Well ho-lee fuck.
Well ho-lee fuck
Robin Williams was a coked out joke thief hate amongst comedians.
Didn't that faggot kill himself? Fuck him, pussy faggot
>chink model has bigger eyes than the white's
lol ok :^)
No, that's Carlos Mencia.
Wouldn't have caught the Robin one.
gr8 b8 m8, i r8 u 8/8
If I was dying from a degenerative disease, I'd probably just end it too.
Now take a picture of the Lord of the Mountain, read its entry in the compendium and look what mountain you found it on.
>tfw robin williams died 5 years ago
Do they die?
In the 80s and early 90s Robin literally had a lawyer pay people he stole material from so they would shut up .
You don't have to dig much to find a lot of first person accounts .
>tfw you died 10 years ago
Stop it
Robin Williams was never funny, he was always annoying.
How is his daughter doing these days?
It's not nice to speak ill of the dead, but it does annoy me how so many people are unaware of Robin's more unsavory acts in life.
Probably taking thousands of dicks.
Shut up Peter, your cartoon can be said the same.
Doesn't look anything like Robin
Not yours though
Bunch of edgy underage Sonyfans here.
he's from hollyjew
name me an honest person in LA.
He had Parkinsons or something , totally should have waited for the switch to come out first though
That one is reserved for your mom's cunt.
we don't care because he made some great silly voices
>Skyward Sword was so bad Robin killed himself
mork and mindy was alright
Disney and Nintendo are trying to control the children.
Robin Williams was a sacrifice.
>Anime characters have big eyes despite being mostly based on japs
>In most western art characters have proportionate eyes
Really makes you think
Robin Williams was a Reifag.
They all kill themselves eventually.
>hanging yourself, making your kids feel guilt forever
robin williams was a faggot and coward
I'm gonna be that autist. Was it ever actually CONFIRMED that those NPCs are based on them?
The one supposedly based on Iwata looks like a random Japanese nerd and the one supposedly based on Robin Williams looks equally generic.
lol wtf is this from?
i know it's way easier said than done, but that's why you should wait till the bitter end of things.
>liking robin williams
I was thinking Robbie might be a Robin Williams reference.
I still want to know how she reacted to that Dobson twitter post after her father death.
The Iwata one is almost certainly based on him, considering he tells you about the Lord of the Mountain which is 100% based on him.
I can't enjoy Robin Williams' comedy, the voices aren't funny and the standup was mediocre
It feels like he got popular just by lacking all shame, like Jim Carrey. For some reason people love comedians who humiliate themselves.
>He slashed his wrists while he hung himself
>Family Guy episode predicts his death by placing subliminal hints inside one episode that also makes many anti-robin jokes, including how robin will die
Robin was murdered by shadow forces and was foretold in a family guy as if we were stupid as to not pick it up.
It's gotta be based on someone. He doesn't look as disgusting as most other generic npcs, and there is no other reason for a character in a fantasy game to be wearing modern glasses. Do any other npcs wear glasses?
Calm thine tits
I never gave a shit about his comedy. Williams was much better at acting then at stand-up, and his movie roles are his work that I liked.
Agreed, he was a clown.
What a bunch of insensitive assholes.
Robin Williams spent his entire fucking life trying to entertain the world, and you blame him for trying to ease his stress a little? Even to the point where he just couldn't handle it any longer?
You guys are dicks.
>based on japs
Cry me a river. He wasn't funny, and ultimately a coward who killed himself over First World problems.
>1st world problem
Are you implying that terminal illnesses are only a first world occurrence?
only faggots who hated him outright will easily buy the fake news Robin killed himself.
>people are blind faggots imagining references everywhere
Breaking news.
Fargo season 1
Probably still posting political shit on Twitter like every other celebrity these days.
Committing suicide takes a lot of strength, more so then you could ever have.
It's not easy pulling a trigger or jumping off a building.
Purah does.
>Robin would've been the perfect old man 'king'
Doing a charity stream of Breath of the Wild.
Shame we're all weak spineless cowards for living. Maybe some day I can find the strength to kill myself.
You probably will when you realize life itself has no inherent meaning, that we're merely inside a giant explosion in slow motion from the Big Bang, in the higher dimensions of reality the universe has already came and went.
Humanity will probably end up destroying itself, it'll be the first time a species suicides itself because of "innovation & technology". I believe nature tried to wipe us out centuries ago with the Bubonic Plague, but failed to do so. To ensure the ecosystem survives nature installed a Plan B -- our inherent drive for technology will be our suicide to ensure life goes on this planet. We tell ourselves it's good, but that's all part of the grand illusion.
You seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding of nature.
Science too.
Don't worry, I'm sure you will sooner than you expect.
>not thinking humanity will die because of breeding with sickly blood
i have no ide why its not illegal in the same sense as incest
Incest between consenting adults SHOULDN'T be illegal. If they want to give birth to a mutant baby, it should be their choice.
does said baby have no rights to be put out of its misery? If you asked a parent of an autistic child if they could make them again without the disability, do you think they would say "No, I'm happy with the way my baby turned out"?
Do you think if you asked a teenager if they'd prefer to have genetic defects, they'd say "Yes, I'd love if I was the result of incest"?
>t. mad tumblrfag
>family is watching a doctor program
>couple have a 50% to get a deformed/sick child
>in a couple of years they have 3 deformed/sick children out of 3
>"but user arent they allowed to try because of love?"
when i asked em about if they think incest is ok then on that same basis they couldnt make a solid argument
>does said baby have no rights to be put out of its misery?
What the fuck does that have to do with "If 2 cousins are over 18, they should be allowed to fuck?"
Nothing was said about killing any babies.
I don't give a shit about intercourse, incest is proven to cause birth and genetic defects in children. Willingly bringing a flawed child into the world is borderline abuse and selfish for nothing more than sexual pleasure.
>Committing suicide takes a lot of strength
>two (2) good movies
She doesn't want it either.
He had demons
Who's the guy in the bottom left?
Didn't his wife say something about how it's likely the mixture of medication he was taking for parkinsons and dementia probably caused him to become incredibly suicidal over a short span of time because she had never known him to be depressed or have history of depression?
>Come hang!
Too soon.
hey thats 2 more good movies than most people have made
You think Louie Body Dementia sounds like fun? It would be a rapid, painful descent into complete cognitive, and physical failure. I can't fault him for deciding to not put himself and his family through so much suffering.
Johnny Rebel
It's because through that, people feel better about themselves. It's a pretty basic comedic concept.
I don't give a fuck if you'd fault him or not faggit. Get the fuck out of here
Mmh... really makes me think...
In Fargo billy bob thornton plays one of the best murders in cinema/TVs history
I'm totally going to post like this next thread. Look at all those (You)s.
God I loved this show.
>like Jim Carrey
Speaking of which, what is Jim Carrey up to now these days
Suicidal depression.
so he never caught that pigeon
Too bad they didnt ask zelda to voice zelda
Don't know, but this is him in 2016.
There is deep sadness in those eyes.
finding another girlfriend to murder
Except jim was actually funny
i recall him becoming a weird painter at some point and having an art exhibit
i don't like his standup
i like him much better as an actor
same with jim carrey, i prefer his acting, including his comedic acting, over his standup
Oh wait..