Barely glitches despite open world - how did Nintendo do it?

I know there are bugs, obviously, but I'm playing this game for like 200 hours now and I have not encountered ONE single bug or glitch. Not one. I would let you know if I did but I didn't.

And I'm not a fanboy or something. I point out the disgusting framerate all the time.

Not one glitch. I had 100 in my first Witcher 3 hour, also in my last. How did Nintendo do this? Especially with all the physics things and countless things you can do.

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Wii U - Found plenty of animals stuck in walls. Pulling the bow in mid air can freeze the game, it hasnt crashed yet but it got stuck for a good 5 minutes, long enough for me to make a coffee anyway.

Nintendo aren't lazy western pigs


I've encountered one in about 100 hours of playing
I was trying to tame a bear and it got stuck sliding down a mountain

I would say it's an extremely well polished game if it weren't for the framerate, even on Switch undocked it will crash down to what feels like single digits in a couple areas (mostly the Korok Village)

When you use the Korok Leaf on a raft and you hit the open water where the speed of the raft will increase, it can shoot out from under you and end up WAY off in the distance.

there was only one glitch i ever ran into

>knock down a silver boko
>he crashes into a box
>box flips the fuck out
>silver boko launches through the air at a 45 degree angle going mach 5

i couldn't replicate it though, i autistically tried for like 4 hours to record it but couldn't get it to happen again

>And I'm not a fanboy or something
That's what a fanboy would say

wii u doesnt have the same collision algorithm as the switch. Its why they couldnt get the sound to work.

Doesn't Nintendo have a massive QA department? Club Mario or whatever?

It is astounding, I've never played a more polished open-world game.

has there ever been an obscenely buggy nintendo game?


I mean, it's pretty hard to accidentally pull a glitch off in that game. Wave-dashing may be a bug but most players never encountered it back in the day.


It could be said that the extreme lack of balance in certain characters could be overlooked bugs, but from what I've read wobbling/wavedashing is something the devs were aware of and intentionally didn't fix.

DK64 wasn't buggy as much as it was poorly optimized. And if it counts it wasn't made by NoJ, it was Rare.

What's off about Sunshine?

I wouldn't call shitty balancing bugs, bugs to me are when your character walks through the floor, an object floats when it shouldn't, textures freaking out, physic glitches, quests not activating, etc.

Only real glitch in that game is the freeze glitch/wobbling. Everything else requires really obscure and crazy setups, and the game was made in 1 year on a brand new console so it's surprising how functional it is when you look at it that way.

I played the witcher 3 for a pretty long time on PC. Completed almost everything including both dlc's. Even spent a lot of time just wandering around. And I don't remember encountering a single bug or glitch. Others have had tw3 glitch in them and as you can see from posts in this thread plenty of people have had botw glitch and bug on them. The point is that only morons extrapolate their personal experience to a larger implication.

What about things like the ranges of some grabs being absurdly great in some cases and completely impossible to land in others?

That "Melee Is Broken" video shows a lot of stupid things that look like they should've been fixed regardless of balance.

40 hours in, and the only glitch I've encountered is my horse falling through a bridge once.

Wavedashing isn't a glitch. If anything it's more an an "exploit", but it's not even that.

A glitch is the result of a wrong internal state of a program, caused by a static programming fault. Wavedashing is the proper expected behavior of air dodging into the ground.

again I'd say that that's not glitches and moreover bad balancing. I think even Meleefags would say the game has tremendous roster issues.

>Barely glitches despite open world - how did Nintendo do it?

I'd say sm64. although I guess justifiably so as it's an older game made with limited hardware.

I don't recall any bugs with M64, granted it's been a while since I played it.

OP is right, I can't think of a single bug through my 100+ hour playthrough of BotW.


It barely has any models or textures?

Because the budget was put into actually making a game, not muh graphics or muh hollywood actor. Also I'm sure the higher ups were making goddamn sure one of their flagship series was above expectations.

Long-jumping up stairs lets you skip the whole game and it's not even hard.

It's because they had plenty of time to make a single game.
and they know how to put effort more effectively - compared to Bethesda.

would you classify bugs and exploits in the same vein?

korok village is the only one I can't deal with.
The rest aren't TOO bad

>Found plenty of animals stuck in walls.
Love that. Was doing a korok thing around a wolf pack. All of a sudden they vanished. Then as i'm trying to climb a ledge, doggo protrudes from wall. Was pretty funny.

I would say long-jumping is an exploit, but being able to pass through walls and locked doors is a glitch.

If you pay attention to the credit roll, QA is by far the largest team

Its one of of those games where I never really noticed any of the bugs until I played it not as a kid.