Why are JRPGs so shit?

Why are JRPGs so shit?

idk never played one

They're not RPGs, they're stories you play through.

Where is this from?

Is she gonna get ORCED?

That's the literal definition of an RPG.

All RPGs descend from Dungeons and Dragons.

JRPGs are different in aesthetics and the battle system. Otherwise, there's no functional difference between Final Fantasy and Elder Scrolls.

That's why people hated on FF13 so hard, it was very linear. As an RPGer, J or otherwise, you like to explore.

Now, I need to know, OP. Is that man with the axe a faceless mannequin, or a noble orc warrior?

Just found the source lmao.
Shingeki no Orc.

Because you have bad taste, also not everything has to be skyrim with guns you stupid fucking underage

Is that from an actual game?

If so, is it h-game?

This picture makes me want to kill a lot of goblin and orcs in revenge.

What games allow me to do this?


your picture contradicts your statement.

because instead of making games about their own culture (fuck knows why, they're one of the oldest civilizations on earth) they make games with shitty bastardized western themes they have no understanding of, like religion
and they have poor understanding of intelligent gameplay and instead keep copying the same broken, braindead systems they've had in place since they first ripped off wizardry and ultima

JRPG die in the 90s

Right? Orcs are just BBC cuck fetish.

Orcs Must Die

"ORKED" would have been better

Dragon's Dogma.

They're weak to fire.

Try playing trails in the sky.

why is every fan of this mediocre JRPG so dead set on evangelising it to other people like it's actually objectively good?

You'd have to get through the cock addicted nun first

Yeah now tell me what are other RPGs western too with that level of world building where every npc has a story which progresses after every step in main quest. Not even planescape had it.

Turn based combat

Literally he just said to try a game he liked. No one is trying to indoctrinate you.

>Yeah now tell me what are other RPGs western too with that level of world building where every npc has a story which progresses after every step in main quest
real life

It's normal for falcomfags to be autistic as fuck. Ys fans were historically almost as bad before trails came along and split some of them off.

They're one of the worst fanbases for a reason.

It IS objectively good. Maybe not the best jrpg in history but definitely in top 10.

>get sauce
>look at it
>lolis and shotas are unharmed

shit game

Because they're not western trash


why do you think they're shit OP?


I like ys for bosses music andcharm and think tits were boring. Characters and story were bad anime tier.

Stop posting this, the source is shit.

They started pandering to fujoshits.

Why are human women so hungry for beast and monster cock?