Okay, Sup Forums. I have to do some jobs outside the house. I'm gonna leave my Choccy Milk next to my brand new gaming pc. Keep an eye on it for me, okay?
Okay, Sup Forums. I have to do some jobs outside the house...
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Sure thing user.
What the hell have you done
Can we save this lads? I'll rinse the keyboard under the tap, anyone got any ideas how we can get the milk back in?
I had spicy curry not long ago and I'm feeling the shits, maybe I could fill it up that way?
Won't OP notice the smell? Should we put some air freshener in it?
damn the epic rundown thread got deleted but not this choco milk mememe!?
This autistic faggotry needs to be worthy of a month long ban at the minimum. Should actually be permanent because I don't think OP is old enough to be posting here.
Janitors/mods do your fucking jobs.
I pugged the drain, user, just filter the milk from the water by burning it in a spoon and catching the milk condesation and pour the water back
He may not be, but don't pretend like you are either.
I've gotta leave to do an errand for a few hours Sup Forums so I'm going to leave my chocolate loli here. Please keep an eye on it okay?
>mulatto-kun will never return
I want to sniff her panties.
Brilliant! I'll get on this right away
They look like they may be a little sweaty.
Have you guys moved my milk? All I smell is lovely air freshener.
Keep going faggot
Look at this.
now you dont have to move it, reducing the chances of spilling it
How does this have anything to do with video games?
i love chocolate milk so much. it steal that along with your pc
Nobody remembers that guy user.
I spill that shit because choccy milk is garbage and a terrible facebook meme
5/10 stories of retarded brothers/cousins wrecking peoples' stuff normally involve spilling chocolate milk.
>tfw an only child and one cousin who lived too far away to visit more than once a year.
Did we recover the milk
can someone just post some fucking ponies already