Make game on PC

>make game on PC
>advertise the shit out of it
>lock it off to a console as an "exclusive"

And you people are okay with this, why?

What you make a game on doesn't necessarily dictate what you're programming it for.

All games are made on PC you dummy.

Is this Tawawa?

sauce my bosss

keep crying, beggar race


PC gets scraps like a few years down the line. Not a big deal.


>ywn have this titty problem
Why even live

This better be some NTR.

Is this the new LOL thread? Mods deleted the last one

The point is that the game is already made on the PC. When they do tech demos they also do it on PC to make it look better and not have a situation where a PS4 Pro overheated and melted running Final Fantasy in front of a crowd. They have the PC copy already, they are literally paid not to release it.

i dont want that
look at that posture, my back hurts looking at it

because games are developed with the purpose of making money

Please don't post this shit again. Sluts have no place in anime.

Releasing game on PC is simply net loss, as long as we dont get anything stronger than denuvo, or harder laws

What's the point in going on

Do you actually think this is how it works?

>make game on console

dev, this is your keyboard

>he doesn't want to _be_ the anime slut

kill yourself retard