Which franchises that they haven't talked about yet do you think they'll announce next...

Which franchises that they haven't talked about yet do you think they'll announce next? Which do you think will come out the soonest?

Pikmin, my favorite franchise. Hoping it's more like 2 than 1.
3 was really upsetting.

Kirby, Smash or Animal Crossing.

Kirby will come first. Maybe Smash if it's just a gussied up Smash 4.

Add Rhythm heaven, Just like Animal Crossing it skipped Wii U(Scamiibo dosen't count)

We know Pikmin 4 was coming for the Wii U before Iwata died, so expect it on the Switch.

Pikmin was just about ready two years ago so I'd be shocked if that's not the first one out.

Crying and hoping for something Wario soon

I fully expect a Smash 4 port, because it's easy and guaranteed money.

3 was great, didn't you play the challenge missions?

I wonder if Pikmin for 3DS is actually Pikmin 4?

Because that seems like it's been in development for a bit and looks just about ready. But then when people were like, "Oh, that's nice and all but where's Pikmin 4?" They were like... Oh shit, they don't think of this as a real Pikmin game...

Pokemon will probably be announced within the year, at least.

I was going to type out an essay about my thoughts, but the tl;dr is that everything pictured except Metroid sounds highly likely

As for which will come out the soonest, I'd guess Animal Crossing or Kirby

Kirby will get a game but not that much marketing and it will be a "Spinoff" one, i think AC will be the next one because it is fairly popular and even with the Welcome Amiibo update there is a demand for a new one, it works with Switch "Hybrid" gimmick well too and it is supposedly currently the most popular Nintendo IP among the female demographic, so they wanna put out at least one AC game even if not a main one.

And the Fans are proven Amiibo sluts already.

Plus Miyamoto recently said he thinks Pikmin would be more fun in 4k...

It's possible that Pikmin will take a break on Switch and develop for the next console that can do 4k.

I could see them doing that. Pikmin 3 dropped hints that the next game will feature Olimar and his family on vacation.

Golden Sun

Animal Crossing on switch
co-op play
town can grow bigger and bigger
events every week
can marry people even someone else online

Do they usually announce new Pokemon games in the spring? I think realistically we'll hear news about it before E3 while the rest seen here won't get news until then.


i think they've got a new mainline metroid, pokemon stars (or whatever they call it), and an enhanced smash 4 port to pull out at e3. other than that i dont know.

>nintendo is in the shitter from wiiU and they must play it safe
>implying they would put funds to a new metroid game that wont sell in japan AGAIN
the treatment of metroid is honestly digusting.

Smash 4 port with 2-4 new/returning characters exclusive to Switch. new stages, 3DS ported stages and a few balance patches

>E3 Predictions
Smash---likely a straight port of Wii U
Animal Crossing---it's been a few years since the last main entry so it's due
A promise of a new mainline Pokemon title in the years to come
Super Mario Odyssey footage
...oh and one more thing... a full suited Samus is lifted on a platform from a trap door on stage...fog fills the conference room with classic Metroid jams playing...a new metroid...only on 3DS.


Sauce? I remember there being like 3 cliff hangers in the game, none about Olimar's family.



too bad the next series to get a game that wasn't mentioned will be captain toad

MonHun XX
when asked if it would come out on the Switch, they didn't answer, just shilled it for 3ds

I don't really think Pikmin 3DS is Pikmin 4 simply because they could have just named it that and instead the 3DS is only named Pikmin (working title).

Animal Crossing won't get shit for awhile because they need to shill the phone game thats coming up.

I'm personally hoping for another Kid Icarus

received a fax earlier today

I can safely say Nintendo will win this e3

depending on the success of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, we might see a Smash Bros port for the Switch announced sometime this or next year
Pokémon will probably be next year or the one after
for this year's E3 I'd bet on Pikmin and Donkey Kong, and possibly Animal Crossing

DKCR 3 would be the reason I get the switch. I'd play other games, but after Dong Freeze it can only get better.

Wave Race

Animal Crossing and Fire Emblem should be ready for next year.

Fuck, just make a new F-zero already


Smash will probably hit this summer and a legitimate console Pokemon is going to drop on Christmas. The switch will then explode a load all over America.

Fucking seriously. Putt ALL THE MAPS IN OME GAME.

Jesus fuck that made me so mad.

You just fucked my nostalgia boner. I wish they would a console golden sun or another one period.

How much storage does an Amiibo/card hold? Here's a cool idea for Animal Crossing

If just one friend brought their switch, and the other forgot it, they could use an amiibo/card with their villager data and play using just the two joycons. Anything they did during that session will be saved onto the amiibo/card like inventory and shit

I feel the same way.
If they can put in the effort to save Fire Emblem, it shouldn't be too hard to revive Golden Sun.

less than a MB I'm pretty sure

Just give me Monster Hunter and I'll be happy.

Could still work right? Im sure Games like Sm4sh used the limit to its max.

I was gonna say what if it stored your town in the data but I remember the GCN towns using up around 30 MBs

I want all of these though




Fucking PUNCH-OUT!!!
God, that Wii game was so underrated, I want a new one. I NEED a new one to fill this empty void it left in my heart...

If they do this I'll buy one.

Never ever

Instead we'll just get New Leaf "HD"

GameFreak posted job listings for positions for people who have experience with both console and handheld games. Definitely a Switch project in the making, not necesarily a main series title.

Shigeru said (twice) that Pikmin 4 was almost finished development since late 2015. Assuming it was never released on the Wii U to move it in favor for the Switch, it could be announced and released anytime soon.
Considering the time it's been in development it COULD be a strong defining entry like Zelda BotW and Mario Odyssey is looking.

>Animal Crossing
Whoever is developing AC has been working on a new big thing a lot since New Leaf.
Proof: they released shitty as fuck entries like the Amiibo thing and the plaza thang on the Wii U to put something out, but all of those had revamped models with HD textures for EVERY SINGLE villager. Too much to waste in just a shitty Amiibo board game cash grab.
Again, like Pikmin, a new entry could be announced and released anytime soon.


Reasonable analysis. What do you see in store for Metroid? I'm predicitng nothing unfortunately.

Why are so many anons thinking about a Smash 4 port? I mean really, what would the point be when a new one is gonna come out in a couple years anyway?

Different user here, but Reggie's words give me hope
>Oh, so earlier today I got asked about Mother 3; maybe you can ask me about Metroid. Look, again, I am proud as an executive with Nintendo to say that we look at all of the boards and all of the comments and we really have a good understanding of what our consumers want. And believe me, we take that to heart as we work to create content.
>So I have nothing to announce--here. But we are aware that there are some key IP that consumers just can't wait for the next true installment in that franchise's legacy. Suffice it to say, we're aware of it, and talk to me in a year and let's look back and see what's happened.
>talk to me in a year and let's look back and see what's happened.

It's pretty likely 4 was Sakurai's last Smash. Without Iwata to coax him into doing it again I doubt he'll slave away for another 3 years, plus it's probably time to give someone else a turn with the reigns. It's very clear people want less RNG and better online options which are things Sakurai insists on due to his borderline hatred of the FGC.

That being said, Smash takes time. Nintendo doesn't internally develop it and they are probably going to ask Namco to make it again. It's just a matter of finding the right director.

Unless Retro has been working on Metroid, I don't see them coming out with anything anytime soon. Federation Force bombed hard last year because it was a game that satisfied no audience. Other M sold well initially but has become one of the only Nintendo games to drastically go down in price due to fans hating it and trying to get rid of it.

And so many staff members of the original Prime trilogy left Retro, that I don't think another game would be great for them...

Not him EPD7 makes mainline Metroid games (the 2D ones) I can see Metroid happening.

When was the last good Metroid from them? I mean fuck there hasn't been a Metroid internally developed for well-over a decade at this point.

I'm pretty sure Nintendo knows damn well by now that people want a Metroid and definitely not a Federation Force.

I feel like Nintendo is finally starting to pander its own audience rather than trying to cater as much newfags as possible with gimmicky shit. I mean, I bet they won't stop putting out shovelware every now and then but we're on the verge of seeing some real quality in the few upcomming years.

In only a year Nintendo made what used to be shitty impossible Facebook requests a reality:
>console hybrid
>Skyrim but with Zelda
>open world Mario
>Pokémon on console
(Few people know about this but they bragged on the Switch press kit that you could "play Skyrim on the go and play Pokémon on your TV").

Man, if what I say about a really polished Pikmin and/or Animal Crossing, then bet your ass we're getting a Metroid Prime, maybe even throw in a Smash Bros. that actually caters to its fanbase's autistic needs.

2004 - Metroid Zero Mission when they were known as R&D1 and later became SPD1.

Interesting choice of words from Reggie there. I think we can definitely expect at least one dormant Nintendo franchise to have a major release/reboot on the Switch. I know Federation Force came out last year, but I don't really consider it a true Metroid release.

If they aren't already working on Animal Crossing they're maximum gay kunts.

The AC team is also the Splatoon team. They've been full-force on the sequel and are going to be supporting it similar to the original so don't expect an AC anytime soon. Also don't expect AC before the mobile app comes out.

Wargroove is basically an advanced wars clone.

I know the original creators were a group of AC devs but I'm pretty sure Splatoon has its own team.


even if its just a port of zero.

jkid icarus

The two directors of New Leaf do not work on Splatoon. Splatoon is technically made by the same studio as Animal Crossing, but so is Mario Odyssey and Zelda BotW. It's a massive studio.

It's hard to tell after the EPD merger. Games aren't credited to their own teams anymore, it's just a generic "EPD" credit on everything.

you may joke but after Zero SF is a dead series. It will be at-least 10 years before they try it again.

Nah, Miyamoto won't let that happen. It'll definitely be a few years but we'll 100% be seeing one on the Switch. And if not that should show the direction the company is taking.

I agree. That game was sweet.

starfox is dead

Good taste here

I think Miyamoto's on his way out. Not literally of course, but he didn't have a major part on BotW and the last two games with his major involvement have been considered terrible by fans.

The only thing he's had going for him in the last 10 years is pikmin and nintendogs and honestly I say just let him have Pikmin because that's all he's good at these days.

Star Fox needs a new team to kick its ass back in-gear. Fast-paced fun rail levels with multiple paths and fun dialogue and a new story.

>Star Fox needs a new team to kick its ass back in-gear
So either Retro Studios or Sora LTD

>a sakurai star fox

Hmmmmm....I like the Kid Icarus on-rails sections but wonder if Sakurai could deliver on the multiple paths.

>retro studios
could work. They did amazing work on Donkey Kong and Metroid.

I know this series is more or less niche and dormant, but I feel it would benefit from getting a Switch sequel, considering how Co-op was allowed in the 5th game in the series with another player. You can play as the star siblings if you wanted to, without the whole download play configuration and such.

Do you think they'll hold a live presentation at E3? Or will they go back to their Digital Event + Treehouse stream?
I think the Treehouse stream is here to stay, but they'll do something like the Jan 12 event, live presentation and Treehouse stream after it.
I believe in Kimishima.