
the reviewer couldn't even beat the game

here's the problem kids. This isn't meant to be a game of leaps and bounds, it's baby steps. Every 5 minutes you should go back and try to find a check point again unless you are a retard like the reviewers and just play for a half hour straight without hibernating, then lose all your progress when you die.

remember folks! hibernate early and hibernate often

Other urls found in this thread:

literal who game

Game released early.

I dropped Polygon entirely after DOOM

its 2d dark souls

your lil nigga is so underpowered compared to the enemies
I haven't been able to kill a lizard yet, best I managed to do was throw my spear through one and stick him to a wall so I could escape

I just fugged up though, I had a pretty good run and was trying to get back to a safe zone but a predator got me. I couldn't make the jump
need to git guder

Is this another indie shilled game like Hollow Knight then? Cause nobody gives a fuck about what you typed besides you apparently

its from adult swim, it's a survival metroidvania style game. you hibernate to save the game, in order to hibernate you need to have a full belly and find a safe area to sleep. If you don't have hibernate then when you die you lose all your progress up until you last hibernated

its basically casual filter: the game
the negative reviews all just complain about how the game looks and plays amazing but it's too hard and they can't beat it

i'm using a dualshock 4 and the cute little eyeball thing is telling me to eat bats with square. i press square and instead slugcat throws the bat instead of eating it. i'm using steam's built in controller support and i've never had a game that accidentally maps buttons like this.

square is eat, circle is throw, maybe it got them crossed?

i had to quit the game and set the buttons myself and then restart.

i tried every button and none of them were the eat key, is what it is.

the main problem I'm having, is the tv I play on cuts off everything around the edges by about a half inch, so I can't read what the eyeball is saying because the words are cut off

no idea how to adjust it

>You can eat a rock and regurgitate it later
Okay, what the fuck.

you eat a mushroom yet? I'm going to try and use one on an enemy

also thinking about purchasing the game. setting and the slugcat, smooth animations and the supposed-to-be-good-AI got me interested, although i am not the 2d platform gamer.

any major bugs happened to anyone?

nothing so far. I thought I was stuck in a pipe for a while but I just needed to reorient myself I think.

I would struggle to call this a platformer since you can't really jump that high. each screen is a little more like a navigation puzzle, you have to use pipes and poles to kind if snake your way around

This game looks like every style-over-substance indie platformer on the market. Why should we give a fuck about this one? Because it's hard? That's hardly a selling point anymore when indie devs are trying so hard to be the next Miyazaki (and failing at that).

is there any way to aim the held items i have?

be nice

The AI is actually pretty good thus far.
>Accidentally touched a fern that swallowed me whole
>It swallows the green lizard I was trying to avoid whole too before unfurling back to normal
>Pink lizard wanders into room, cause whole game keeps going while you're dead
>Attempts to hunt the Tutorial cyclops thing for a good 4 minutes before finally giving up

I've eaten like 2 of him I think, I'm not sure if that's what I was eating. but both times I did it I think I got a little bigger and faster

GOG release when?

Thanks for the heads up.

Ignore the fags screaming shill.

I've gotten caught in the rain once so far. It's honestly terrifying, but I was under ground. is it possible to survive the rain without sleeping or no?

You have to rub your dick against your controller.

didn't work, now my controller just smells like dick

Anyway to cheat and use a save mod?

Your shilling is hard, dude.
But I don't mind, I fell in love with this the day I saw it on TIGforums.

I'm not shilling, I'm just anti-anti-shilling. I just heard about this game yesterday and I don't think it's getting a fair shake because game game reviews are too casual. the big ones are giving it bad scores because the player is inadequate, not because the game is bad.

that seems like an unsafe place to leave your dog

reviewers in general like easy games because they really only play the game for a few hours at most. Read enough reviews, and you'll notice a lot of criticism on the tutorial and the early game. Too much competition and too little money for them to be able to devote much time to just one game. Just dont listen to reviewers, you really have to make your own decisions based on a variety of sources.

Reviewers are good for red flags though, like buggy releases, bad animations etc. But dont expect them to follow up if its patched 6 months later, they just dont have the time.

It looks comfy tho.

downloading at 750 kbps, can't wait

lizards can't be killed head-on, I think. Their heads are impervious to damage. You have to get them in the body. Or better yet, get the lizards to fight among themselves and book it.

Remember to use that leap thingy for longer jumps.

HDMI scaling in your graphics card driver.

Because it's offering something new. It's a platformer as much as it's a sort of an ecosystem simulator. The other critters in the world live their own lives and do their own thing and the game simulates it all as long as you're in that given level.

According to the dev "when they wake up and press the button". So in a few hours I guess.

huh, so this is acutally coming out finally?
I had written it off as vaporware two years ago

Same here and then I heard it's coming out 4 days ago. I was also pleasantly surprised to find out what the game has turned into.

but I'm using a playstation >_>

yeah it looks a lot better than it did, just looked at the steam page

it's always fucking sad to see such high polish passion project games fucking bomb and stay in obscurity

Then there's gotta be something hidden in the bowels of your TV.

oh butterscotch!

Hold your horses. Most people don't even know what this game is about. After all, at first glance, it looks just like yet another muh pixels indie platformer. This is not exactly the kind of game that rapes the charts at launch day.

and fuck, man, most people didn't even hear of it yet

Didn't IGN also bitch that the game was too hard and gave it a lower score because of it?

Polygon bitched too.

Is anyone surprised?

But you know, it's ok when Dark Souls do it because they know well their readers would rip them the fuck apart for criticizing DS like that.

asking the real questions here

What happens when you become the survivor?

>its 2d dark souls

No, that's salt and sanctuary.

or castlevania SOTN.

>flavor of the week trash that Sup Forums flocks to and forgets in mere days

remember that bug game? No you don't.

I remember Hollo Knight pretty well actually. Even put it in one of my all time favourite game lists.

>Salt and Sanctuary

Game was shit to look at and mediocre at best to play

You can have gothic horror without the game looking like ass

This, Salt and Sanctuary was actually pretty shit, it was only liked because it was a souls ripoff but as a souls fan I was very disappointed by the game

>remember that bug game?
yes. I spent thirty hours on it, beat the last boss, and thoroughly enjoyed myself. Best game this year so far in my opinion.

I'll check this out. Loved Hollow Knight so I'm looking for something similar.

It's always a pleasure to see a successful kickstarter that ends with a good product.

Reminds me of Aviary Attorney

So it's finally out? I need to finish Danganronpa and a couple of other games before I buy hollow-bug whatever and this

Yes, now kys.

REEEEE I wan't to play but If there's gog option I just wont buy steam.

yeah but when he leaves the pillow might fall into the water

A reviewer being bad at games can still be valuable to the casuals who don't know the lexicon of games or aren't mechanically skilled. If they actually stated this perspecrive in their reviews it wouldn't be so annoying

PSA: You can take berries with you into a den and eat them when you wake up.
Also, when it says Game Over THE GAME IS NOT ACTUALLY OVER UNTIL YOU ARE FULLY OFF-SCREEN. There is still a possibility of the creature dropping you for whatever reason.

Read enough reviews of rain world, and you'll notice most of them say they'd put 20-30 hours into the game.

And if you want to talk about red flags, every single reviewer has mentioned that the controls are shitty, and every single reviewer has an anecdote about getting stuck on terrain rather than going down a pipe and dying.

And for crying out loud, even the developers say that getting through the game is a matter of luck, not just skill:
>"We had one streamer who opened up the game and the RNG wasn't with her and so it was extremely difficult. It was a bunch of no-win situations that she was presented with really early on. And she's just like 'screw this, I'm not playing this game, it's impossible'," Therrien tells me. "And then you'll have another player who'll get into it and the algorithm will provide a pretty clear path at the beginning and so they're like 'this game is pretty cool'," he adds. "So, yes, dice rolls."


Okay how the fuck do I go back out?
There is no food here, and the only way out requires me to hibernate more for one of those symbol locked gates.

>try again
>somehow the catslug now can make the jump to that rope thing even though I couldn't do it a few minutes back
Yeah I suppose I get what people mean with the controls being shitty

How's the music in this?


>RNG can generate no-win situations
Admittedly, that's pretty fucking dumb.

who else here /good at the game/?

EDF?, Still playing it, still shit-posting.

>video game journalists who are being paid for their jobs are casual normies unable to beat a moderately difficult game
>in their autistic rage they give said game a low review score


>in their autistic rage they give said game a low review score
that's Sup Forums

>literally luck: the game

>Not nopeing the fuck out when you run into a tricky situation

One question for those that have the game: one reviewer said that when you die you don't go to the last checkpoint you hibernated at, you go to the one BEFORE that. But none of the others mentioned this. So, is that actually true, or do you stay at the last checkpoint even if you die a lot? (I'm aware you lose levels for dying a lot, but it's losing progress back to the bonfire before last that would be the real dealbreaker for me.)

>torrent comes out earlier than Steam version

>literally the only exist is blocked by a bunch of lizards and spearguys fighting

>So I evolve again and then again. Level 4 now. Still, I am only able to bunny hop. And I have no new abilities. No change in appearance. I was a bit confused. Am I going to grow in anyway? Otherwise, what's the point? Why am I going through the trouble? Granted, I'm only level 4, but it was no simple task. Chasing the gnats in each room gets tedious. They scatter and hide when you appear, so you have a limited amount of time to catch them. Your hop isn't enough to snatch them out of the air, so you have to find ways to sneak up on them, reach them from a ledge, or hit them with debris that is scattered about. Plus, the threat of rain is ever present and gives you only moments to return to the safety of a hibernation room.

A little disappointed with seeing the same three rooms over and over, I ventured out to see more of what Rain World had to offer. I wanted to explore after all. As a level 4 cat snake, I discovered a new room with vines sticking up from the ground every few feet with a tunnel on the other side. Eager to move forward, I walked across. Alas, it was a trap. The supposed vines were the tongues of flytrap-like plants that ensnared me and dragged me down to my doom. I died, dropped to level 3, and started from the hibernation room. Again.

This guy is a fucking backer too, he should've known exactly what he was getting.

>Am I going to grow in anyway? Otherwise, what's the point?
Why is this a complaint? This game was never advertised as a metroidvania, and it isn't.

>Implying that it's a recent thing
Most videogame """""""journalists""""""" have always been casuals. If you're a games media site, you really can't have someone with a sophisticated taste review the mainstream drivel that publishers constantly put out and still hope that said publishers will pay you for advertising.

There's a common misconception going around that game reviewers are corrupt, malevolent cronies weaving elaborate schemes to get bux and while some of them undoubtedly are - most are genuinely clueless about the things they write and have a pedestrian taste regarding videogames.

>Get to the Shaded Citadel
>Go all the way to the bottom and it's pitch black
>Just keep going
>Tons of creepy ass noises but keep going until I hit a wall
>Walk back and hibernate, return to the pit with a latern mouse in tow
>Walk a few rooms over and suddenly
>Game Over

anyone else sick of this generic ''artsy'' indy crap?

>Just as I get to fuck other people, quite merrily
I'm sure people are jumping at the opportunity to fuck these two

Are you the same guy who's been shilling Hollow Knight?


>backtrack to save
cool game

>being shit at exploration

so how is the movement in this game?
i enjoyed hollow knight besides the stuttering shit, so i want to play another metroidvania game. i played momodora for an hour or two, but the movement felt so shitty. i don't want to go back to the garbage jumping and running mechanics of old platformers.

Two things bug me so far.
When there's a wall with holes, one of them being exit and the rest shallow dead ends it's too easy to enter the wrong hole and get mauled by a lizard.
Another thing that bothers me that if you're standing on a pipe then jump, you won't land on same pipe but fall below.

It's not a metroidvania.
The movement is sluggish because you are a literal slug, worse than Momodora.

>if you're standing on a pipe then jump, you won't land on same pipe but fall below.
You have to manually land on it by pressing up in mid-air

I think they should've made the actual rooms harder instead of implementing the punishing death mechanics

Reminds me of those old DOS game where you're just thrown in and get fucked until you figure out what to do. It's great so far.

i'm still playing it actually, it's huge

>not dropping Lolygon entirely two years ago with Gone Homo and all the other crap.
You deserve to be bullied.

>And if you want to talk about red flags, every single reviewer has mentioned that the controls are shitty, and every single reviewer has an anecdote about getting stuck on terrain rather than going down a pipe and dying.

Never happened to me. I play with a keyboard.

Everyone who told you to play with a gamepad is a brainwashed pseudo-intellectual. They simply assume it should be played with one, without thinking through what it actually offers. Taking some sort of nerd pride in the fact that they have a dedicated input device for certain kinds of games. Gamers are deeply disturbed individuals"Platformers are meant to be played with a gamepad" they bleat like sheep. The game does not work well with a gamepad because of the function of "up" and "down". You will often accidentally climb pipes or move down holes because of the angle of your stick. And for what? There's nothing in this game that benefits from analog control. The developer himself plays with a keyboard by the way.

The only problem with controls I have is the slight input lag that seems characteristic to many unity games. Nothing to cry bitch tears about though.