If this shit really gets announced at E3 I hope it's going to be as bad as DaS2.
If this shit really gets announced at E3 I hope it's going to be as bad as DaS2
We can only hope Japan studio keeps them in check
what the fuck is "Blooc11×›orne"
I bet you would cuck
I'm curious if you have a reasonable answer as to why you'd want that OP
You deserve your very own das2 my friend.
>stylized "2"
fake. they would just call it bloodborne II
I would rather have a new Souls-esque game.
>unnecessary cash cow sequel(s)
Look how that turned out for shit souls.
Final Nail in the Coffin for Xbox One if true.
You'd still never get it.
But DaS2 is multi platform.
>niche shit game that less than a million people bought
>somehow threatening to the xbox brand
why would the director of Dark Souls want to continue his same style of gameplay when he clearly said he wants to move onto other projects?
or is he that shallow to think that Bloodborne counts as an entirely different game series and feels free to continue on with Dark Souls style of gameplay/bosses/encounters?
Not going to happen before BB PC release
It was multiplat already though. So...?
From is very very bad at sequels, I would prefer them make another new IP
Don't make me say it.
It looks like the word "Blooooorne" passing through two red portals
It would be very difficult to even make.
They used up every last lovecraftian/gothic/victorian/vampire hunter D idea possible.
Squeezed out all the words nightmare/dream/blood/beast/kin/reborn/great one/hunter as many times as they could.
They pretty much juiced the whole theme in bloodborne.
>he doesnt into blooc eleven corne
I'm about to say it:
Bloodborne is the best game in existence
The whole game is basically a love letter to Lovecraft. It's one big amalgamation of all the various themes and locales in his stories.
A sequel would basically be retreading the same ground as the first game.
>global sales
>2.6 million
anno? shitposter desu?
>niche shit game that less than a million people bought
It's at least 3.5 million by now considering that figure is from September 2015, lol. 3.5 million for a system-exclusive niche title is fucking fantastic considering they probably had a budget of a million or less.
how can a game locked behind 1 console be good?
my worst fear is that the souls series becomes the next cod where they start making a game every year and get blinded by greed to the point where the game loses its identity and fans like me that have been around since demon's souls will watch it turn to shit
although that might already be happening since DS2 and DS3 was a thing
>mfw it's almost time for another E3
i wish they made another game like dark souls 1 where everything is interconnected without teleports
rip in pepe
>wanting a game to be bad
only half of DS1 was interconnected but oh boy what a good first half it was
Sony would have to be retarded to make another Bloodborne game, They should reboot Haze
Miyazaki' next dame is a "dark fantasy" in line with the "expectations of the fans". But he's probably not going to retread to the setting of dark souls so I wonder what he means by dark fantasy?
The thing about that though is that Dark Souls II was an inside job
I'm still mad they didn't give us a choice of crossbows to hunt monsters with. Pistols, fine. Gatling guns, alright, bows that magically use quicksilver bullets, FINE, but no fucking xbows? This pisses me off.
I kinda expect a kings field soft-reboot in the dark souls engine
Bamco sabotaged it
I'm conflicted. I really want more Bloodborne, but at the same time I want it to be left alone, since it was perfect.
Just like Ocarina of Time my friend
>still buying souls shit
The series should have ended at Dark Souls 1. Demon's and Dark were all that was needed and all that was worthwhile.
But DaS2 is the best souls game
I'll buy it after plat'ing the old hunters because im a filthy slut for fromsoftware. I dare you to judge me.
>dark souls 1 was worthwile
Kekking right fucking now
>videogame developers leaving perfect games alone
It's an industry without integrity, user.
Why do you retarded weebs crave pointless sequels so much? Bloodborne 2 would just be rehashing the setting for the sake of more money.
Give me one aspect of the gothic/lovecraftian aesthetic not present in Bloodborne, and why it's good enough to justify a whole game for its inclusion.
why does its exclusivity affect its artistic integrity as the best game of all time? it's still a game and there's nothing stopping you from playing it other than your unwillingness to purchase it for unrelated reasons
For what reason?
Except, unlike Dark Souls 2, you won't be getting it, you PCbro
>b-but let me talk about my fetish first
Easy there, shitposter.
Bloodborne 2 would take off after the third ending where you turn into a slug. You play as a monster fighting off hunters until you grow into a big bad Moon Pressence like your daddy.
To look like Dark Souls 1
>niche shit game that less than a million people bought
Now this is podracing
>They used up every last lovecraftian/gothic/victorian/vampire hunter D idea possible.
Well if DS games are anything to go by we can just get more of the same
>fans like me that have been around since demon's souls
Do you even read this shit aloud to yourself before you post it
Good god, man
it was bait user-kun
I want this, but at the same time i don't want it to be what DS3 was to DS1.
There also isn't much else to explore. Yharnam was the central point of the plot.
can't play more than a few minutes at a time
Nah, if From and Japan Studio are gonna collaborate again on something (Which is looking more and more likely), it should be something new. Bloodborne was absolutely one of the best games of the past decade, but it'd be better left alone as a one off.
Plus a new, good-looking IP would cause more asshurt than a BB sequel.
That's like 1 loading screen user.
It's not a personal fave, but I'd put it in a top 10 list.
I just want to know what their new dark fantasy JRPG is about.
could be in Loran
do you need two consoles to run a good game motherfucker?
Loran/desert theme with an "under the pyramids" theme would be worth playing. More focus on fire weapons, a crossbow, some actual crosses. Eldritch theme would be Khephren and his demonic procession which lurks below.
You ready to make your fort?
The bow gets a pass becouse it's pulled by the strength of a blood infused hunter. Crossbows don't even have the bows flimsy excuse to exist in a world that utilizes gunpowder.
>alleged video game lovers who upcoming video games to be bad
Sup Forums in a nutshell.
You need more insight.
yea, i get twice the fps when i run my ps4s in SLI
I am seriously going to soil my clothes if Bloodborne II gets announced. Not even kidding.
Level with me here. Do I need to wear diapers this E3?
It already came out
fake and gay
still haven't dealt with oedon
Whoa, they're up to Bloodborne 11 already?
Yeah it seems like they mentioned Loran for this entire reason. t b h there are enough unanswered questions and loose ends to make it seem like they are/were planning a sequel if the first game did well.
Souls sequels were a mistake.
Demon's Souls was great, Dark Souls was great, Bloodborne was great.
Dark Souls 2 and 3 just highlighted issues introduced new ones on top of them. I hope From either quits the Souls formula altogether, or sticks to only making new universes for each game.
>here are enough unanswered questions and loose ends to make it seem like they are/were planning a sequel if the first game did well.
Not really, that's just how Miyazaki likes to do stories.
You're so true that it's hurts but it's more like
This "Ds3 is better then 2 meme needs to fucking end immediately because this like people being like Triple Q saying "is this a Jojo reference XD"
It won't. The director specifically said there wouldn't be any more BB or DS's. He wants his team to try new things.
Shame, because I really liked the BB setting.
who was moon presence and what the fuck was his problem
He was the patron great one of the Hunters considering he was the one powering the Dream with Gehrman as the host.
new universes pls from
but why would he use gehrman to lead you to killing other great ones
You only take out one Great One and that was a mercy kill more than anything. Everything else was collateral damage.
mergo, oedons formless child
Yeah Mergo who was trapped by a bunch of dead nutters with cages on their fucking heads.
Yes, that's the only one.
>Want to replay BB with a dex build
>Rakuyo is all the way at the end of the DLC
>Also have to kill 2 shark golems to get it
Fuck. I never get around to it because of that.
Kys. DaS II was heavily downgraded and we were basically lied to about the graphics.
They improved multiplayer and added some cool factions but they didn't address the root problems with online
The game truly does overtly rely on gang bosses, which are very frustrating to fight against, very often your chances of winning are determined in the first 10 seconds in the fight, whether the mobs stunlock you or not
The level design itself is just boring and makes less sense than DaS1 and 3's. It didn't feel like an organic world, it just felt like I was walking between levels without a menu
I'm in the middle of a bowblade playthrough. Just using it as a sword is a viable option for DEX because its pretty fucking good just in that mode.
Isn't that also into the DLC?
I just want a Demon's Souls remaster, Sup Forums. maybe re release King's Field as well.
Yeah but you can get it in the first area by killing Simon. He's a lot easier to deal with than the sharks.
you kill Ebrietas who is a great one
Ebrietas is Kin, not a Great One.