Is he "our" guy?
Is he "our" guy?
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Are you "a" fag?
sonic suck
nah but he's alright
He's (((((their)))) guy you silly goy.
He's a nice guy and all and Malf and josh are gold-tier, but he's a redditor and nick+his wife is pure cancer
I like him. Good voice, knows a lot about music and history, good at games but bad enough to fuck up in hilarious ways, and keeps an even tempo instead of resorting to shrieks and memes.
I have no idea who he is, so sure, he can be your man.
Soviet Womble and Tear of Grace = Our Guys
There is literally nothing wrong with frequenting a website in and of itself, particularly one as fractured and indiscriminate as reddit, thinking so makes you a literal child.
This whole meme should have died in 2013 at the very latest. It's been too long.
Ryan LeTorneau, aka "Northern Lion". Youtube game player that got popular by playing The Binding of Isaac. Branched out to other roguelikes and management sims.
I wish he did more good LPs like Grey's Anatomy instead of nonstop flavor of the month indie games.
try to watch more the 5 minutes of the streams that he does with his nip wife .
She does nothing but bash him the whole time , even though she is a typical girl gamer that fucks most everything up .
New Vegas is the tightest shit faggot
hes great background noise on youtube but the nlss is elder god tier stuff
I was interested in Princess Maker. He even tried to make it cute by coming up with a name for their daughter together. But she totally ignores him and powergames the whole thing skipping through years in a matter of minutes.
That's what everyone says but dude I'm watching him go through the big MT and it's just terribly boring.
Good thing he does the bare minimum for that, and the end to OWB is worth it
if they ain't playin' QuipLash , then I ain't got time for that shit
If you say so, I'll keep at it.
Oh, I thought he's Anthony Fantano.
Shit thread, he's not our guy, etc..
>it's a discussion about breakfast
No he sold out years ago
NL is a fucking retard, just watch his Hollow Knight series. Either completely retarded or he pretends to be, making that his character.
Holy fucking shit is this multidimensional bait?
Literally who?
He still tries to push his own memes occasionally, which is annoying. He really needed to drop the whole "mind if I roll NEED" shit a lot quicker than he did.
Otherwise he could be GOAT. No gimmicky shit, just playing vidya and talking about vidya. Good enough to play respectably (most of the time), but bad enough you can feel superior to him for his dumb mistakes.
What is this from? How do I get this out of my head?
Pretty good guy that can make you laugh on occasion but is still just average in any game that isn't Isaac. Can be a try hard as well and eventually gets side-tracked jerking himself off prententiously on YouTube if Malf or Josh aren't there in the game.
Also his wife has a bit of a chip on her shoulder and is p much existent on twitch because of Egg-boost subs only.
Nick will probably off himself once egg gets a job in SE(if he ever fucking stops talking about it and actually does it professionally).
great, now i need a source
The entire crew will probably see a plummet if NL leaves the Youtube scene. I'm pretty sure none of them would have their current fame if they didn't leech onto him. How many of them do Binding of Isaac series? Lol
reverse search that shit niggas its better with sound
I feel like only nick and Kate are in danger. Everyone else is either good enough on their own (Alpaca, baaer, mathas)or does youtube for fun (Josh, malf, dan)
The programming thing is just a "when this YouTube thing stops being profitable" thing for him. Good on him for realizing fame can't last forever and actually trying to prepare for the real world. Like you said everyone else is basically fucked
I can't believe Dan is actually a big deal TV star and total scumbag.
Kate isn't "in danger", she's in like a professional orchestra now. NL brings in the money, she gets like 300 views on average on her videos.
I do feel a little bad for her honestly since she gets like 300 views on average, but not really because she also seems to have a semi legitimate career lined up.
wouldn't have it any other way
>said it twice in the same post
Fuck I'm tired
Oh, good for her I guess.
Rip Nick then.
How does anyone like Mathas? He's so fucking bland and depressing, I'd rather watch Nick.
I can. He's based.
Nah he has a point. There are plenty of fantastic porn subreddits and Sup Forums has gotten shitty for porn.
I like it when hes the butt of everyone elses jokes.
Nick deserves it
I feel like none of the guests work well on their own, and only really shine when paired with one another to have something to bounce off. Alone they're either really boring ala nick or really annoying ala LGW and his meme spouting
Did you guys see his latest Nicks wierd games song? That was really good.
Nick is completely me in an alternate universe if I never grew up
Meaning he's like, sorta cool, but mostly he's just really passive aggressive in an uncomfortable way.
Also man does he have garbage taste in movies and TV
hi NL
his 'zero effort content' shtick gets old fast, even for someone making video game videos on youtube he manages to be incredibly low effort about it, not even paying attention to the game he's playing while he acts canadian into the microphone
Yeah even Dan who I love doesn't do too well on his own, he's like top tier for banter, but he's just kinda a nice cool dude who likes games when you watch his solo stuff. Which is great, but not really riveting entertainment. NL has just figured out somehow how to talk to himself in a way that's entertaining.
Stop hating Nick
you forgot about the biggest leach .
I was worried Nick hate was forbidden. Something about him just ticks me off
I like NL a good bit, but I fucking can't stand Nick. He's incredibly unfunny, emotional and whiney. He also has some of the most shite opinions and really seems as though he sometimes takes contrarian opinions to differntiate himself due to immaturity. I miss the days when Josh was a consistent member of the NLSS, cause he would call Nick out on shit
she kinda looks like the old guy from up.
>it's a "nick gets an ugly scottish girlfriend and becomes partial SJW mode again while playing 4deep8me indie games about an ant eating a piece of bread" episode
He casually admitted that he's contrarian just to be so a couple weeks ago
Nick is THAT KID who's dad works at Nintendo .
or that see's a fight or some shady shit go down , but when questioned says " I didn't see anything" or "I don't wanna pick sides" .
How did Austin become part of the NLSS crew?
Dan is the best, why the hell haven't there been more episodes of For Honor with him and NL
Nick has really shit opinions, gets the most butthurt and whenever he says anything MILDLY offensive he has to give the disclaimer 5 seconds after the joke saying how he didnt actually mean that. Sure he has his rare moments but we dont need him.
austin is a furfag but hes okay for now
Same way the others did, was a roguelike/roguelite youtuber who started doing collabs with the other guests, was present in chat for a lot of the NLSS and since his first guest appearance on it went well he became a regular
On the NLSS? I'm not surprised, he's so insecure and awkward that he probably finds comfort in being different on purpose
I was very neutral on Austin but the Ultimate Chicek Horse series made me love him, he can be funny as hell when he isn't just quietly winning everything like in the Culling
friends with Nick and pretty much hung around the group at PAX and all other get-togethers until they finally put him on .
What are the best NL series from before 2015, I haven't really watched any of those
Is he actually a furfag? Are baer and rob furfags too?!
Hey there TOMOO
You sticky TOMO
~Its my coin~
Poison Mushroom is fun just because of the contrast of how tryhard edgy he used to be.
Hey what's wrong buddy?
Is that Tobias Funke?
WHO put that there
Scribblenauts Unlimited, both Spelunky series, OG Dark Souls, Happy Wheels and surprisingly enough DayZ are ones I remember liking
I still can't get over Ryuka being a boy cat, it's such a girly name.
I wouldn't call them furfags for being represented by animals as a branding sort of thing, especially since Baer uses his actual face in facecam.
Wouldn't be surprised about alpaca
Oh and XCOM EU for Roll Fizzlebeef
>people who owns guns own guns because they want to kill people
>muh zombie apocolypse
>why is it harder for you to buy a pistol then a shotgun
Really grinds me gears
>pistols are more lethal than shotguns
Really activates my almonds
No. AIDS Moby is the second shittiest RLM person. Only "the Wizard" is shittier, and that's mainly because he takes the shit way too seriously.
Austin is, Rob and Baer aren't.
Well, pistols are the biggest cause of gun homicide while shotguns and rifles don't even hit 1,000
Biggest reason I started following him was because he didn't do facecam
That has no bearing on whether they are more lethal or not
Kill yourself.
this guy is big now? i remember watching his prison architect lets play and some other shitty games.
good for him
I don't know what you're implying other than gun laws are kind of silly in priorities
He did his time in the Isaac mines and came out the other side
>no more Antibirth
>gonna play Afterbirth+ to episode 999 then restart with the next expac
Ducks man
750k subscribers or so
Is the death of Isaac going to be the end of his channel?
I'm sure he'll switch over to Bumbo when it releases
There won't be a next expansion pack.
I'm sure Antibirth will eventually be integrated into AB+ in some form.