that their job is to tell people how good the game is and trying to draw objective analysis out of a fanboy is only slightly less likely than getting blood from a stone.

I trust user reviews more than critic reviews even if they have a tendency to swing too far into the positive or the negative over minor issues. If your game has one glaringly obvious flaw, the users will be on it like a pack of vultures picking away at it until your review score goes negative, but the user reviews are still for me a much better dictator of what is and isn't worth money.

1/5 is 2/10
Finish school first then come back

hm yes maybe they weren't referring to gameplay bugs but instead to the pervasive and consistently low-quality animations

fuck off shill

Without digital sales the sales numbers are super unhelpful. You're probably better off waiting for an investor report.

When you said "shit like this", you posted a glitch that wasn't working how it was supposed to. You didn't post a low quality animation. Therefore I responded to your point about the glitches, not the animation.

Not in vidya ratings, you dense fuck.

How am I a shill? Nothing I said would convince a rational person to give EA money. If anything, I'm a "shill" for the game journalists.

Math is universal you dumb american

Bioware employees have arrived to damage control.

different user

>plenty of powers to choose from
>you only have 3 powers to choose from

should have been a 5

Everything was pretty good in 3 except for the prologue and the ending, AKA the shit where Casey Hudson revved up the editorial mandates and shoved his teeny weeny Canadian peenie right into the plot. Stuff like Tuchunka and whatever the Geth/Quarian planet was called were great and easily on par with ME2 writing. All of Andromeda looks low quality.

>An F is above average!

Why would Bioware try and shill to a bunch of alt right cry babies that they almost always try to intentionally piss off with their games?

america-centric grading scales put average at 7/10 because good schools don't let you fuck up as much

also the median isn't the average

He means the video game reviewer scale basically starts at 5 and you almost never see anything lower than that. It's school grading. I don't know how you wise and wonderful European elf-people do, but in American (insert sarcastic quotes here) school, anything below 60% is a failing grade.

>It's selling really well.
Is it? I thought these sorts of data weren't really broadcast.

because those are the people who actually buy video games

This franchise is worthless.
Bioware has always been a terrible developer and arrived by delivering shit.
Andromeda is just more of that shit, like the other three Mass Effect.
Baldur's Gate 1 is the only acceptable videogame they have ever made.

Oh please. Your petition to get Manveer fired barely got a thousand signatures.

> Not even Jim Sterling can defend this shit stain of a game

Yup, it's over.

Median also isn't the middle of a range, it's the middle of a distribution. That is, for the set (0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2) the median is 0 even though the middle of the extremes is 1.

I better stock up on female turian lewd until someone rezzes it like baldurs gate half a century later

Thank god Overwatch, BF1 and Mafia 3 flopped then, right?
Political drones, left and right, don't buy videogames, political drones are tools meant to be used for marketing purposes by companies.
Your ideologies are nothing but ways for others to make money by using you.

> Wants Turian-Human sex scenes

Boy, are you in for a disappointment.

> forgets vidya costs $60 and no one wants to blow that dough on anything less than 8/10
That's why MEA is right now at the top of the charts?
Seriously, after all this, you still think quality has anything to do with sales?
How delusional is everyone here?
Why do you think any relevant amount of people outside Sup Forums cares about what Sup Forums says?

more then you know

I had A very long series of threads on game reviews and whether they ought to be rated out of ten

Let me ask again

Is five out of ten average like a bell curve

Or is it failing like F the school grade?

I don't think anyone was ever that butthurt about Overwatch (having actually hot female characters will do that) and I'm pretty sure Mafia 3 actually did flop, at least by ridiculous AAA publisher expectations.

>I'm pretty sure Mafia 3 actually did flop

Mafia 3, with no brand power, with everyone laughing at the glitches and a half assed marketing campaign with little hype, sold 5 million, the sales target of Andromeda.

It was never even that good to begin with. ME 2 being the outlier

>the outlier
>the game that stood out in no way
>the game where your choices are irrelevant
>the game that turned exploration into Gears of War
>the game where 80% of the game is solving daddy issues
>the game that did nothing to advance the plot
>sidequest: the videogame

It's best to think of the video game rating system as a grading school system rather than 1-10. A 60/100 is a D-. Is a D- above average?

>That's why MEA is right now at the top of the charts?
First week sales are meaningless you ignoramus.

Its at the top of the charts right now because the core audience is buying the game. Almost all AAA games see sales drop 60-80% after the first week. Once the drones have all bought the game, the real test begins.

Are you out of your little horny adolescent mind?

Well, you said ''no one''.


I want Gearsfags to leave and stay leave.

l e x p l o r e r

lmao the comments wants the reviewer fired and blacklisted. Fucking Bioware drones.

no one likes a grammar nazi **hell I'm a nazi and I hate grammar nazis**

Score doesn't matter. Sales do.

Yeah I always check the negative reviews first.

>Ima knot see guise

Fuck off, illiterate swine

>>the game where 80% of the game is solving daddy issues
>Miranda's quest is about her dad
>Jacob's quest is about his dad
>Tali's quest is about her dad
>Grunt's recruitment quest is for his "dad"
>and his loyalty is about Shepard being his dad
>Mordin's quest is about his "child" the genophage
>Thane's quest is about how he's a shit dad
>Samara's quest is about how she's, plot twist, a shit mom
well how bout that

I don't care, it's still solving personal problems, I came here to find a way to stop the Reapers, not hand-hold some random dudes through their mid-life crisis.

Nah, but it is a developer killer for sure. Bioware Montreal is digging its own grave somewhere out in the desert while papa EA holds a gun to its head. I bet EA will try making at least one more game out of this series.

I was agreeing with you/coming to my own realization

quality bioware product

> EA didn't even bother making a second Asari face for their NPCs

Embarrassing effort tbqh.

>but pervasive

I hate reviews

best bait

Even T'Perro, one of Ryder's crew, has this generic sameface. The only one who looks different is Peebee. It's so fucking lazy.

> Hired Natalie Dormer to voice T'Perro
> Dormer: 10/10 girl
> Bioware: Lol, let's not mocap Dormer. Just record her voice and call it a day.

What a fucking crime.

>scene was cut because she was made bisexual late in the development

depends on the average of the bell curve.

If 5/10 is MEA, and the bell curve is 8/10, then yes its a fail. Anything lower than 8 is a fail.

>10/10 girl
Oh yeah, her grimances are beautiful.

FFS, please tell me that isn't true.

it is the total truth
I (and you) don't get turian female lewds because of literal faggots

Is that Nevada-tan?

No..They're amazing at animations. Andromeda is the exception.



>fade to black

>works on my machine: the excuse

You're making these glitches out to be something innocent and insignificant like textures that don't load in sometimes. This isn't the case. It's fucking pitiful to have immersion breaking glitches and bugs that force you to restart the mission or even game when you have access to EA's blood money. There's nothing autistic about expecting a product to work properly.

>below average RPG
>below average shooter
>below average writing, story, and characters
>the outlier in terms of quality
>below average graphics and functionality despite being a corridor shooter

Thank god I never got involved with this piece of shit series if ME2 was seen as the mark of quality.

> hurr durr, lesbian gamers who would get ME: A anyone would NEVER buy it if they can't date Vetra too
> perfectly good sex scenes wasted

quick rundown on this man?

I'm pretty glad quick rundown is replacing redpill

Why would they cut it if they made her bi, wouldn't that mean she still has sex with guys?

If you got 60% of a grade, you'd get a D.
If I brought in a D home when I was young, I was punished or grounded until grades went up.

It's over.
Mass Effect 3 sold, but had fans being iffy about it. MEA was THE way to bring it back, and make a new story that could have been great- maybe have the story about that the Reapers had WON, in ME3, and the ship was the ARK, the last survivors from a dead galaxy destroyed by the Reapers, and now they come as harbingers of doom, looking for hope...somewhere in the universe, there has to be something that could stand againts the Reapers...

It could have been meaningful, it could have been profound.But nooooooooooooooo.........

But there is something autistic about obsessing over 10 minutes worth of WebMs in a 50+ hour game like it represents the whole game. It OK to complain about the bugs to EA.

He shitposted on Sup Forums, got scared, and reported himself to the police thinking that they wouldn't look at the guy who reported it. Naturally, they tracked him down, arrested him, and threw the book at him because he made terroristic threats against an elementary school. He's currently serving 5 years in an Ohio prison.