Goofy game about a guy with a shovel in this era of cheap ass sprite games with no identity of their own and forced...

>Goofy game about a guy with a shovel in this era of cheap ass sprite games with no identity of their own and forced humor
>also a fucking Kickstarter game
>one of the best designed games in recent memory, if a bit easy, with a non intrusive but heartfelt story that has a lot of memorable characters and decent jokes
>DLC is incredible and also has their own stories and gameplay mechanics that arguably surpass the main game, with Plague of Shadows having extremely unique Bomb mechanics that makes speed running a blast and a heartwarming romance, and Specter of Torment emphasizing getting a flow going and taking heavy inspiration from Ninja Gaiden while having a truly devastating and tragic ending

Anyone see this shit coming?

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most overrated game of the last 10 years

Nah, that's Undertale

How can it be overrated when it's actually that good? Once all the boss knight campaigns are out along with Battle Mode it'll probably be my game of the decade

How is the Switch version? My brother bought it on the Wii U and I played it for a bit. Am I better off playing it there?

Unless you have a pro controller on Switch, any other version is better post update because of the d pad

I tried the Switch version at PAX and wasn't a fan of the lack of a dpad with the Joy-Cons, but if something like that doesn't bother you go for it

>it's another generic platformer like all the the thousands made in the 90s
>people eat it up anyway

Good design (mechanical and level) is everything user

I love Shovel Knight but apparently the developers felt guilty about it for literally no reason whatsoever lol. I don't think anyone ever complained about this.

>>But some of those 80s concepts can be a bit outmoded today, especially in regards to gender. After making some missteps with previous projects, we wanted to make sure that Shovel Knight was more inclusive and not so regressive.

How does it make people who were triggered by playing a man feel "included" when they know that the character was originally a man and they had to add in a mod later just to appease them?

It seems more condescending than anything.

I thought it would be shit but bought it after beating BOTW. It's the best game of its kind since Cave Story. What it does correctly is that instead of just copying whatever NES game, it takes mechanics from all of them and polishes it.

Even the SJW shit it did is completely unintrusive and a pretty genius way to get points with an incredibly loud and obnoxious sector of the consumer base. It's a fucking lazy ass sprite and word swapper.

When does the DLC come out for everyone else? Fucking Switch, I want my Order of Waifus

It wasnt really SJW, it was covering their own ass because they originally didnt think people would get triggered over a harmless rule 63 mode stretch goal

wtf why are all indie devs such fucking pussies

>one of the best designed games in recent memory, if a bit easy
It's hard for me with x360 gamepad.

nu-male faggots with there cushy do-nothing jobs will cave to literally any small thing that threatens their fragile loft-dwlling, uber riding asses.

An outstanding game. Legitimately 9.5/10

>Makes entire new campaigns for their game with new music, bosses and levels when the only thing they said was "playable boss knights"
>cushy do-nothing jobs

Well isn't Yacht Club ex-WayForward people? They know how to make a fun game. I also like how they seemingly keep shitting on that one guy's OC.

>I also like how they seemingly keep shitting on that one guy's OC.
Shit I totally forgot to thank them personally at PAX for that, they deserve it

This about Shovel Knight not The Last of Us.

Hollow Knight is even more underrated and better than Shovel Knight although it's in another genre.

What did they do to Reize?

>Warforward struggles to gain recognition and sales for 15 years
>some guys branch off and their first game is a huge hit

Yeah, kinda sucks. They both deserve attention.

>I didn't play it so it's bad

Fuck off, The last of us is one of the greatest games ever

I swear I read it before, but I forgot. Why did Yacht Club break away from Wayforward again?

I want to hear about this too but I hear many indie companies now have a secret 'no Reize' rule.

Best version and why?
Idort here so Im buying wathever you say. I care for multiplayer but donĀ“t know anything about it; just saw a trailer

>implying Last of us is good
g8 b8 have a (you)

Just go with your preferred platform really.

Wow that's helpful. Didn't think there would be something like this so I just waited for you guys to talk about it to make questions

I think it was something to do with the DuckTales Remastered development not working out for some of them, but iirc they left on good terms anyways

Its fine, Nintendo is getting all the content first for all Shovel Knight games so if you're into that you should get it, the dpad thing hasn't bugged me since I'm used to PS3's dpad.

Maybe they should make a game as good as Shovel Knight

I like Wayforward but Shantae is just alright and stuff like Mighty Switch Force is fun but too short and has very little replayability.

That would be The Witcher 3.