When asked about your hobbies, do you mention video games?

When asked about your hobbies, do you mention video games?

What's the usual reaction?

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I hate video games.

no are you crazy

I got asked about my hobbies the other day.
After a few seconds running through my head looking for a way to respond, I just replied that I didn't have much time for hobbies since I study so much. Which is a lie, I never study.

What are some hobbies I can say I have Sup Forums?

No, I'm not autistic

Playing video games is as normie as watching TV. If they person already likes you, they;ll think its cool that you play games and if they hate you they'll think your a loser for playing games.

Yes. They usually ask what games.

Hell no.

I just say I watch movies a lot, which is true

say you like to try new hobbies ;^)

if you like vidya, just say it. why are you nerds being so beta virgos?

Think about chad - if chad likes to play COD and be at the gym, he will respond:"yeah bro i like to hit it at the gym and shoot some noobs at the best game COD"

Why can't you?

I tell them I spend most of my free time jacking off.

I just say I play an instrument. Because I do

>Work in engineering, so bar already set pretty low
>High end of aesthetic for engineering
>Lead with actual hobbies like music and then "and obviously I'm a pale nerdy dude so programming and video games
>Don't sperg out
It's easy, Sup Forums. Just don't sperg out and have actual hobbies outside of videogames.

Hiking, watching sports, cooking

Look you're gonna seem boring to people unless you legitimately have interesting hobbies.

you guys are pathetic

>being asked about anything
>being talked to
Ha ha good joke

Stop browsing imgur faggot

Chad would never say that his hobby is playing Call of Duty

I lie that I collect stamps and coins.
Fuck that shit. Nobody ever says: "Wow! Which is you favorite stamp?" or "I think that this stamp is clearly better than the other one, because developers..."

>yeah bro i like to hit it at the gym and shoot some noobs at the best game COD
that it totally something chads say

>tfw nobody cares enough about me to ask about my hobbies

>eating carbs
Fucking bitch is gonna complain about her thighs later and wonder why

>>eating carbs
Really? You don't eat carbs AT ALL?

Of course I mention I play video games.

I dont play any fucking shit weeb games besides the tales series.

I usually say "I play video games. I play a bit of CSGO and other games."

Dont know what OP was expecting people's reaction to gamers would be. Video games are widely accepted as a hobby nowa days

i just try to make myself out as the most boring person ever. i just browse ze intertubes

yes, videogames are my career, so i have to mention them. girls are usually impressed

Who exactly would be asking about my hobbies?
My mom?

Become a Sup Forums-drone

You only need to have hobbies if you're ugly.
Try not being ugly.

Video games aren't a hobby. people don't say they watch TV or movies as a hobby unless they are boring as fuck. Hobbies should be something most people don't do regularly, and most if not all normies nowadays have a console

of course, you also shouldn't be a faggot and hide the fact you play vidya if asked. You don't need to be autsitic about it, just mention it and if they ask more then explain

If vidya is the only thing you do besides TV/Movies, I suggest you get a hobby

Depending on to whom I'm speaking, I might mention it in passing, even though it's one of my primary hobbies.

I say i like videogames and rough anal sex

trannies aren't girls

dumb ironic weeb
Go back to masturbating with your steam friends desu.

supper-sekret-videya-gayme-klub amirite?
*does weird handshake-thing*

Carbs should be limited to 100-200g for a healthy adult, pizza is like 1/5 of your total daily amount

Hobby tier list

>God tier
Practical skills, ie fixing junk, working on cars

>High tier
Artistic skills, drawing, writing, making music
Something athletic, like a sport or working out

>Mid tier
Mainstream entertainment, ie video games, books, film, music

>Low tier
Niche activities that people will think you're weird for, like pic related or see /jp/ for more examples

>Shit tier
Browsing Sup Forums

I have different hobbies other than video games. So I usually mention those.
It's not as if I'm ashamed of playing vidya, it's just not a good way to continue a conversation unless with very specific people. Even people who play video games casually won't really wanna talk about them much.

Honestly, it depends on who you're talking to. Even as a super sperg, it's not hard to at least 'pretend' to be normal. Artsy looking chicks, I usually read, hang out with friends or watch movies. Normies, camping, hiking when i get the time. Chads, sports. Country friends, shooting, camping, hunting.

Even when talking to my "nerdy" friends, we'll usually talk about other shit than vidya.

>Who exactly would be asking about my hobbies?
>My mom?
Friends at work, people and grills,.come on user

No, more like having actual tact and knowing not to embarrass myself in front of people.

Browsing Sup Forums isn't a hobby. A hobby implies you do it out of enjoyment or interest. Browsing Sup Forums is what you do when you are incapable of putting in the effort required to have a hobby.

I don't like mentioning video games. You say that and people think that's all you care about.

Even if I did say yes, I mostly play weebshit that most people asking wouldn't know about so it's a pointless conversation anyway.

Who cares what people think about your hobbies just be yourselves


Of course I do. It's not like people are going to look down on you because you enjoy videogames when every other dude at your job does and a good chunk of the women too.

What I don't do is go into excrutiating and banal detail about what I enjoy.

Who the fuck is chad. Fuck chad.

I've studied Japanese in secret for 3 years now. Nobody knows I speak it not even family and close friends. No way in hell am I going to tell someone I learned this language.

Worst that happened was when a girl in uni saw me practicing kanji writing. Had to make up a lie on the spot that I was designing a Chinese tattoo I wanted.

How can people even say things like "My hobby is playing video games/Watching anime/Learning Japanese" That's worse than saying "My hobby is to mount dead pets"

You do realize that she might just look at it from a point of 'intake/expenditure'?

"Oh ya? What games do ya like? :3" is the usual reaction.

Is that Veruca James?

Only assholes eat Cheese Pizza.

Yeah sure, why not?
I'm studying Computer Science so why the fuck would that be weird?

I do photography sometimes so I say that and also learning new photoshop editing techniques/skills. Oh I also say video games because im not a colossally insecure little bitch.

I just say games, and make sure to mention board games.
Honestly I wish I could play Board Games more often. But I can never get many people together nowadays. Maybe I should try /tg/, but my own schedule is so wacky I feel like I'd be a burden on any online board game groups due to what would amount to irregular show ups for the meets.

my favorite hobby is answering stupid questions

"I like everything, currently I'm into video games and reading jojo

Say my other hobbies and if she mentions video games, ask what she's playing at the moment and if you know said game or series, go from there. And hope it's not the only thing you talk about.

If it's a guy, straight up announce it obviously. Two of my best mates have come through bonding over vidya.

How about "shitposting on Sup Forums"? Is that a hobby?

Don't even mention videogames/anime

The moment you say you like these things the most spergy autistic faggot in your classes/office is going to start hanging out with you thinking you are ok with their autistic (and reddit) behavior.

Man I want to have NOTHING to do with Anime and Gaming fans. FUCK them. Especially that fucking chubby girl that will stalk you (you know exactly who I mean).

I've never met someone who thinks video games is an unusual or immature hobby

Is this something people actually get embarrassed or patronized over?

>no pineapple

Shit pizza, senpai

Everyone plays games these days so I usually don't even mention vidya.

Hello new friend! Welcome to Sup Forums, have a nice stay!

It's usually fine because it's in a well rounded mix of hobbies, and I drop vidya for almost any other option because I'm not a shut in faggot that mu parents are ashamed of

Eat a real pizza

End your life.

That cat has the cold blooded eyes of a killer.

You're wrong, idiot. Literally anything can be a hobby

I tell people I like to cook and check out new places and interesting foods in my city.

Pro tip: Food is the easiest subject to talk about. I think it's why food analogies are used so much on Sup Forums

It's not what you say, it's how you say it.
If you are a beta and will sperg out:"uhmm i like to play video games uhmmm and watch animaymays" then yeah, won't work well.

But if you just say it with confidence, it should work.

>Ask a girl/In some situation where a girl is asked what her hobby is
>She mentions "friends" as a hobby

The only thing embarrassing is you being self conscious about playing fucking vidya

I want to murder every female that says this.

I love noodles and dog shit. Yum yum!

we have that attention whore at my college

Adults don't give a fuck about your hobbies.

what the fuck does this even mean

Fuck you chad

>That one autistic girl with a million medical issues that watched anime at work before being eventually fired

Food and cooking is something everyone can relate to.

She does her friends as a hobby

I'm 27. I've long past the age of caring.

I play vidya, I 3d print, and I do card tricks. I even say "vidya". They ask "what's vidya?" I tell 'em "video games."

They could care less. They just know if they got problems, I'm the badass to take care of them. They sometimes ask about what I do sometimes so maybe they take interest.

Swear off women and you can easily afford what you want. Like you can fuck up month after month and still have enough for what you want.

Guitar and bass.

Video games are vanilla shit in the hobby world now a days, anyone who asks me really don't give a shit. However none of my family or coworkers can know of my anime figurine collection.

>Fixing junk is a more practical hobby then sports or working out

What the fuck am I reading? Are you one of those weird fuckers who fixes old TVs?

that she is a slut, typical type of pretty girl Sup Forums wanna fuck but do not have the balls to talk to

Was derailing the thread part of your master plan?

>tfw am autist that watches anime at work but only during lunch
It's the only way I can put a dent in my backlog

>dog shit

It's called jajangmyeon. It's some Korean food. I thought it looked like shit the first time I tried it

>When asked about your hobbies
things that literally never happen to me
i get asked about what job i have tho, which is none
sure like watching them squirm with discomfort when i mention that
even that is a lie, but they really dont get it when i say i take money from people unable to google computer problems

>but do not have the balls to talk to

Nigger, this is 2017 Sup Forums not 2007 Sup Forums. Some of the people here ARE that girl.

I mention video games, nobody generally gives a shit. I make no effort to hide my power level when it comes to anime either

>allowing other people to ask you personal questions

I find it hilarious that your think people are squirming with discomfort at you not having a job

>do you mention video games?

No. If you ever wish to have a girlfriend, never bring up videogames within the first few weeks of getting to know her. Women quickly make up assumptions based on it and they can immediately ghost out when they hear it, it doesn't matter what you look like, the general stereotype of a 'gamer' is a loser to them. By letting her know the rest of you, you put that assumption at ease once she finds out you enjoy videogames as one of your hobbies.

And god forbid you bring up anime, you might as well just not shower for a month while you're at it. You'll get the same reaction.

And yes, it's all hundred percent bullshit that videogames get this reaction, especially considering how women get to be big fans of books made for little children like Harry Potter or fans your typical Disney movies.

wearing a skirt doesn't make you a girl

I like baking, reading, jogging and learning languages.

Only an autist would mention videogames, don't be an autist.

if you mention it passively like "a game here or there" then you'll tend to get by, but it shouldn't be the first thing to come out of your mouth in a conversation

Chad would say that to give the impression hes a nerd.

My tastes in video games are very refined and I don't want to be lumped with plebs so I never mention it.