What's with the general lack of contrarianism around this game? Besides anti-anime newfags there really isn't much tangible flack towards Nier.
Has nu-Sup Forums finally completed its takeover?
Too busy shitting on Mass Effect Down Syndromeda.
It's always been here.
Sup Forums is just the worst board.
Kiddo, the Sup Forums that bitched about literally everything WAS nu-Sup Forums. Sup Forums used to bitch about all the shit plaguing the industry in the mid-late 2000s, and as Sup Forums got a reputation for hating video games, it eventually became true when the board was flooded with new people.
So to clarify, the timeline is Sup Forums, nu-Sup Forums, then leddit Sup Forums?
t. 2010 fag.
Because it's a good game?
I'm tired of seeing Nier threads in general
so filter them
It's just a good game. Not many of those about these days.
You forgot Sup Forums 2.0 Sup Forums around 2011-2012.
Taro is a cutie so Sup Forums won't bully him. Also it's a worthy sequel to the original.
>newfag nu-male doesn't realize that Nier threads were always a thing on Sup Forums
>not shitposting for absolutely no reason is considered "nu-Sup Forums"
i don't know if this is meta-bait, but you're fucking retarded. whiny-ass Sup Forums bitching about everything under the sun and hating every video game ever made is nu-Sup Forums, i.e "do i fit in yet guise xd"
This. Yoko Taro is a God-tier game designer except when it comes to combat.
Platinum does God-tier combat.
The combination of creative forces was a sure bet.
>Good sequel to well liked game
>Ass Effect trainwreck acting like a shitposting magnet
This game has got it all. Formulaic "lol so weird XD" kojima-esque garbage and waifus. There's no way it can possibly be bad in Sup Forums's eyes.
having fun with breath of the wild?
Are we suppose to suck western dev cock now or something? Why don't you go back to playing CS:GO and PUBG where you belong? Fucking faggit.
Is there any special Sup Forums reason why I should hate this game?
>there really isn't much tangible flack towards Nier
>that forced narrative about tolerance
>"lol these hot chicks are dudes, ur ghey now" - the devs
They used sex to help sell only to turn it against those they sold it to.
Its just that good
If you call NieR Formulaic yet you're playing a First Person Shooter, MOBA or H1Z1 Clone or By-The-Numbers Open World game, you deserve to be fucking gassed and your whole family gene pool deserves to be wiped off the face of the earth.
The weeb counterculture is being resisted by the anti-weeb countercounterculture.
It's a pretty awful situation.
Are you guys really that upset about people calling this game an upskirt game for fat anime creeps?
Two bombs weren't enough.
So you're saying we should hate "weebs" on a website that was originally designed for weebs?
>side quests are backtracking and item fetching. i.e. the worst kind of side quests
>the worm robot in the castle
>tacked on soulsborne mechanics
>no reason to repair bodies over retrieving them
>bullet sponge enemies
solid 9/10 though
Aside from personal tastes, it's because the game genuinely has no glaring flaws that let shitposters tear into it easily. The most commonly used shitpost is
>Sup Forums only cares about it because of the waifubait and ass
which ends up not making any fucking sense because you spend the majority of the game playing as 9S, and people still loved it anyways.
No, I'm saying we shouldn't.
weeb trash is always trash.
>side quests are backtracking and item fetching. i.e. the worst kind of side quests
flat out wrong, most sidequests contain character development and plot points
>the worm robot in the castle
easy to kill
>tacked on soulsborne mechanics
nothing wrong with this
>no reason to repair bodies over retrieving them
oh well?
>bullet sponge enemies
wrong, most of the big guys deflect bullets, you have to melee them
Sup Forums only cares about it because they're all hoosexuals and enjoy man-ass.
Nier Automata is the most by the book Platinum you can possibly fucking get, and the means of progression are ridiculously standard too. Go to blip on map, kill a few machines, repeat.
Proposal: kys
lol wat
Relax bumfag. I can't stop you from playing lolsorandumb animu games. You think this random crap is in earnest, but in reality they count on your reacting that way. Kojima made a career out of it, now this fag is breaking into the mainstream with it. Weird is the new normal when it comes to Japan and if it works for you well, you'll grow up eventually.
It's Pseudo-intellectual otaku pandering trash loved by fedoras. Garbage.
it's mostly just a handful of tumblrinas and neocucks shitting on it
9S is cute!
>weebs getting triggered so easily
typical manchildren.
It's always been shit.
Embrace it.
>m-muh anime picture board
this is /videogames/ you don't need to like anime to shitpost here.
nu after leddit
>i still play and critique videogames, but you need to grow up
haha loser
>Besides anti-anime newfags there really isn't much tangible flack towards Nier.
Might have something to do with the fact that it's an actual good fucking game. I know, it's hard to recognize them because they come out like once every five years, but they're not extinct.
Thanks for proving you didn't actually play the fucking game, retard.
No one cares about it. Honestly. The autitics retards who hyped it, still hype it, everyone else doesn't give a shit.
It's an empty, ugly, repetitive, edgy pile of shit with rehashed Platinum combat for people who still aren't tired of it.
>good game
>based dev
>no petty drama with localizing, censorship, etc.
What is there to not like?
Probably because nobody gives a shit about obscure weeb shit. It's not even worth the shitposts
I like how you keep flinging different insults at the game hoping eventually one will stick, instead of just you alone throwing a temper tantrum
One day you'll get it
Why does Sup Forums love to shit all over things it's never played and knows nothing about?
No the reason there's no shitpost is beacuse: it's not shit and it's not console exclusive. You can't push the console war agenda so why bother.
But contrarianism is nu-Sup Forums
>"lol these hot chicks are dudes, ur ghey now" - the devs
Are you one of those stupid faggots who saw a futa drawing of 2B and thinks it's canon?
these. it's just disappointing so many people on Sup Forums have such awful taste but it's expected at this point.
>Sup Forums made Sup Forums more mainstream
>Sup Forums is one of the most populated boards anyway, resulting in a bunch of contrarian "purist" people shitting on everything that everyone previously praised
>nobody discusses things reasonably, they're just drowned out by shitposting newfags
>console war threads and anti-japanese threads everywhere
>lolsorandumb animu games.
This is your only argument and I'm not responding after this. I don't converse with braindead fucking retards with an IQ that's below 80. The only reason why you think its "weird" is because your brain can't grasp the storyline, either because you have severe ADHD or you're just plain fucking dumb.
>2B is basically a non-character
>bait and switch to a shota protagonist
>game is unbalanced to the point where you either 1 hit KO all enemies or they 1 hit KO you. Keeping it from sliding into either is a challenge in itself.
>open world was a questionable choice. the entire game happens in a cluster of conveniently tightly packed locations, which sometimes makes little sense. The place you spend 30 minutes infiltrating into is a 2 minute walk from the main hub, then you have to revisit it 5 more times and pretend that you never cleared it from the enemies and so on.
>stuff seems unpolished in general. random features thrown here and there without being implemented in a useful way. See: petting pods, fishing, riding animals. Areas that you visit once and never again in contrast with areas that you have to revisit over and over. Entire route A/B seems like a theme park that holds your hand through each zone, sometimes without any plot significance to it. Go explore that giant forest castle because that one machine mentioned it and we have nothing better to do, commander doesn't mind.
10/10 loving it 50 hours in and still counting. People don't give it flack because it manages to shine despite it's flaws
Does there need to be? It's legitmately a good game. Sup Forums have enver been historically contrarian for its own sake.
Eve is best bad guy.
It's a game that relies on being weird and doing "bet you didn't expect that!" shit that's only funny to weebs. I mean, you can try to deny this or make it out to be more than it is, but that's all there is to it. All of your favorite japanese games do this. DMC with dante and pizza, Metal Gear Solid with, well being Metal Gear Solid. I have no clue what happens in this game but I'm sure it's no more funny or smart than previous Drakengard crap. Consider me proudly ignorant on a game about a robot child prostitute that pokes silly robots with sharp sticks.
Its too late. Everything has gone to shit and you're stuck here, waste deep in it.
I'd never though I'd see the day where Nier threads would become a vector for dumb kids an sad man children. Old Sup Forums used to be grumpy but it was mostly at how shitty the industry could be and most trash talk was just banter. Y'all are really a bunch of sad fucks who can't seem to enjoy anything nor seem to like the idea of anyone else doing so.
2B isn't a non-character. You just don't see most of it until you go back through again and catch the little things. Like the time she calls him Nines in the Forest Castle. She wasn't being awkward about it. She was naturally saying it without realizing and caught herself in the middle of it.
>there's no contrarianism around this game
where the fuck have you been.
There's a lot of people hyping up the game
There's a lot of people shitting on the game
There's just a lot of fucking people in general around here lately.
you all are so deep in your own confirmation bias it's honestly sad.
and Sup Forums is most definitely not one person.
>no petty drama with localizing
Localization is complete shit though. And I don't mean dub, I mean the actual text translation.
posts like these and fanart like that just make the connection between undertale and yoko taro all the more clear
>Consider me proudly ignorant
I already did
The point wasn't to be contrarian. The point was to be honest. Sometimes people really do dislike "universally" praised games. Sometimes people really dislike game A even if they love game N which is similar.
And sometimes people like a game well enough and few people dislike it enough to vocally complain.
Can't we go back to when people were just honest and didn't feel the need to make something of it.
Speaking of which. Anyone notice how weak ass shit trolling has become? Used to be a troll would cleverly play the fool in order to rile up people. You new kids say the most blatantly inflammatory in order to rope in people who're probably as mentally challenged.
Question to people who played the game on PS4.
Did you change any of the settings at all when you played?
I made it so L1 was light attack and L2 was heavy attack while Square became my Pod Program and Triangle became my lock-on button(even though I never used lock-on). It worked like a fucking charm because then I was able to shoot and aim while also attacking with weapons. It made damage output much higher as well as allowing for even better combos with shooting and attacking.
How so? Just a shitty job translating or is it one of "those" localisations?
The personal is political these days. It's not enough to dislike something and state an honest opinion. You gotta make a big stink so you piss off whatever monolithic group of nerds you've imagined in order to justify shit posting.
I dunno KH threads are literally the same as always.
why do you people get so butt devastated because somebody doesn't like your meme THICC game.
>You have to obsess over a character for them to appear to have characterization
You're not helping your point. She barely has any dialogue, spends her minuscule part of the game suppressing her character on purpose and then she fucking dies without getting any resolution on-screen. She might have a point to her but she's a non-character, let alone worthy of being the poster protagonist.
>let alone worthy of being the poster protagonist.
but then nobody would be interested in the game
This is the price paid for breaking out of the niche mold.
"Why aren't people shitting on this game like they do every game that isn't a broken shitty mess"
1. Nier gets plenty of hate
2. It's just a good fucking game only shitposters are concerned about 2B's butt (for or against)
It's not that so much as we're sick of seeing the same shit post copy-pastas and obvious bait. Dissenting opinion and critique is just fine. Coming in guns blazing and calling everyone a faggot weeb gets old and makes it blatantly clear that the poster is just some dumb kid looking for replies.
>Nier: Automata: Eve Gestalt
Because you shouldn't be here. You should be in CS:GO or PUBG and stay in your containment games where you belong.
The only controls I changed were O became jump instead of X.
Is it just me or is A2's English voice pure sex?
Who do you fucking think you are, coming here and shitting all over something you haven't even played, let alone trying to talk about it like you know a single fucking thing? Go play the game, educate yourself, and develop an opinion. Oh wait, you fucking won't.
How about you fuck off out of this thread, hopefully this entire site, and take all your retard fellows with you? Does that sound good? Maybe you don't realize it, but you're the fucking cancer. I'm so goddamn sick of people like you rolling into threads, blindly shitting on things, and then going "BUT WHY ARE YOU ALL SO MAD I DON'T LIKE YOUR WEEBSHIT GAME?"
I don't fucking care if you dislike it. I am not mad if people like different things than what I like. I am mad that you exist, you pathetic fuck. Fix your perspective and act like a decent human being or stay the fuck out of everyone else's business. You don't belong.
Disgusting weebs like you deserve the hose.
>this kind of us vs them mentality
I don't even know what the fuck PUBG is, the kind shit you're saying belongs in a youtube comment
I really, really dislike he dub
Would have phone sex with A2's english VA.
>this thread
nier cucks are a bunch of insecure faggots.
go kill yourself if something so insignificant bothers you so much
Even the demo got a considerable amount of hate.
Although, I was actually pretty surprised to see the amount of praise it got from people that have never played a Taro game. Then again, Platinum has always been given a lot of chances by Sup Forums because I think we all have wanted to see their greatest potential met. It's kind of like how Sonic games get shit on but forgiven as much as it does because every once in a while it gets a game right. Vanquish comes to mind.
>main characters are blindfolded
these subtle metaphors are why Taro is BASED
gives the story depth you don't notice at first
I'm grateful for Yoko Taro as if a person enjoys any of his games, it is a signifier of their shit, meme taste.
Are people here seriously mad that a sequel people are enjoying to a niche game and shitposting is down to a minimum in NA threads?
you could even say they're