Why is every MMO like this now?

Why is every MMO like this now?

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>You rush aggressively at tiny Sammy.
>Person says, "Hi, I want to socially interact."


The spark isn't there anymore. Everyone knows it's a guy playing, and if it isn't, it's an ugly skank. So you might as well act like everyone else is a bot and gtfo asap.

players killed MMO's. they dont want to interact or be excluded from things or roleplay. so the industry provided.

Accessibility, data mining, and meta gaming ruined any sense of adventure in MMOs.

>17.50 senses
it's whole numbers or you're doing it wrong

That looks like an awful time. How do I get started?

Play on an RP server and join a guild, people tend to be more social on those servers. They come with their own problems, but it's a more social experience overall if that's what you want.

Oh are you one of those annoying cunts that insists on talking like an anime faggot to the group, though the entire dungeon, even when nobody responds? Don't you understand how awkward that is for you and everyone else? Don't you feel embarrassed, ever? I hope you die.

Come play ShangriLa MUSH you'll fuck people!

Yeah, now everything is automated.
The game itself handles trading, forming parties, finding a group for dungeons, doing raids, crafting. And then every game is totally linear and quest based so playing with other people is actually super difficult if not detrimental. And why would you need to party up when even the weakest class can kill 6 monsters with a single attack?

either get mushclient or use charon, available on their website, but it's not as flexible as those actual text clients, check out their website on how to login

Well, basically MMO's stopped being catered to the type of people that played D&D in the 80s and now catered to teenagers with no patience that unironically wear baseball caps indoors etc.

because Wow killed it

SoW died MMOs died

>the same hellmoofag is shilling this trainwreck in every single mmorpg thread
>it's still a drama-ridden trainwreck that looks like a unicorn puked on your screen after reading Sup Forums

Not an MMO but last online RPG/game thing I enjoyed was PSU a decade ago. The game distinctly and very well balanced the social and gameplay dynamics. I miss it.

Kyaa! So hidoi desu!~ ;A;

This is why I felt so good playing FFXI; The devs didn't explain how half of the game even worked. Enmity? Fucking figure it out yourself, here's something with +2 on it. Crafting? Dude I don't know, try facing north east on a Windsday while your furniture has an earth affinity.

The structure of their endgame during it's prime required big groups both to beat things, and to puzzle them out.


Its remarkable how viciously people defend grinding for 50 hours to be better than someone else online

Because they're designed like singleplayer RPGs that can never frustrate the player or make them feel like they're not as good as another player who has more time and/or skill.
Basically they're complete shit and Elyria is the only one worth attention.

cause they all wish it was a single player game and you're annoying them.

It's a mixture of things.

A large part of it is players. They don't want to go on an adventure with their friends and have a great time, they want that new weapon with better stats.
This is largely due to over a decade of conditioning. MMOs have always been about the grind and getting better, they are skinner boxes and players have just been taught the only reason they're playing is to get stronger.
This in turn has lead to MMOs having all superficial features removed. You cannot go on an adventure now even if you want, because MMOs don't have that anymore. All content they have is carefully crafted and based around making your character stronger.

So we end up with a shitty game people play to make imaginary numbers bigger.
If these trends keep up, in a decade or two expect MMOs to basically be multiplayer cookie clicker clones.

Modern mmos are single player games. Most of the time you run around alone and in raids you just press the auto group button

Obligatory for anyone interested in actual MMO and not these public RPGs


>Dude (or cunt) that won't shut up and gives their life story to a bunch of strangers they just met and won't ever see again.

The weirdest and worst kind of MMO players

Just play any MUD really, people might call it autistic but they're the only MMO-esque games with active communities that actually participate in the player interaction part of MMOs.
Modern MMOs are too busy trying to be shitty action games to focus on what makes MMOs worth playing.

until they beat them "the wrong way" and they reset it

Dungeon finder/cross realm ruined culture

You should be forced to talk to people in order to raid.
If it's too much effort to form a group, then increase loot rewards from dungeons and allow alternate crafting/questing routes



I'm cautiously optimistic. The combat they've shown looks like complete dogshit, but it looks like they want to shake up MMOs and that can only be a good thing.

Already know about CoE, I'm cautiously optimistic.

Frankly, with all these shitty survival meme games floating around all they'd have to do is take some elements from older MMOs and MUDs and they might end up being a decent replacement.

Because they took out any social aspect of MMOs. You can just click button->get raid
Or party or whatever. All the lifeless assholes that didn't know how to socialise used to get excluded from content and quit, now we have to deal with them because they can just press a fucking button.

As a massive fanboy of the game the combat absolutely does look like shit, but reading about their "rope bridge" development process gives an idea as to why it (currently) looks like that. I'm really hoping to see good improvements on it because the rest of the design is absolutely solid, but I have good faith in them since I know the founders of the company somewhat personally.

Please god no, don't play HellMOO, we've got enough Sup Forumsirgins to deal with.

What's the difference between the first 4 panels and the fifth? It's not like anyone was participating in the conversation.
Who the fuck has time to hang out after a PUG dungeon?

>/threading your own post
I'll let it pass this time since you're correct.

>reading about their "rope bridge" development process

Can you provide a link to that? I must have missed it. I check the website every couple of weeks normally.

cautiously optimisticmind

Here's one of the places Jeromy explain the philosophy but you may be able to find other posts of his somewhere on the forums or DJs.

It's almost like mmos players are socialy inept or something.

I always really liked to chat while playing mmos, but there is also the fact that fucking russians and south americans usually can't speak english anyway.

Elyria looks like fucking garbage. It's just like every other "THIS TIME WE'RE GOING TO DO IT RIGHT" MMO, only THIS TIME the list of promises is even longer and more detailed than ever before.

It's not going to work well. No matter where their hearts are, no matter how well they're planning it, it's not going to work well. The most likely reason will be financial failure - people simply won't want to play it.

>It's an autist spamming chat with macros episode.

Basically, "hardcore" casuals.
They're the kind of people who will complain about a game being difficult but refuse to turn down the difficulty because it'd hurt their ego or prevent them from getting some worthless achievement.

Basically they build up every planned system and mechanic to the bare minimum of functionality as a foundation and then develop on top of those. This way they don't completely finish a system and then realize it has a whole mess of problems relating to a different system they're in the process of developing and are either stuck with it or have to rebuild it from scratch. They can do everything in month long sprints and identify issues very quickly and take care of them before it's too late.
This explains why the combat currently looks the way it does, because like every other system it won't actually be in a "finished" state until they're very near the end.

This is how I feel about balancefags and it's why any MMO that sells itself as having PVP is instantly garbage.

You cannot make all classes balanced without them feeling the fucking same, you also sacrifice cool skills and such when they have to be nerfed/balanced around others.

It's why I love FFXIV so much, because the PVP is pretty much the most ignored aspect of the game and all the classes get to be unique.

I also feel you could pit two people against each other in a fist fight (same character, health, etc) and the loser will find some way of arguing the winner had some advantage.


>hmm, maybe I'll give it a try
>start it all up, request my character creation email
>it's been over half an hour and it's still not here
>"lol email the help email for help"

No, I'm not putting in that much effort and likely waiting several days for some dude to email me just so I can quit in 20 minutes. Sorry, nope, not happening.

You had your chance and you missed it. All you had to do was email me promptly. Fuck off.

I had some fun conversations with random people in Tree of Savior when it first launched but the higher level I got the less people conversed. A shame really since I always had a blast just chatting it up in the Prancing Pony in LotRO while people played music or just anywhere in Ultima Online or Anarchy Online

>You cannot go on an adventure now even if you want, because MMOs don't have that anymore.

MMOs never had that in the first place. The adventure is what you have along the way, but the end goal has always been making your character stronger. Numeric improvement is really all we can do, or all we've been able to work out well, beyond a glorified graphical chatroom.

They're already multiplayer cookie clicker when you boil them down, largely thanks to wikis, wowhead, mods, etc We can't put them back in the box.

People who are overly friendly tend to be awful at the game, they bring the whole team down, so I ignore them most of the time and play with people who I know play the game well, who, surprisingly don't speak much since they're focused on actually playing.

That makes sense then, and I can see why they do it that way.

But to go to PAX and show that combat, even with the parkour element, was a bad move in my opinion. I think it'll turn people off from the game.

I would have been fine with them keeping development under wraps for the time being.

ToS was just fucking depressing. It was entirely designed to be a single-player experience. No fucking game should have a quest grind that harsh.

i'm pretty social when playing wow, even after 13 years. I'm not an annoying faggot though, and the stuff i type and say over comms is funny as hell. My guild frequently asks why i'm not talking when i'm silent for a night because i bring flavor to that boring mess.

MMOs literally evolved from chat rooms.
Anyone who gets upset at people talking in an MMO is retarded and doesn't realize what the point of an MMO is.

I also think it wasn't a very good idea and they even admitted a bit of mistake in it by saying they forgot to specify on their banner that it was an MMO, so people walking by probably thought it was just an Uncharted knock-off.


Once upon a time you had to talk to other people to figure out what was the best place to grind, help you finish a dungeon, and what things you should look out for on your build.

Now there are Wikis loaded with information, in some MMOs just loading into an instance will throw you into a party just to save you the trouble of clicking a button, and if you're build is slightly inefficient and/or not EXACTLY what is posted as the current meta on the wiki or forums, you'll get kicked and reported.

Too much information, too much convenience. It is like playing with bots because if you don't do bot things (barring spamming a link to buy gold from), you get chastised for wasting everyone's time.

He isn't talking about grinding in maplestory.
He's talking about the instant-teleportation shit they added on top of all the movement skills, exp cards, and general phasing out of any sort-of PQ since it was more convenient to just grind in a mini-dungeon for leveling.

they've got issues with microsoft-owned email addresses, so you'd probably want to use something else

>still running with the same comfy group of chill mature friends from mmo to mmo for a decade now

Reject the path of the LFR hero, I founded this guild myself and was lucky enough for it to endure.

You don't want a good MMO
You want your childhood back
And nobody can give it back to you

There's nothing to get back, my childhood was literally just the same thing I do today, sit inside alone all day playing videogames.

One big problem is the pace of modern MMO combat.

With EverQuest, FFXI, etc the pace of combat was a lot slower, and more autoattack-heavy. You could chat and shoot the shit while grinding with friends.

What if I'm not interested in getting literally gangraped by assholes?
Or is the game not like that anymore?

with a recent change, you can now opt out of pvp during character creation, which can be changed through rerolling

>role playing in an mmorpg

Dumbest "argument".

Yeah they are roleplaying themselves.


>being a sexhaver

There's interaction like what most of the people in this thread are having and then there's having to deal with retards like you.
Can you identify the difference?

Yeah, fuck off, I'm not creating a new fucking email address to play this shitty game. If you can't even fucking EMAIL someone, and you're trying to make an online game, there's literally zero chance that your game is good.

Some runescape shenanigans are still cool. I often go on adventures with randoms when Im bored and work as part of an ingame delivery service.

I still can't believe the fucking spawns were always in the same exact places, every single area was just a botfest

>people who are unable to type sentences inbetween GCDs

>You want your childhood back
I do, but that's irrelevant as MMOs were never around my childhood.

>being a shitty cat girl
No wonder everyone left

We would've been fine if Everquest Next came out, but noooOOOOooo.

Give me some good mmos. I've given up after maple

>What's not done yet?

>the preview where the ice mage freezes the ground and the warrior blows it up and they both fall down into a dungeon below
fug, what coulda been...

The guy who posted that doesn't have the best English but he obviously didn't mean SBS hasn't done any.

That & story bricks AI.

> have multiple different variations of orcs all with their own separate culture of behaviours, reacting to player decisions in complete fluidity
> all servers being different due to player choices
> free movement system
> free class system
> parts of the world built by players in Landmark

That demo was incredible and I was devo when they fired David Georgeson.

mad social fags that a bunch of actual introverted nerds playing a video game got their way, ma sides

>Multiple people in the thread implying that if you have social skills or desire social interaction, you're bad at MMOs
Where did this meme come from

>tfw you are a tank and the most fun is when the DPS want to go faster then the healer and they start throwing shit at one and other
>insane good geared DPS race was fun aswell

could just be me as i ran every dungeon in wow from vanilla to litchking an insane amount of times

have seen people behave as OP's pic, but thats quite rare
i still do the 4th panal tho, as every group does its best in diffrent ways


Leveling is too fast. so people are all in a hurry to get to the endgame, then when they rush through that, they bitch there's nothing to do.

I at least say thanks/take care at the end, but a lot of people are there just to get a quest or daily done. And honestly, I prefer silent runs to ones filled with RPers who try to act in character the whole time. If I have to waste time with shitty players, give me the silent retard over the obnoxious one.

Go back to FurryMUCK, faggot.

>Finish an instance
>Reward section/count down before you can leave
>It was an especially good run. Well done and quickly finished
>One person throws up a 'GG' or some equivalent
>Round of 'GG's or 'Again?' or even suggesting to take on the next instance
>Suddenly it feels like you're playing with people and not bots with shitty names
That's all it fucking takes, yet some people insist on never talking. And I say this as a terminal solo-only/no clans player.

Honestly, the best kind is when it is a roaming big bastard that takes the group effort of randoms to kill
>That one guy who always goes "goddamn that was hard"
>Is always, without a doubt, followed by the guy who goes "wtf shitty drops"
>Then the numbers autist reminds him of how long it'll be until he respawns
It's like pottery

Wherever I'm playing alt, just to have some fun, so I don't mind taking some extra time to being social, talk and shit.

But if playing main, I'm most likely too salty running the same thing over and over trying to farm something, and just want to get it done asap.

They perfected the formula of continual grinding and streamlined it. Social interaction, cooperation, challenge, personal narrative, and the sense of adventure, don't really exist within that formula. You have to go out of your way to bother talking to people in a party that you got randomly matched with, who you'll be spending 20 minutes with to run through a linear dungeon that you all know how to clear and can't possibly fail at unless one of the players makes a huge mistake, all for an end result that has no real sense of achievement because it's just another small step in a long progression line.

And all MMO markets ultimately have the same issues. Western MMOs will always get compared to WoW, so if they don't attract tons of subscribers by being as accessible as possible, they'll get accused of being dead. Korean MMOs are designed for internet cafe players, so all content needs to be designed to be played in short sessions. Japanese MMOs are usually played on console, so they need to be designed to not require direct communication, or other kinds of complicated inputs you can't do with a controller.

This guy gets it

Leveling up in WoW was the best, stopped liking it once I hit level cap. Once you get familiar enough with a game you're going through the motions, everybody's tired of the shit after 6~ times let alone however many more times you do it on alternate characters

I remember playing Planeshift and Star Wars Combine.
Truthfully, I wouldn't want to play them again nowadays.


Relevant Nerf Now.

>Linking an image


So which of all the choices fits best for social players? Sounds to me like the japs