Worst Character in Nintendo History?

>completely insufferable in every scene she's in
>has a face only her mother could love
>complains about her duty as a Hylia incarnation, despite her role being literally a cakewalk compared to Ganon or Link
>tells Link to fuck off constantly (pic related) because she's jealous about his success
>started and led the Shiekah tech effort, effectively causing CG to win round 1
>can't even do the one thing she's supposed to do right (in spite all that's needed to do it is the triforce of wisdom)
>the direct cause of the deaths of her own father, all of the champions, and most of the population of Hyrule
>utterly terrible VA
How did Zelda fuck up this badly, Sup Forums?

ITs all the fault of Hylia, she should have traded her immortality for destroying Demise forever not to reincarnate with her husbando forever.


Hylia is the true villain of the series.

Zelda is cute! CUTE!

this really, and she got away with it. Ganon did nothing wrong.

Shit taste nigger.

this desu
>oh the hero of time failed?
>time to genocide hyrule in a great flood

>even nips are starting to fall for the muh strong induhpendant womyn grrrl power maymay and using it to displace actual good strong female character development like OoT Zelda

Good night games.

the only good female protagonist was mulan

everything from that point was just trying to turn women into men

>How did Zelda fuck up this badly, Sup Forums?

By being a Nipponese female character written in the shitty style of classical nip literature?

Cause seriously like or not , personally I do not, you could at least try to not be some sort of uncultured and faggy swine ya know. I classical nip literature the female heroine tends to be worthless as fuck in every way or even a burden right until near the end in which she sacrifices herself usually for the sake the protagonist/hero of the story. Now knowing that you could how given that clasiccal nip literature is trash that then through the generations it lead to whoever was in charge of writing to choose to write shit that given how the things that inspired him were at its base if one follows the trail till the end. Ultimately by the shitty classical nip literature that writes women as borderline worthless unless they kill themselves for the hero's sake.

Shits dumb but even though its dumb that us no excuse for you op to be one dumb ignorant mother fucker as to why it's dumb. Learn shit before you complain ya faggot ass op

That's not what happened. Flood is in the adult timeline, not failure.

>>utterly terrible VA
Good thing I listened to the Lat Spanish dub, voiced by a qt, instead of a 40-year old hag on crack.

>it's an OP doesn't understand character development thread

shitty writing is shitty writing, retard

her character development in the story is trash

Hyrule is a failure of a world at this point

Just let Ganon finish the job and be done with it.

My experience is that people who are not mentally challenged or fat edgy teens actually really liked here.

And your buzzwords are not really well explained.

both me and my gf thought she was an annoying, whiny little girl who just couldn't handle shit

t. jealous tumblrham

Samus in Other M is worst character in Nintendo history.

The voice acting wasn't amazing, but she is an understandable character.

>Nerd who is fascinated by ancient super tech that destroyed the calamity 10,000 years ago.
>Forced to become a priestess by external factors she can't control or confront.
>Father constantly shitting on her for studying the technology that fucked up Ganon last time, she should be focusing on praying to gods that don't seem to respond.
>Her childhood friend turned fish fucker becomes the sacred hero
>While somewhat reckless, he is a savant on the battlefield and everyone has full confidence that he can do the job if everyone else does their part.
>He gets assigned to stalk her everywhere she goes
>Goddess still doesn't answer lifetime of prayers.
>Can't tap into goddess power when it counts, but tries to fulfill responsibilities anyway.
>Gets everyone killed/maimed before finally getting the emotional push needed to tap into goddess powers.
>Holds back apocalypse for 100 years.
>Mother fucking hero probably doesn't remember her.

>even nips are starting to fall for the muh strong induhpendant womyn grrrl power maymay

How is zelda a strong independent woman since her whole story is about failing and not be strong enough?

>>tells Link to fuck off constantly (pic related) because she's jealous about his success

This happens in just 1 memory.

New zelda is a refreshing change from deux-ex machina princess from previous games.

The best zelda along SS Zelda and WW Zelda.

Cia did nothing wrong

literally who

>classical nip literature the female heroine tends to be worthless as fuck in every way or even a burden right until near the end in which she sacrifices herself usually for the sake the protagonist/hero of the story.

you didn't play the game did you?

>didn't read the diaries

they literally explain everything that the memories leave out.