Why do you people care about review scores? Sales are the determining factor if a game is successful or not?
Why do you people care about review scores? Sales are the determining factor if a game is successful or not?
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Die you degenerate barneyfag.
It is a portrait of a humanized Twilight Sparkle.
Yiff in hell
hang them
Hey Barneyfag is this barneyshit?
kill them
murder them
execute them
they should die
i hate them
Want to go see Ghost in the Shell with me on Friday, Barneyfag?
I really do
Barneyfag is it true you put your dick in a dog's butthole?
hang them
kill them all
die in pain
why won't these fags die
they deserve to
they should be shot
like they all deserve to be
What in the god damn...?
Don't lie to me, Lee.
But I'm not.
murder these dipshits
How the fuck do you even know that when the only reverse image search result is the Sup Forums archives?
Because it was posted several times before
Or maybe, just maybe, barneyfag is actually OP.
and i hate them all
>tfw you see a degenerate barneyfag posting on Sup Forums
As very nearly all of his appearances are.
There was just a straight up, balls out picture from the show on Sup Forums a while back and he never noticed and nobody in the thread minded or cared. The rule pretty much only exists at this point for his benefit, even though it's actually driving him insane.
>As very nearly all of his appearances are.
Sir, you need to show me your single (you)
can't they die
I'd be glad to
Thank you sir, you're free to go
their deaths should've happened already
I still hate them
they should be hung
that's all they deserve
tfw you're not Barneyfag.
Who are you talking to, Lee?
Dont you have anything better to do Lee?
And I still fucking hate them
Kill yourself
That's all they need to do
>mfw I'm not barneyfag
then we will be better
we will see a new existence for ourself
they should stop existing
they really should
i still hate them
Hey Sup Forums would you mind watching over my chocolate milk for a little bit? I've got something to do.
sure, I don't see what could go wrong here.
i still hate them
I really do