YOU, yes you. What games are you EMULATING?
YOU, yes you. What games are you EMULATING?
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I was just playing DMC3:SE
Thousand year door
Drakengard. It sucks.
There is something satisfying about killing hordes of dudes though.
Tried emulating MHFU on ppsspp for android using a Droid Maxx 2. Shits unplayable at 15fps during encounters.
Re-playing the original RE1 so i can jump into the remake for the first time later. playing as Jill cause 2casual
Thinking about emulating God of War 1&2.
Are they worth playing?
I don't like emulating games if they're still being sold, which is why I go on a witchhunt to make sure PSN doesn't have them, or the eshop.
with that in mind, would you guys happen to know the availability of Lufia and Lufia 2?
any good N64 emulators?
They are great mindless hack and slash, GoW 1 is fucking great totally recommend it
Cool. Downloading as I type.
Sorry to clog up with another question, but what do you guys use to mount disc images?
my old laptop had an old version of Daemon Tools Lite, which was great. My new computer came in and I didn't emulate for a while. However, I can't find a version of it that doesn't set off my malware scanners, and of course the new versions are bloatware pup-fests.
All my isos don't work with other stuff like Virtual Clone Drive, WinCDemu and stuff like that, though they worked fine with the old Daemon Tools. They all say they're corrupted but I know they're not.
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite.
just like the remaster
The screencaps are nice anons. Post more.
Love seeing emulation threads.
Wish I could post some screens but I'm on my phone atm.
Last game I emulated was Dynasty Warriors 4. Fun game.
So close.
How does it run? I heard it doesn't emulate well
brown bricks
notice the snow
I beat Twin Snakes using Dolphin the other day. Looks and runs great at 2x native resolution.
Surprised this added this in the remake.
why he layin
Classic game
>everything running perfectly
>have no gamepad, but keyboard buttons still work a-o-kay for katamari
>nanaaaa nana nanana na-na nana-na nana naaa naa naaaa
>suddenly shit starts dropping mad frames and getting choppy audio
>stays like that until the end of the level
fuck. anyone know a workaround? the pcsx2 says nothing of this
Just fuck my transparency up
Was trying to emulate FF1 on GBA but the game doesn't wanna tell me where to fucking go so I dropped it.
Gonna start FF3 translated on Famicom in a bit here. Don't really wanna try FF2.
Come BACK here venom
This and We katamari.
I tried to play Mario Kart 64 and it just felt boring as hell. The maps were plain as shit if compared to most courses in the snes one. I guess the fun was the battle mode and playing with friends.
I'm just waiting for the remake, while playing the classics from disc on PS3
Try CTR. Incredibly satisfying when you get the power sliding down.
Yes. Just let it load the whole intro and reboot the image. You can still get some looping audio with the stopping sound of the ball, just get off the level and start again if you must and it should work out.
Will do.
You know what this is.
well shit I wasn't actually expecting a response. thanks user
xenoblade chronicles X, before that it was dragon quest 8, the original xenoblade chronicles, and devil may cry
oh shit nigga, I was so young when I first played this shit, I had no fucking idea what to do. Only thing I remember was talking to a friend about it and him mentioning some jet skis or something
You can also skip the intro and just reboot after a couple of seconds.
Some of the best and most fun level design in any game full stop
Trying to emulate Demon Souls but all it gives me is a black screen and mount errors despite me following the instructions to the letter. Guess it doesn't like my hardware.
Man I forgot about this game! Comfy as fuck.
REmake is one of my favorite horror games of all time, you're in for a treat
With Test Drive 4.
wait wut ps3 emulation is a thing?
I want nothing more than another good Monkey Ball game for the Nintendo Switch
wee we're flying
Getting my fill of X-COM Apocalypse until OpenApoc finally comes out. I only have 2 vehicles left and can't buy any more at the moment so I feel like I'm screwed.
Only one I've had any luck with is Project 64. No N64 emulator is great though. You're probably going to have at least minor issues with most games. There are plenty of plugins that get more and more accurate though but generally those won't run at full speed and any resolution but the original N64 resolution.
>tfw played that the other day on my launch PS3
There's a really early one that can pretty much only run Demon's Souls but even it has a lot of problems.
The only games I ever want to emulate are the BG:DA and Champions of Norrath games.
It is an existence of suffering.
at least it's a start. I have a ps3 and want to play ni no kuni, disgaea 4, and persona 5 but I have no way to get audio. puts a bit of a damper on the experience
and parappa the crappa
>but I have no way to get audio
Your display doesn't have speakers or something?
Emulating Yakuza for the first time. Plan on getting into the series and working my way up
Also emulating Blast Corps while waiting to be able to do various mods to an N64 I just bought.
no and thats what makes his post all the more pitiful
Shh, Valkyrie is sleeping.
Was emulating Mr Gimmick a while ago to show it to a friend. The amount of details put into the game made him go bonkers. It was great.
Shin Megami Tensei II
I let my dumb ass slip into Law even though I'm only at the demon cow farms, and I haven't played in a week
Dragon Quest IX for the DS
shining force 3 m8
Keep up with the times grandpa
How to emulate HD bandicoots?
There is a PS3 emulator that can run Demon's Souls somewhat.
Yeah I just have my computer monitor and headphones. The monitor has no built in speakers
Pcsxr-pgxp. It gets rid of all the Wobblies.
It doesn't have a headphone or speaker jack either? The PS3 has a plugin for audio equipment I'm pretty sure if you don't mind spending the money.
When will they learn?
Mana Khemia 2. Such a great goddamn ost and fun characters. Am I the only one who both played/liked it?
nah the monitor doesn't have shit and yeah the ps3 does but I don't have much money right now. I'll probably be living in a place with a capable tv before long if not I'll look into it
Surely nothing bad will happen to this.
Just stock DOSbox settings?
This guy's an asshole.
Silent Hill 3. Looks fucking great on a 4k monitor.
I'm using more or less the settings given on DOSBox's wiki's page about the game. Cycles set to max and some audio buffering settings raised. I also did the full install while the Steam version by default is just the standard install of the game. Only problem I have is the audio sometimes pops (and after saving the music will stop for a little bit) but I don't know if that was there originally or not.
Have to give it another try and see how it works for me, thanks.
Tried to play the version on steam as is and it didn't go all that well.