You did pre-order your copy of Persona 5, right user? It comes out next week

You did pre-order your copy of Persona 5, right user? It comes out next week.

I love my Fursona!

Am I allowed to post screens from the game? I got it early

I just called and cancelled your preorder bro :)

>tfw getting my steelbook copy on saturday


Why wouldn't you get it from Best Buy or Amazon? $48 + tax dude

Edge Magazine gave it an 8/10,

Their main complaint was that the game uses an outdated turn based combat system. Which just so happens to be the reason turn based RPG's are a dying breed

Yes user I did

See a B on city and A in state. This user could be a genius

he should know better than to support gamestop

>Turn based RPG's are a dying breed

Or they have an attention span of a fucking chicken. It's never going to die, I'd say action-RPG's are more likely to die since it pulls of the same shit.

Tell that to Final Fantasy

I wish mine would ship that quickly. RIP me

Spending 90 dollars on a crapped edition come on senpai.

>not using express shipping.
>not having Amazon Prime.

Fuck user why is it that long? Are you not a prime member or something?

Not having prime membership to make the total 72.00 with free shipping. Come on user shitpost harder.

As long as games like Dark souls and Nier Automata exist, not a chance

$60 canadian for steel book with Amazon prime

That's because there's a gimmick to it which is taken from old RPG's: You screw up, you die.

Prime doesn't work on international sales and i'm in Aus. That's expedited shipping too.

Why not switch over to whatever deep silver has to offer with the collector's edition so you don't have to wait?

I honestly was just hoping to walk into a gamestop and buy it (ps3)

It was/is an EB games exclusive down here and they wanted $169.95 for it.


>Strange Journey remake coming soon
>SMT 5 for Switch
>still haven't played Apocalypse
>Persona 5 coming closer

Goddamn, what's happening Sup Forums?


Yeah, I can't wait

>pre-ordering from a dying chain

do you not like 20% off new games, user?

also looks like the zipcode ends in a 4

what the fuck how

Can't wait for all the webms of people jizzing on their Morgana plushy

on a scale from 1 to 10
how autistic would it be to use the bag as an actual schoolbag?

the fuck

Not at all, it looks like just a black and white bag.
However, its probably made out of the cheapest shit they could possibly make it out of.

It's pretty subtle in my opinion. If It isn't cheap, I might even use it to carry my Switch for Zelda and Vita for Remote Play P5

oh shit

I preordered the most expensive edition on amazon the day it was first available.

>$66 for standard edition
fucking retard

Not really.
But as this user said.It will get fucked up pretty quick.

So in that case, it's basically just room decoration, then?

good, fuck you aussies, shitposting fucks

>tfw I paid the same price for my premium edition ( ) as OP did for the standard edition

I just called amazon to cancell your order, get fuckd

>butthurt babby that doesn't have a debit card to order off of amazon and can only buy from gamestop through selling them organs

Well duh.



I have Prime but I don't even get this option. Is it because I have a PO box?

Maybe its different with each store but the gamestop near me will only carry the PS4 version at launch and preorders are needed for the PS3 version to get their warehouse to deliver it to them.

I live on campus and when I went to pre-order on Amazon it said it would deliver by 8 PM and the campus mail room closes at 6. Or is that 8 PM just a placeholder?

Prime is a rip off. stop letting amazon cuck you.

>Another fucking PS4 game getting relased so

STOP. I was supposed to finish P4 Golden first but that got mega sidelined by Nier and Yakuza 0.


why is it a rip off

>buy one game in a month
>pays itself off

And that's assuming that's all you buy.

Yeah I have, from ozgameshop

The normal one is a rip off but amazon student isn't.

it's always 20 euros in my country a year so i'd say it's pretty worth

Can't buy Persona till I finish Nier and SRWV


18€ a year, - 2€ for almost anything prime I buy, various discounts, free priority shipping.
Nah, it's worth it user.